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He Passed Pre-school...


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Well i can't believe it, after my post the other day of being at breaking point with my mal, Tuk, he has been pretty bloody good after taking some tips from the site. :thumbsup: He still likes to dig but instead of 10 holes he only dug one yesterday, and i got some more tips to try and stop it all together so fingers crossed.

Not only that the little (ok not so little) bugger completed puppy pre-school and was better than the other dogs there with him. He was the only one to sit and lay down when told too. :thumbsup:

Just out of interest preferably to any other mal owners reading this, Tuk's just gones 3 months old and we walk every day but not very far, maybe 1km if that as i am unsue how far is safe to go with him due to his growth plates etc. Any ideas? or if other big dog owners have any suggestions?

Thanks to all for your help its been excellent so far, :thumbsup:

Edited by Blue_Ice
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Congratulations :thumbsup:

BI, I'd strongly recommend you join a dog club and/or continue his obedience training for the longer term. His most challenging period (adolesence) is still to come so the more you reinforce your leadership through training, the better.

My personal rule is no onlead exercise walking until pups are 6 months old. Free play is just as physically challenging but less hard on growing bones.

Edited by poodlefan
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That's one scary thread heading Blue Ice!!!

You might want to change the heading so it doesn't sound like your puppy has passed away!! :thumbsup:

Congratulations and good work. Sounds like he is a real star in the makings, even if he is a bit of a bugger!!! :thumbsup:

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That's one scary thread heading Blue Ice!!!

You might want to change the heading so it doesn't sound like your puppy has passed away!! :thumbsup:

Congratulations and good work. Sounds like he is a real star in the makings, even if he is a bit of a bugger!!! :thumbsup:

Yes I came in thinking 'oh my what has happened'?!! So glad it is good news! :thumbsup:

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hmm yes that does read bad eh haha. how do i change it tho? I've not really used forums b4 until the other day so its all learning for me.

And yes i will be taking him to dog school as i'd really like him to get in to sled dog racing and utility work but apparently he has to have more lessons which is fine by me :thumbsup:

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The joys of puppy pre-school ...

When I attending puppy pre-school with our latest little brat I was hoping for a certificate or something like the other puppy owners ... but unfortunately my little brat didn't pass :rofl::eek:

Apparently barking at strangers in the carpark next door (and his owner praising him) didn't get him a pass ... or maybe it was barking at the instructor when she came too close behind him when he wasn't looking (he was focused on the treat I had in my hand) ... or it could be because he found it difficult to sit still for an hour and just wanted to keep moving and doing something.

We didn't mind that he "didn't pass" but it would have been nice to have at least a certificate to say we had attended :laugh:

But at least (hopefully) he will pass his security dog training and be really good at it ... he is loving the training so far :D

Edited by Tilly
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Congratulations, that's great news - mally's are very intelligent (sometimes too intelligent :eek: ) If you want some great information on the breed, check out the Alaskan Malamute Club of Victoria website - they have great information on weight pull, sledding & hiking. Tuk will have to be at least 18 months old before he can do weight pull and I'm not sure about the age for sled racing. Weight pull and racing are only done during winter here in SA - we have a heat policy which restricts racing to days under 15 degrees (I think, don't quote me on that).

Have you contacted Southern Districts Obedience Club yet? Keep us informed on how Tuk goes.

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All our pups are walk onleash at the same age.offleash is great BUT not every dog can or is able to have this option.

Also for some people there yards are fairly small so getting out is a must.It is also excellent socializing to the outside world.

One km isnt far providing you arent over doing it & he is walking on soft surface aswell.If at any point he looks tired then dont keep going.remember metal games & teching tricks(shake hands etc etc) are also great concentration games & fun between both parties

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