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South African Boerboel


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Wow, Marty's a lovely boy!

Good lord, I've never seen tan and white! Although I've never seen a brindle Boerboel I asked my dad and he says he's seen one or two a long time ago on the mines where he grew up (he's nearly 80 now so it WAS a long time ago!)

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I was only speaking to a South African man (with his Ridgeback) at the dog park the other day about these dogs. He was asked by a friend what they are like as they were thinking of getting one - he said absolutely No! From his growing up in Sth Africa he saw many times the damage these dogs have done - they are bred to guard and maybe ok with a family who is responsible etc, but unfortunately they will fall into the wrong hands and you can see where this is going. They are known for their aggression. This man went on to say that he remembers seeing in the papers numerous times where these dogs turned on their own family members.

However, he also went on to say that with the situation in Sth Africa with black Africans taking over white South African farms/properties, that he would want no other dog around him to protect him and his family than a boerboel.

Again this is a breed that will need a strong leader and very responsible owner committed to socialising and training.

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I had a Boaerboel in classes last year. Big boy, entire and aged about 12 months when he started.

Lovely young dog with a very sweet nature. We were fairly careful about socialising him as he is entire and sooo big. We took time and he proved himself to be a good social dog who enjoyed playing with others. Fairly slow moving dog and did everything at one pace - slow - including the way he worked in class.

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