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Obedience Clubs Brisbane


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ETA: I am sure Daisy and I will provide plenty of laughs for everyone, she's not called the evil beagle for nothing :eek:

May I just say I am so excited to meet this epitome-of-evil that is your Daisy. From the way you talk im expecting her to be in a Darth Vader mask - lol.

She's nothing exciting!

This weekend alone she stole an entire packet of tortillas and ate them all in about ten seconds :laugh: and then on Sunday, got into a box of home made coffee and white chocolate biscuits and ate the last six that were in there - and this is supposed to be my obedience dog :cry:

Hehe - at least that's food. Don't make me repeat the saga of Sophie vs the $120 silk skirt. I'm still seething about it. Couldn't even look at the brat this morning - made hubby go pay her attention so i could wait till i'm "calm and assertive" to walk her tonight, lol. Although by Walk i mean "Hobble" due to twisting ankle chasing her when she took off and ran away down the beach on saturday, and then an hour later tangled me in her lead and tripped me A over T. Grr.

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Can't wait to see you all at metro the first monday of Feb if you want to find me just look for the sable border collie pup and i shall be around her somewhere although you may not be able to see her as there will be lots of people around her as she is pretty popular down there due to her colour :rofl: or you can just look for the staffy's tied out and that is where i will be.

Don't worry about your GSD Nic i am sure you will be fine :rofl: the last GSD that i was holding for someone down at the club took me for a wonderful slide down the hill at metro it was quite funny had alot of people laughing at me.

I did go to Metro on their fun and games night to have a look - i'm freinds with one of the instructors - Sam? And her darling Swaz! Sophie was ok for about 40mins but after a kelpie dressed as a fairy had a go at her she started freaking out anytime another dog came near her *sigh* she'll be the death of me. And I think I remember someone pointed out "the cutest puppy ever" called Myf! Her fame proceeds her!

Sam and I are good mates i doubt that Swaz will be down as she is about to have puppies in fact she may have already had them but i am sure that Sam might be down at metro.

Yes well "the cutest puppy ever" is my girl and everyone who meets her wants to take her home she may look cute but in reality she is satin :) i am always trying to sell her off to people at the club :rofl: i do love my girls even thou at times they are a pain in the butt.

Huski i am sure that i have seen Daisy at training i just didn't realise that it was you we will all have to come up and introduce each other on the first night of training.

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Sam and I are good mates i doubt that Swaz will be down as she is about to have puppies in fact she may have already had them but i am sure that Sam might be down at metro.

As far as i've heard she's still got her legs crossed - my theory is she's figured out how they come out and decided she's not going to let it happen :hug:

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Sam and I are good mates i doubt that Swaz will be down as she is about to have puppies in fact she may have already had them but i am sure that Sam might be down at metro.

As far as i've heard she's still got her legs crossed - my theory is she's figured out how they come out and decided she's not going to let it happen :)

HAHA that sounds like our Swaz she better have them soon otherwise they are going to be over cooked.

Huski i will keep an eye out for the woo woo wooing beagle at training i do think that Myf is part beagle as she does the woo woo wooing as well :hug:

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we are looking to join metro this year too, sent off an email enquiry but don't seem to have gotten a reply yet :laugh:

Anyone happen to know if I can sign up with a foster dog and have the membership transfered to the next foster when this one goes? She's going to be a longterm-er but I'd like to bring future fosters along and they are usually short term - so could be too expensive if I had to pay a new fee for each foster.

Can't wait to see how we go, Boo is pretty good apart from walking on lead :laugh: We should be able to provide some amusement :thumbsup:

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we are looking to join metro this year too, sent off an email enquiry but don't seem to have gotten a reply yet :thumbsup:

Anyone happen to know if I can sign up with a foster dog and have the membership transfered to the next foster when this one goes? She's going to be a longterm-er but I'd like to bring future fosters along and they are usually short term - so could be too expensive if I had to pay a new fee for each foster.

I don't think it really matters what dog you take with you. I used to alternate between taking Micha and Daisy all the time. As long as you pay your $5 I don't think which dog you have with you really matters.

I would rock up on the 1st of Feb without a dog and just pay the membership and do the intro night then.

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we are looking to join metro this year too, sent off an email enquiry but don't seem to have gotten a reply yet :thumbsup:

Yeah I emailed off 2wks ago and haven't had a reply either - we'll definately be there though. Although i'm becoming more and more nervous about my brat of a GSD creating a scene - lol.

It'd be great to get together with all the other Metro dogs and their people before we all start, that way we'd know some familiar faces and let our woofers mingle and make freinds before they're expected to behave - anyone interested? I was thinking saturday afternoon at Kroll Gardens?

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we are looking to join metro this year too, sent off an email enquiry but don't seem to have gotten a reply yet :thumbsup:

Yeah I emailed off 2wks ago and haven't had a reply either - we'll definately be there though. Although i'm becoming more and more nervous about my brat of a GSD creating a scene - lol.

It'd be great to get together with all the other Metro dogs and their people before we all start, that way we'd know some familiar faces and let our woofers mingle and make freinds before they're expected to behave - anyone interested? I was thinking saturday afternoon at Kroll Gardens?

I am sure someone from the club will be contacting everyone who has sent off emails and have called soon about training.

Nic don't worry about your GSD all the dogs will be crazy the first night just remember if you are coming down the first night as a new member don't bring your dogs as the first night is an intro night where we take you through the club rules, give you a tour around the grounds and let you watch each class and if you have your dog with you it is hard to listen to what we are saying when your dog is going crazy. I would recommend going onto the metro website and printing off an application form and filling it in so you can just come up to the clubhouse on the first night and hand in and pay your joining fee etc as the monday is going to be quite busy for us and it makes our job go faster at the desk if everything is ready to go.

I would love to get together with all the new people that are thinking about joining so we at least know who each other are. I can't do this Saturday arvo for a get together as i am out at an agility trial with my older girl.

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I would love to get together with all the new people that are thinking about joining so we at least know who each other are. I can't do this Saturday arvo for a get together as i am out at an agility trial with my older girl.

It'd be fun hey - Sat mornings i'm a volunteer hydrobathing dogs at Peninsula Animal Aid 8-12 - everyone come along, pay $5 for a great bath for your dog with all proceeds going to the shelter, and say hi! I'm normally on dog drying duty! Sunday's i'm free in the afternoons, and weeknights i'm wide open. Except this Thursday. Lol.

Someone else make a suggestion :thumbsup: I suggested Kroll Gardens because everyone knows where it is, and there's plenty of space for exuberant nut-job out of control dogs (like mine) to not crowd the normal ones! But i'm easy - have dog - will travel.

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Hi Everyone...

I'm keen for a Sat arvo meeting at Kroll Gardens!! I was there just yesterday, but Lottie wasn't really enjoying the other dogs company, so we jsut went for a nice stroll around the park...

Oh some bragging...... So...... Lottie drops from a distance!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm soooooo proud of my smart little girl!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And her stays are going really well as well.... I CAN'T WAIT TO START OBEDIENCE!!! It's such a shame I'm moving to Gatton this year for uni (the whole vet school is moving out there), but I still plan on making the trip back in every Monday - Lucky my sister lives in Bracken Ridge!!! I was down at Sandgate this afternoon and met some ladies who also take their dogs to Metro, so I may know a familiar face....

I would love to meet up NicGSDlover.... before we start so that we do know a familiar face :eek:

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Sounds good! Well lets meet at Kroll at 2.30pm at the bus-shelter style bench at the agility equipment - hehe - it sound's like a date "I'll meet you on a breezy afternoon infront of the A-Frame" lol. I may or may not bring hubby with me.

Drop from a distance! That's so good! Sophie is a bit behind your Lottie but had a private session with Sam from Metro last night and she learnt so much in an hour - so worth it.

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Sounds good! Well lets meet at Kroll at 2.30pm at the bus-shelter style bench at the agility equipment - hehe - it sound's like a date "I'll meet you on a breezy afternoon infront of the A-Frame" lol. I may or may not bring hubby with me.

Drop from a distance! That's so good! Sophie is a bit behind your Lottie but had a private session with Sam from Metro last night and she learnt so much in an hour - so worth it.

yay sounds good!! Will be nice to know a face when we start up obedience :love::) cya at 2.30 on sat!!!

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Ahh bummer can't make the meet to Kroll Gardens as i'll be on my way to an agility trial at Oxley :(

Well done on the Drop from a distance Beth that is awsome i have been real slack with training over the christmas break so it will be good to get back to it next month.

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