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Desexing Info


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Sorry, but I find that wrong. Wuggles was already under GA so they should have just gone ahead and found them. It's possible they may never drop, so when you go back he may have to have the same op done anyway. Doesn't make sense to me, particularly if the vet himself said he's seen Pugs at 12months who's testes haven't dropped?!

If I were you, when you do go back to have it done, I would expect to have the amount you paid for this time around, deducted off the final price of the second op.

They should have called you when they had him knocked out on the table to ask what you preferred to do, rather than just call you in the afternoon telling you what they decided.

Agree totally. I have heard that if they're not dropped they go look for them. I would be furious as I'm sure you are. I'd be insisting on the above suggestion re cost.

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I think I would be asking for the second operation free. You weren't consulted about the decision and they have made, and your dog has to suffer through 2 operations when one would have done the job with most vets. I would be complaining long and hard to whichever vet owns the practice over this.

Then again maybe I would cut my losses and find a better vet.

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Pugga it sounds like the vet was either lazy or had too many ops booked for the one day. As I said pei often correct with their pallette (sp) but like the others I am bemused as to why they didn't ring when wuggles was on the table to see if you wanted inguinal surgery done there and then for the desexing. I can understand why they may not have wished to to do the pallet at the same time as it would mean a longer time under anaesthetic which can lead to complications esp for brachy breeds. As others have suggested, go back and insist on talking to your vet (not the one they gave you for the surgery) and discuss your concerns with him. I'd be surprised if they didn't deduct the price of this surgery for you. And if they don't you need another vet.

I do love the superglued incisions. They heal so much faster, leave minimal scar and the dogs don't seem to be bothered by them at all.

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I am quite confused and angry too.He never actually explained to us why he did not want to open the abdominal cavity and get the testies out.Could he maybe too young,he is 7 months old?

Its just so frustrating,my poor little fella.

i will definately be asking for MY Vet to do the operation next time,especially with the Elongated Pallet surgery(if it is advised by MY Vet to be done).

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I am quite confused and angry too.He never actually explained to us why he did not want to open the abdominal cavity and get the testies out.Could he maybe too young,he is 7 months old?

Its just so frustrating,my poor little fella.

i will definately be asking for MY Vet to do the operation next time,especially with the Elongated Pallet surgery(if it is advised by MY Vet to be done).

7 months is definitely not too young. The chances of the testicles dropping after this would probably be almost negligable. I only know 2 dogs in 25 years that have had testicles drop after 6 months.

IMO incompetant, lazy vet that just couldn't be bothered doing a more complex operation.

I trust my vets to do a good job but never leave a dog for surgery. I book a time and wait while they are done so I am there if anything is not as expected. A couple of the vets even let me stay while they operate, but one recently wanted me to wait in the waiting room. Either way I was there and knew what was going on. Waited for the dog to come out of the anaesthetic and took her home.

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