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Elbie, Hoover, Dodge & Friends!


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What's wrong with being in the beginner's class... by the way????? What's even worse is that we can't do basic obedience til NEXT year - Feb. Max will be 10 months old by then! Don't even get me started....

There's absolutely nothing wrong with being in Beginners if you actually are in Beginners :( It's when your dog is about to do a higher level assessment and you have spent hours and hours getting them to that point that it's embarrassing :confused:

10 months old is a great age :laugh:

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I agree with Wuffles... 10 months old is a great age to start beginners - just ask Kuma!

KTB - don't worry about BDOC Santa... I think he is in a permanent state of bewilderment that there are dogs out there that aren't poodles or labs. I was so surprised when we passed beginners! I felt certain that we'd be held back.

...dirt aggression... :eek:

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Don't get me wrong. Its what we're going to do between now and then that's the problem.

I'm already 'ahead' and 'in trouble' for doing sit and drop with hand signals rather than still luring and teaching him how to do it with treats. And I'm also 'in trouble' for teaching heel and rollover, which they don't do until the basic classes. If I keep going, inspired by all you guys of course (wink wink), and start trying to teach him to go to his mat or stay then it'll be the same for the basic class!!!!

Which leaves me trowling the internet looking for really obscure things to teach! Or worse - getting really lazy with it all!

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Don't get me wrong. Its what we're going to do between now and then that's the problem.

I'm already 'ahead' and 'in trouble' for doing sit and drop with hand signals rather than still luring and teaching him how to do it with treats. And I'm also 'in trouble' for teaching heel and rollover, which they don't do until the basic classes. If I keep going, inspired by all you guys of course (wink wink), and start trying to teach him to go to his mat or stay then it'll be the same for the basic class!!!!

Which leaves me trowling the internet looking for really obscure things to teach! Or worse - getting really lazy with it all!

:mad Yes, we were a bit snobby during puppy class when they were 'teaching' us how to get our dogs to sit and drop. Elbie already knew those by puppy class - although he was SHOCKING at being quiet and calm in class. :o

In beginners and bronze obedience, the instructors were telling people to slowly stop luring - we had stopped luring with Elbie ages and ages ago. We still use treats to motivate him but the luring was gone a long while back. You'll find different strengths and weaknesses arising in the class to make the exercises still interesting and there is always the element of distraction. For instance, we had an interesting layer of difficulty in our class because one of the handlers brought her little daughter (whom we dubbed the Pink Ninja) and her favourite thing was pouncing out of nowhere and being distracting which was fabulous for getting Elbie to work around distractions.

I'm trying to teach Elbie to spin and roll in both directions - he just does the one way right now. We won't be able to put his name down for agility until he's at least 12 months old so we'll also have a period of inbetween-ness.

There will be lots of things you can teach Max in the meanwhile -

  • 'touch'
  • left and right
  • 'in the box'
  • walking backwards ...
  • speak

'Go to your mat' can actually be quite tricky. Elbie has 'go to your mat' and 'go to your crate' and sometimes he has a tendency of going towards whichever one is closer. :eek: He is now good at out of sight stays where we make him stay while we vanish into a different room. The other thing is that when you call him, he should come and sit neatly in front of you.

We have been trying to proof his stays - tugging on his leash, throwing things around him, dangling his tug toy in front of his nose. The thing that he found hard to resist was when we threw a ball past him ... he finds it hard to maintain the stay but he's getting pretty good.

Edited by koalathebear
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OH decided on the weekend that he wants to breed Great Doodles. :)

;) That is the best designer dog name I've heard yet! I would get one just to proudly introduce my Great Doodle to everyone at the park :rofl:

LS, I had it in my head for some reason, that Ruby was a yellow lab! Silly me. She is gorgeous :love:

Good luck with the "shy" trick, Max! I gave up on that one. He only noticed the tape if it was on a very particular part of his nose. Not to mention it kept falling off so the poor boy ended up with sticky tape stuck all over him from rolling on the ground. Too much hassle for me :(

The amount of contradicting dog advice out there is disturbing. I gave up listening to most of it a couple of months ago. I think James must suffer from SRDA (Suppressed Repressed Dirt Aggression) - perfectly explains why he spends so much time trying to actively bite the ground :D

Elbie already knew those by puppy class - although he was SHOCKING at being quiet and calm in class.

I'm quite sure James and Elbie must have been separated at birth. I was ridiculously smug in puppy school - he was the only dog there who already knew how to sit (among other things)! So of course he just had to be the only puppy who couldn't sit still and was throwing himself at everything that moved. We started obedience and I was the only one who put their hand up in the first lesson when asked if our dogs knew any tricks. Confidently started rattling off everything he knew. My brilliant, ahead of everyone else, nutcase dog is still the only one whose "heel" (and I use that term loosely) is just plain embarrassing :rofl:

So I had Sunrise on in the background this morning with James in the room and they had some sort of sheep race thing going on - I turned at one point to see James with his nose pressed against the television ;) Normally he only watches when there are dogs or barking. He's particularly fond of the little lab puppy in the maze on the Pedigree ad.

I also seem to have lost the ability to hold onto a leash. James got away from me twice at the park today. It was empty so I let him have his fun for a bit and when he came close to me each time I asked him to come - he did! :D I'm sure if I hadn't grabbed his leash again each time he would've been back on his feet in two seconds, but I'll tentatively take it as a good sign.

Booked him in for a kennel stay in January today. My brother's wedding is in NSW and I'm not at all thrilled to be leaving J. :) I'm sure he'll have an absolute ball though.

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LS, I had it in my head for some reason, that Ruby was a yellow lab! Silly me. She is gorgeous :love:

There's a "grown up" Ruby who is yellow whose owner is often in the Lab thread- maybe that's who you were thinking of. Her username is Ruby Star, so easy to mix us up :rofl: She's in Perth though.

I admit to being a bit smug too when at puppy school and even at kindy on Tuesday night. Boy, I was soon made to choke on my smugness though... :D

"Yes, Ruby can sit...."

*Ruby pulls away and snuffles on floor*

"No, really..."

Then I get in trouble for pulling on the lead and saying her name too much. :D Argh.

Edited by lilli_star
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We were the same... thinking we should ace this class because Kuma's done it all before! shyeah right and monkeys might fly outta my butt. (in homage to Wayne's World) He was mischievous which was then labelled as aggression and turned into the OH not returning to training. YAY!

I took some piccies on the weekend with my new camera... I stuck a few on a new thread, but had to share this one here:

upside down super flying dog...


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Good luck with the "shy" trick, Max! I gave up on that one. He only noticed the tape if it was on a very particular part of his nose. Not to mention it kept falling off so the poor boy ended up with sticky tape stuck all over him from rolling on the ground. Too much hassle for me :D

:love: We had the same problem, Mars didn't care that there was sticky tape on his muzzle. Could try using a peg, but I can't seem to find any.. and where to put the peg as not to hurt the poor boy...

I took some piccies on the weekend with my new camera... I stuck a few on a new thread, but had to share this one here:

upside down super flying dog...

hehehe, gorgeous Kuma. Love this pic :D

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Oh no! Please don't think I'm smug! I know we're a work in progress.... just that we've progressed beyond luring and treating to get the dog into position in the first place! At class he's pretty good with the distractions (he only has eyes for me when I'm doing my mickey mouse on helium voice!) - and I was only just starting to fade out treating for every command. But we've got a long way to go, and I think the problem is I'm busting to get to the next challenge!

And trust me.... someone's just ripped a whole in our couch while I'm sitting here typing this... :D

But photos...

Here's he is with his 'I want to be just like Elbie when I grow up' face....


And here he is showing he can 'heel' just like Elbie too:

(Ignore my treating, its all over the shop! And all my videos are in the kitchen I know, but there's a handy drawer to rest the camera on!).

KTB: thanks for the suggestions! Keep them coming! We can do 'speak' and 'touch' and 'eat the books in the bookshelf' :love: (what he's trying to do right now. If you even notice I"m logged on here for ten hours straight, its because I've gotten a wee bit distracted).

Clastic: a peg for the shy dog trick??? Eeeks! Poor puppy! Hmmmmm.... (looks from clothes line to naughty puppy)

Nicques: I also have an avid TV watcher! Its hilarious! I really wonder what they can see when they're looking...

That scratch on his nose is from aforementioned dog park..... And sorry for the distracted half sentences post. Someone's eating an immunology textbook.... and a long foresaken thesis (I should let him have it, shouldn't I?! Ha!)

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Yeah okay, stick to the wall, could be a good challenge to try.....

Here's one at the aforementionedtwice dog park. post-35830-1285842034_thumb.jpg

Not so much like Elbie in this one. He's getting quite a 'collar' of fur around his neck. Makes him look very distinguished. Still, not as distinguished as a dog on a wall!

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upside down super flying dog...


OH: "How does she get Kuma to stick to the wall?"

Poor Elbie, inspired by your photograph, we shall try to stick him to the wall as his latest trick.

Hmmm. Super glue... Not good for the fur, but great for sticking dogs to walls :laugh:

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Unfortunately only "Mr Squeak" would cooperate.... post-35830-1285843603_thumb.jpg

:laugh::thumbsup: I don't know why but I just couldn't stop laughing at this photo..

Oh oh, yeh.. the peg.. I saw it on this! http://www.youtube.com/user/TerraNik?featu...100/1XdnZl54Qt4

KTB - I saw your pic and was like.. "its the wall, wait.. no way, its the floor, its the wall, its the floor. That darn clock like thing!!

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Do you know what the treatment is for BA (book aggression - the tendency to take advantage of unsupervised moments to pull books out of the bookshelf and rip up the pages)???? Unlike DA, somehow I don't think the solution will be to fill the hole with poo!

Alas no - I am not quite sure what I'd do if Elbie manifested signs of Book Aggression. We were given one of those clamshell thingies - 2 shells joined by a rope? Elbie proceeded to gnaw his way through the rope and is now gnawing on the clam shells themselves. :laugh: Clearly this demonstrates a Deep-seated Pathological Loathing of Molluscs which means he should never be permitted in public, or at least where there is marine life.

Here's he is with his 'I want to be just like Elbie when I grow up' face....

Oh wow - he does look like Elbie's starry-eyed brother there!! My OH looked up at the screen and said: "That looks like Elbie!" He also laughed at Max's adorkable heeling - just like Elbie's wild leaps. :D I love how he's still back-chatting you - he seems so supple and springy.

I howled with laughter at the photo of Mr Squeak ... his face ... so lonely ... did Max run away and refuse to cooperate or had he already flown away???


I was ridiculously smug in puppy school - he was the only dog there who already knew how to sit (among other things)! So of course he just had to be the only puppy who couldn't sit still and was throwing himself at everything that moved.

Yes... we had That Dog. The wriggler who couldn't keep still :D At least we didn't have Lloyd the Boxer who boxed everyone, wee'd on everything and always did giant smelly poos in the middle of playtime ...

Booked him in for a kennel stay in January today. My brother's wedding is in NSW and I'm not at all thrilled to be leaving J. I'm sure he'll have an absolute ball though.

Urgh ... I share your anxiety. OH and I keep fretting about what we are going to do if we have to go on holiday. I don't think Elbie will like a kennel but he isn't used to sleeping outside and he can't stay with any friends and family. OH says we can't go on any holidays until the dog dies. :D I'm thinking we might be able to do the Great Ocean Road with dog ...


I admit to being a bit smug too when at puppy school and even at kindy on Tuesday night. Boy, I was soon made to choke on my smugness though...

"Yes, Ruby can sit...."

*Ruby pulls away and snuffles on floor*

Exactly what happened to us at our puppy class. Elbie had all these tricks up his sleeves but on the night when I was trying to demonstrate them to the class, he just wanted to sniff the floor where Lloyd the boxer had just wee'd :D I was mortified.


We were the same... thinking we should ace this class because Kuma's done it all before! shyeah right and monkeys might fly outta my butt. (in homage to Wayne's World) He was mischievous which was then labelled as aggression and turned into the OH not returning to training. YAY!

I really hope that Mr Kuma comes back to class at some point ... it's actually quite tough doing it on your own - lugging dog, mat, treats and bloody food dish. My first week without OH, Elbie was a wild thing and I had to ask one of the women in my class to get Elbie's card for me because I couldn't even get close to the card rack :)

I love the photos you've taken with your new camera and of course Kuma is absolutely adorable and adorkable in that pose.

Clastic: Same thing happened with us with the tape so we made sticky tape loops which were more distracting for Elbie. I also watched that video but alas there was no way we could peg anything to Elbie the short-haired mutt. :thumbsup:

Max#1 & Clastic: Re the clock on the 'wall' ... Are you accusing me of faking the shot?? :eat:

It was OH's idea - he said: "Put the clock on the ground!" :laugh:

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Clastic: Same thing happened with us with the tape so we made sticky tape loops which were more distracting for Elbie. I also watched that video but alas there was no way we could peg anything to Elbie the short-haired mutt. :thumbsup:

Max#1 & Clastic: Re the clock on the 'wall' ... Are you accusing me of faking the shot?? :D

It was OH's idea - he said: "Put the clock on the ground!" :laugh:

Sticky tape loops, hrm.. I shall have to give this a try!

Fake shot? Who said that!? *cough cough* :laugh:

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