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Elbie, Hoover, Dodge & Friends!


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KTB: I would say its a good mention from the instructor because it is in most cases the unfortunate truth. Great photos, cute as always, hoover is really turning out to be quite stunning.

clastic: great photos as always, LLW is a challenge Echo still hasnt mastered it lol! But alot of way to go.

Echo is now 16 weeks, Puppy school on Sat went better than ever, the difference was I didnt allow him to play with the other puppies and did not let him go offlead to play during puppy play, the result was a puppy with good attention and he did well on the focus, sit drop and come. The new lesson was stand, which is a progress for me and Echo anyway so it wasn't any different from what we were already doing at home. I wont be taking to Echo next week though, I do not agree with allowing other people to handle and train my dog when I myself still do not have full control on him, there is also a few things I disagree with on the methods of training due to personal opinion. I was thinking of changing schools to the Obedience school in oxley, anyone know if its any good?

here is some pictures of Echo at 16 weeks.





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kyliegirl: Echo is looking so handsome! :rofl: I am helping teach a beginner's obedience class at our club, 6-9 month old puppies, and we have two dobes! One is a BIG strong boy and one is a cute little girl :heart:

koalathebear and Clastic: Thanks for the off lead play this morning, both Ava and I had lots of fun! Ava snoozed when we got home but played with her toy a bit this afternoon. She's had her dinner and has now taken herself off to bed (under our bed) ;)

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kyliegirl: what beautiful photos of Echo - he is gorgeous. As wuffles mentioned, we have two dobes at the Dog School and I saw one of them walking across the field looking very majestic. Dobes have a lot of dignity ... unlike my two doggies who seem to be goofy dorks with no dignity :rofl:

Sorry you aren't happy with the training methods - it can be a very frustrating search ... I really hope you find a suitable one.

To be perfectly, perfectly honest - I doubt that you're going to find a school with which you are entirely happy. Sentiments can vary from week to week depending on a bunch of different factors :laugh:

For us, even when you find a teacher you really like - if the teacher is sick one day, you end up being taught for a week or two by a 'relief teacher' who you might not like so much. We were lucky in bronze that the other bronze teacher was someone we also liked so we didn't have any bad teaching experiences, but it's pretty easy to imagine how you could end up with a different teacher and in an overcrowded class some weeks. Alternatively, you could really like the main teacher but you're not so crazy about the assistant teacher - that happened with OH last week. He really likes OH's silver teacher and has a lot of respect for her but is underwhelmed by the assistant. During Elbie's beginners, we really liked our teacher but she was married to another teacher who before and after class was always giving us helpful tips on Elbie, some of which were well-received, some of which were a lot more physical than we cared for. The tips were well-meaning but and very kind - but weren't quite what we were after.

Because of the above, I figure that all you can do is try to find the best teacher for you and find the way that works for you during class. You don't have to follow things slavishly. For instance, our club is very pro-clicker right now, I don't mind using a clicker and will use one when I can, OH does not like them so does not use them during class although both of us will use clickers at home to encourage fledgling behaviours. That's totally fine. People at our club use a variety of different marker words and release words. Some people will stand in the semi-circle for training, some stand a little outside it and walk away with their dog when they need to do so.

OH was remarking to me today that dog school is a lot more enjoyable when your dog behaves and does everything it's supposed to :heart: That's so true because I think as conscientious dog owners we put a lot of pressure on ourselves and worry a lot when things don't turn out the way we hope. Those weeks when things aren't going along so smoothly are very frustrating.

At the end of the day, I've decided that I like going to dog school because: (1) our doggies love doing; and (2) I find that I actually rather like hanging out with other people who love their dogs - i.e. love them enough to spend time trying to socialise and train them and do the right thing by them.

Good luck in finding a 'mostly suitable' school ;)

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Of course KTB I agree, I initially chose the school because they are pro clicker training, I will not say they are doing the wrongs things, just that I find that everything they want to do is not what I want Echo to do, for example the free for all puppy play is not something I want to do, I especially will not be allowing him to go to play with unknown dogs or go to dog parks in the future and I feel that because of this allowing him to play with them now will only make things harder in the long run.

Another is the click to "keep going" in all the books I have read they specifically say "do not click to keep going" the click means reward, nothing more nothing less. So to continuously click to mean "keep going" eventually removes the value of the clicker as a marker. I do it as I click, he gets a reward, be it food, treats, pats, voice - If I want him to keep going I will gradually extend the time of the click or I continue to click/reward him for continuing and only when i release him when I think he is at the limit, he will now sit/stay and drop/stay in the house and yard even if I jump around or walk away or throw his toys and even if the cats come up.

I do feel we need alot more, and I think this class is not enough and focuses too much on talk/puppy play than training and guidance. This said it IS puppy school, so it would be more educational to the others than myself as I already know exactly what I want with my puppy and I already know what to feed, how to entertain him etc. I want to go to learn obedience and guide us in the right direction of achieving reliable recalls and command response along with the opportunity to learn more and extending to canine freestyle and agility. I am all for puppy play, but I would rather the play be with me than other puppies, its personal preference and opinion.

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kyliegirl, I think sometimes you just have to take the good bits out of puppy school/obedience school and do your best to ignore the others. I already knew how to train a dog when I got Ava, but I took her to puppy preschool for socialisation, learning how to focus around other dogs, meeting new people and learning that training is fun. They gave some advice that I thought was ridiculous (and even dangerous) and we could already do all the exercises so I didn't exactly learn much :heart: But I still looked forward to it every week as I love training and I love spending time with my dog :rofl:

Now that I'm in our obedience trialling class it's easier because we have a lot of freedom to work with the class, or away from the class, or make suggestions on exercises, etc. I often pull out of the heeling exercises after about 15 seconds because I am not into 'paddock bashing', and no-one minds. There are still things that really annoy me, and I do still get frustrated sometimes, so I understand where you're coming from :laugh:

I must say though the clicker thing would bug me and I would be speaking up about it, probably getting myself into trouble in the process ;)

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kyliegirl: I suspect that given that you already have a very clear idea of what you want and you've made so much progress already with the training - it will be mostly you that drives his progress and development and the school might end up being a source of socialisation and 'learning to work around distractions' rather than learning the skills.

One other thing - I know a few people who don't like obedience school at all and have opted for private classes with a trainer. That way the sessions are very focused to the dog in question and what the handler wants. We didn't go for a private trainer because our monsters need the socialisation but a lot of people seem to like private classes. If you find a good trainer with whom you click, it might be a good thing to pursue, even if it's just to 'supplement' what you learn at obedience classes.

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I do go for socialisation, which is very good for echo but I do need somewhere where we can achieve the amount of socialisation I wish to allow him :) I am in no way hating on the puppy school, just that I have realised their methods of socialisation is not what I want or perceive as beneficial to him. To me socialisation is everything, from smells, sight and sound.

I introduce him to many things, ladders, mowers, chairs, bubbles, the tv, music, unusual objects and much more, I think it can be risky to allow dogs to play especially off lead, a good example was in our session on Saturday, one puppy was being quite dominant and forcing other puppies to the ground by their throat and holding them there, in the second play session one puppy who was MUCH younger reacted to this and a fight broke out - I was very glad I kept Echo on lead when this happened because I am well aware of Echo's personality and I have no doubts he would have reacted the same way this 9 week puppy did to the 16 week. Echo has begun to show signs of fear and if I had let him play with the puppies that day it could have very well have ruined his view on other dogs, it is easier to let him sniff the other dog and leave on a good note where he sees the other dog as nothing too interesting but definitely nothing bad either.

This is just my personal view, I am not saying everyone should be like this, by all means if you love to let your dogs play with others go ahead :o I just do not feel like it would provide any benefit to either me or Echo with the lifestyle we live. This said I would love to take Echo for walks with other dogs where we just walk, that would provide an excellent chance for echo to learn to walk nicely on lead and ignore distractions and be calm when walking past or near other dogs.

I think I would enjoy obedience quite alot, but as you said KTB it sometimes takes a little shopping about for the right place and trainer ;)

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Hello everyone!

It's been a full on couple of days here and this is the first chance I've had to have a good sit down at the comp. I had an appointment with my Specialist on Thursday and got some not so great news and that night Astrid got really, really sick. The vet says a tummy bug, but I don't know, perhaps she was picking up on the stress in the house and it made her sick, poor little thing :( She's quite sensitive to our emotions. But, onward and upward!

She was feeling much better by last night, but going stir crazy, so after we got home from the lovely dinner out Mr Raven surprised me with, we took her for a walk. Well, being confined to the house for two days turned her into a manic whirlwhind :) She bounced like Tigger the whole walk :o she was like she had never even heard of LLW! So today, after having a lovely sleep in we took her to a dog beach 45 mins away and she had a great time! She loves the beach so much. She didn't really know what to think of the pelicans though. Then we had dinner on the foreshore overlooking the ocean, it was lovely :) I packed Astrid some food so she had dinner too!

Yesterday we finally got around to picking up a new outside bed for her, one of the hammock style ones on the frame. We got the biggest one they make and she LOVES it! :) We're going to get a smaller one for inside too.

Here she is on the new bed, with Little Frog (she likes to cuddle with him when she's sleepy) and some bits of box she destroyed.


And yes, we are in discussions regarding a second puppy ;) Though it will have to wait a little while now, but that gives me plenty of time to research and for us to decide. There are currently 3 breeds in discussion, one being a Dobe and the other two being completely different! I'm not sure you could get three breeds more different to each other ;)

foxyboi: Ike :rofl: he's so gorgeous! Shiba's are so distinctive looking, stunning! Not sure if I could handle one though :rofl:

Minxy: I bet Kyojin was glad to get those stitches out! Did he try to scratch much? I may have asked you before (and excuse me if I have ;) ) but where is his name from? It's very lovely :)

KumaAkita: So glad the instructor was better with Kuma this time! Must make it less stressful for you. And who could be scared of that cute face?!

KTB: Awww! Love those pics of Hoover, he really is very striking! Elbie looks nice and comfy :D

We are having some issues with recall too! Weirdly enough when we are out and about Astrid's recall is great! At the beach today she was chasing a seagull and I called her and she spun right around and ran back (I must mention that she was on a 15m lead but hadn't reached the end of it), but around the house, nada! I think while we are out we reward recalls a great deal, big rewards and lots of praise, but not so much at home. Must work on that!

Hoover's features kind of look, 'rounder' than the other kelpie there. Perhaps because he is young yet? I love the differences in the same breeds of dog! People presume that they look the same!

kyliegirl: Echo is so handsome! And as for the obedience/puppy classes, at the end of the day he is your dog, and the right way to train him is the way you want to :). In our puppy classes the puppies were really closely monitored, and if anyone was showing signs of dominance or fear or too rough play, or the dogs were getting too excited it was back on lead and calm down time. I don't think that fight you described should ever been allowed to take place :(

Clastic: Ah! Great, thanks for the info about the bows! Unfortunately Astrid 'drops' bottom first :rofl: I will have to work on that! I love the pic of pepper asleep, it looks like she's laughing!

wuffles: What day is your wedding? Are you crazily excited yet? :D

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We went to Woofstock yesterday. It was actually pretty disappointing. There were only about 10 stalls there, and a few of them weren't actually really selling anything. One stall was plaques and urns for preserving the memory of your lost pet, which was lovely, but I don't think I saw anyone visiting their stall as it really wasn't going to be a lot of interest to many people that were there. Oh and the heat! Talk about a scorcher yesterday. I was starting to get a bit hot and bothered, so was getting a bit sick of everyone going "Oh my gosh, what sort of dog is that? Is that a snow dog? Is that a St Bernard?" Yes, I really did get asked if Kyojin was a St Bernard :laugh: (That was from a child though, and we thought it was super cute and funny) The RAAF military police dog demonstration was pretty awesome! Those are some majorly obedient dogs.

I also got to meet quite a few Brisbane DOLers which was pretty awesome.

Raven: Kyojin didn't lick/scratch too much most of the time, but he did have a couple of moments where it was obviously unbearably itchy and he was just freaking out over it. One night OH and I were lying in bed watching tv and Kyojin was standing next to us. He was trying to itch at himself furiously and was just spinning around in circles sooking. Next thing I know, he launched himself up onto the bed and jumped into our arms for a reassuring cuddle!! :hug: He's never tried to get onto the bed before, so we were just laughing our heads off at the poor thing. All he needed was a big hug from mum and dad and then he was good again. We gave him special permission to be on the bed with us that night. Luckily he left after about 10 minutes :hug:

Kyojin's name is Japanese, it means giant or colossal. Hopefully he will live up to his name :hug:

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calastic- it was great meeting everyone and the doggies too, thankfully when we got home, ike passed out on his mat for about 3 hours, pure bliss, however come night time, he was wide awake lol

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ravenau1: So sorry to hear that Astrid's been so poorly – poor little pup! And sorry to hear that there's stress in the house. Are you guys all ok? It's not a recurrence of the previous condition is it? :hug: I really, really hope that everything is going to be ok – crossing fingers, toes and eyes for you.

Regarding Astrid, let's hope it's just the early puppyhood woes. Like I've mentioned before, I felt like we practically lived at the vet during Elbie and Hoover's first months. Lately, OH and I have been remarking: "It's been ages since we've been to the vet!" Elbie's vet visits were – standard check-ups, standard vaccinations, then cut paw, then ringworm. Hoover had mange and goopy eyes (probably conjunctivitis). Both have also gone through stages where their tummies seemed constantly upset and we were waking up to the sound of what sounded like an alien regurgitating our puppy. Luckily for us, white rice and chicken usually settled them down but there is something quite wearying about having a pup who isn't feeling great. I hope that she will feel better soon.

Those trampoline beds are wonderful – our two love them. Elbie gnawed a bit on one when we first got it but he appears to have given up on his destructive phase so both beds are now still fine for sleeping on. That bed looks nice and huge – lots of room for Astrid who looks extremely comfortable on it. :hug:

I'm very excited for you about the prospect of a second puppy. As you can probably tell, we love having two dogs and even OH who was a little hesitant about the prospect of TWO crazy puppies in the house totally adores Hoover. The two of them entertain themselves in ways that are probably just as entertaining for us. Won't you share what the other two shortlisted breeds are? Perhaps we can play a guessing game – give us some hints! Like … breed's country of origin or 'category' of breed … :hug:

The recall thing is kind of annoying. Elbie's always got his eye on his humans so won't stray too far from us and will always come when called during class but yesterday we were in the open field of the obedience club and he was running around with Ava, Mars and Hoover. He was having a good time and the humans were sitting on the grass – it was clear that we weren't going anywhere so he seemed to make the assessment that he didn’t need to come when called :( Not Good. So we'll probably go back there one evening or perhaps to the local oval with our 5metre recall leash to practise. I'm impressed with the thought of a 15 metre lead!!! Wow! :laugh:

Hoover's features kind of look, 'rounder' than the other kelpie there. Perhaps because he is young yet? I love the differences in the same breeds of dog! People presume that they look the same!

Yes, Hoover's body looks large – he's as large as Elbie now, but he's actually still just a puppy – just 7 months old so he still retains a little of the snubby puppy face but he's rapidly looking like a grown-up Kelpie. You're right about the differences in appearance within a breed. It's like how sometimes I love Rottweiler faces – they're so cute and appealing but sometimes I don't like their faces even though notionally they should look pretty similar.


One stall was plaques and urns for preserving the memory of your lost pet, which was lovely, but I don't think I saw anyone visiting their stall as it really wasn't going to be a lot of interest to many people that were there.

Wow… what a very ... random stall to have there. I suppose it never hurts to plan … when I was arranging my dad's funeral it definitely made me determined to sort a lot of things out for my own arrangements so that loved ones who survived me didn't have their emotional state manipulated. For me, I'd be happy with a cardboard coffin and even those aren't cheap, coming at $950! I was completely gobsmacked by how expensive a funeral was. A pet funeral won't be as expensive as a human one but it will be pretty damned expensive, I'm sure. There are a few times when we've noticed that the 'dog equivalent' of something is far more expensive than the human equivalent – vet fees are just one of them. I'm guessing that because the assumption is that if you can afford a pet, then you have disposable income to spend 'more'. But I digress …

Perhaps you should put a sign around Kyojin's neck that says: "I'm the same kind of dog like the one in that Richard Gere movie" or: "Before you ask - I'm a Cavalier King Charles, ok?"

St Bernard is a funny guess, though. I suppose Akitas as pretty rare so people won't recognise them so easily. Then again, I've been asked if Hoover is a Doberman … Hmm, I wish there was a Saint Bernard at Dog School - they're such huge, gorgeous dogs.

People always look sooooo surprised when I correctly guess that their dog is an Australian Shepherd – I guess they're used to people guessing Border Collie … I'm not so good at guessing the Designer Dogs because I am always worried that if it happens to be a funny-looking purebred dog – the owner will be Hugely Offended at the implication that the dog is a DD. I'm pretty good at guessing the Labrador/Poodle cross although there are some standard poodles out there that look quite DD-ish. Yesterday at dog school I saw a dog that I was pretty sure was a DD but I said: "Beagle?" and they said: "Beagle cross."

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Princess Ava has realised that pillows are super comfortable and has chosen the ones on her couch to be her throne :thumbsup:


She's not even allowed on the couch, but obviously that rule isn't enforced too strictly, especially with that cute little white face... :laugh:

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Hi Lovelies!

Sorry I have been a bit slack again. I've had a few days of being slack in general and just taking it easy as haven't been feeling so great.

Genevieve the little bugger! We have lost another corner of the couch (that is now 3 corners we have gaffer taped!) and last night she thought she would try and chew the iron cord - while it was plugged in!!! :rofl: I was ironing away and I didn't realise, but she was lying under the ironing board, chomping on the bloody cord!!!! It wasn't until I flipped the table cloth around to do the other side, that I saw her under there!!!!!

I've been a bad dog mum... She hasn't been walked in about a week as I have been having issues with my back (I now have to wear this hideous back brace thing to keep me upright), so walking and sitting for long periods haven't been fun. So, anyone wanting an extra mutlet to walk, please save me from my goat-dog. :rofl: :rofl: In the meant time, she seems to be happy chatting up the mail man, or sliding off my lap while I am lying on the couch!

Sorry for the me post - I have skimmed through the last few pages.

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Georgeous photo of Ava. I got to pat my first Aussie yesterday (A DOLers - LuvLottie). She had such a beautifully soft coat. I'd love to come and pat Ava :rofl:

Ava would love for you to come and pat her :rofl:

Lottie is a beautiful girl. Her and Ava have met twice and got along really well.

Sorry to hear you've been under the weather, Wizzle :rofl: Not toooooo long to go now.

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And seeing as I have nowhere else to post this, I just did some training with Ava at the oval and was very happy with not only her technical work but her attitude as well! I've got her heeling slightly further forward than she was previously and she is very enthusiastic and happy during the heelwork, whereas previously she was acting a bit bored. We are now up to 50 steps of heeling, no food on me, total attention and then a release to a food container. So proud of my little girl and maybe we will be ready for the trial in March after all :rofl:

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I think that this thread has the possibility of going kaboom.

wizzle: Sorry you've been feeling poorly. The acupuncture also sounded a bit horrific. I'm sorry but Evil Koala delights in your Tales of Genevieve The Destroyer ... it's just so funny, even though I know it's not supposed to be funny. Honestly she's so tiny - who would have thought that she could wreak such havoc???

wuffles: Ava looks so serene. We don't let our doggies up on the sofa or bed either but they still leap up now and then just to be cheeky. Also, to OH's exasperation, whenever a towel gets used on a dog it becomes a Dog Towel, so it's lucky that they haven't leapt on any pillows yet otherwise they'd probably get a Dog Pillow. :rofl:

I'm so impressed with the heeling progress. OH and I took the dogs to the local oval today to practise their heeling (Hoover) and recalls (Elbie) given their appalling performance during and after Dog School yesterday. I thought about doing the food container thing but yesterday I had difficulty with Hoover even WITH food in my hand so I thought I wouldn't try too much. Weird thing was that even with Elbie and OH a few metres away and a couple of joggers and a determined oval walker - Hoover was very focused with his heelwork. So it appears to be the large numbers of dogs that Hoover finds distracting during loose-leash walking and heelwork. Not quite sure how to counter it at this stage but I was very happy with his heelwork.

In other news, OH has varied Elbie's 'dead' trick so that he now also drops dead from a drop position. It looks pretty funny :rofl:

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Poor OH is feeling long-suffering. I want to see Kelpies in action. OH found the 3 sheep trials a little underwhelming (plus there were almost no Kelpies) so I want to go and watch some yard dog trials because apparently there will be a lot of Kelpies and yard dog trials should mean more than 3 measly sheep. Thanks to 4kelpies, I have this link and the following appear to be coming up near Canberra:

Cooma Show on 12 March

Goulburn Show on 26 March

Yass Show on 9-10 April

Alas, for my urbanite Torontonian of an OH, the line-up of the shows bemuses him.

The Cooma Show has local stock, produce and art and crafts. A snakeman. Patty Paddock, woodchop and yard dog trials. Sumo Wrestling and all sorts of animals.

The Goulburn Show has an all breed dog show, a cat show an Alpaca and Alpaca fleece show, a horse program, team yarding, yard dog trials, Punch and Judy Show, poultry and pigeons and ... black and coloured sheep

Yass Show has a "wide range of competitions over the weekend. Everything from dogs to sheep, horses to birds, and everything in between."

He says that he's going to try to break his leg before March :rofl:

ETA: He is even more horrified by the Canberra show. Programme is here. I want to see the Working Sheep Dog Trials at 7.25pm on Saturday the 26th February. He is horrified by the Pig Racing & the Diving Pig, the lawnmower racing, cowpat bingo and the milking demonstration :rofl:

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