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My Puppy Is So Good!


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Aww, all the puppies sound so adorable!!

Okay help me out i have been trying to do this with kelari by when i get her toileting saying wee or go toilet for other business. the other day she had a crook tummy anddid business when i asked but i think this was cos she still needed to go but no luck with wees i this what you did or did you do something different much help appreciated :laugh:

I completely gave up on the toiletting on command business. I just got stared at like I was a nutter everytime I prompted him to "toilet". I second the plea for helpful hints! :rofl:

I'm not particularly bothered as I roughly know when the boy will go throughout the day, but I'm sure it would be quite useful at some point for him to know.

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I’m not an expert on puppy training.... but what I did with Nandi, I took her out every hour or so and and waited, the moment she wees I will say PIE PIE (what we call it) and then 'good girl' and make a big fuss.

She did not wee every time we took her out but I stood there and waited so that I can mark it with 'Pie pie' every time she did wee. For the last couple of days even if she is not bursting to wee, she will wee when I tell her to Pie pie..... :laugh:

We never had a problem with poo.... she would cry like crazy but would not poo in the house.

But like I said, I'm not an expert..... maybe there is someone with better advice. :rofl:

Edited by Tokkie
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Emmy is the worst pup I've ever had to toilet trained it took a her a while to get the toilet training business, and I still come home finding mistakes around the house (it's when I come home from work). It's annoying... but she does little poos and not had to clean up. (she does pee on command though)

Emmy is full one. That's why I train her so much!!! I'm trying to tire out her crazy little brain of hers... it's sort of working, but not really. I have to run around the backyard with her every morning and every night, to wear her down a little bit.

It does help that she has an older brother who's the best dog ever. She copies him, so when I'm training him... she sits and watch and then tries to copy because she knows she will get a treat for it.

Yeah, my 2 love and adore each other :laugh:

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Aww, all the puppies sound so adorable!!
Okay help me out i have been trying to do this with kelari by when i get her toileting saying wee or go toilet for other business. the other day she had a crook tummy anddid business when i asked but i think this was cos she still needed to go but no luck with wees i this what you did or did you do something different much help appreciated :laugh:

I completely gave up on the toiletting on command business. I just got stared at like I was a nutter everytime I prompted him to "toilet". I second the plea for helpful hints! :laugh:

I'm not particularly bothered as I roughly know when the boy will go throughout the day, but I'm sure it would be quite useful at some point for him to know.

I’m not an expert on puppy training.... but what I did with Nandi, I took her out every hour or so and and waited, the moment she wees I will say PIE PIE (what we call it) and then 'good girl' and make a big fuss.

She did not wee every time we took her out but I stood there and waited so that I can mark it with 'Pie pie' every time she did wee. For the last couple of days even if she is not bursting to wee, she will wee when I tell her to Pie pie..... :thumbsup:

We never had a problem with poo.... she would cry like crazy but would not poo in the house.

But like I said, I'm not an expert..... maybe there is someone with better advice. :)

yeah my puppy is showing so would be handy to have her toilet on command my last pup poed in the ring twice embarrassing lol. thanks for the hints

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Atticus the fawn Great Dane puppy is 18 weeks!


I am crate trained.

I sleep through the night.

I toilet on command.

I toilet outside.

I sit (which we were trying not to teach him but he learned from the others LOL)

I stand.

I drop (slowly, I got these LEGS everywhere getting in the road)

I grow like a weed and nobody we meet believes I'm still a baby cause I'm all big n stuff :thumbsup:

Edited by Kissindra
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Atticus the fawn Great Dane puppy is 18 weeks!


I am crate trained.

I sleep through the night.

I toilet on command.

I toilet outside.

I sit (which we were trying not to teach him but he learned from the others LOL)

I stand.

I drop (slowly, I got these LEGS everywhere getting in the road)

I grow like a weed and nobody we meet believes I'm still a baby cause I'm all big n stuff :thumbsup:

OMG... he has a face that I just want to smother with kisses!! awww

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oh my goodness this is the worst thread ever!!!!! I've never read something so heart breaking!

my puppy is soooooooo naughty!!!!! i'm so jealous of you guys and your beautiful puppies lol! :thumbsup: i think you've had your fun, and now you can stop talking about your wonderful dogs because its just too unfair for people like me who have a little monster :laugh:

my little foster puppy is around 11wks old and is possible the dumbiest naughtiest puppy in the world, his name should be Marley, but that dog was good compared to my little one! he is the most, THE MOST, adorable little being in the world :( in the looks department he checks all the boxes and gets an A+ for that, but he has everything else back to front. he is a lab x, possibly with a gremlin???

poor confused little guy :D i've never met a puppy that is so hard to toilet train, and one that pees and poops so much, its endless! he bites and cant stand being alone. He also has a massive overbite, but that actually just adds to the cuteness :rock: . maybe i am being a tad too harsh on him, maybe ive just met awesome puppies up until now? lol its not a great advert for a dog thats looking for a home is it?

he did the cutest thing the other day, it was very naughty, but cute. he bolted inside and went straight for the cats food. he slid around the corner into the laundry where the food is and when i caught up to him he was lying on the ground splayed out with his head in the bowl inhalling all the food!! he didnt even bother to stand up lol!!!! i wish i had taken a photo :cool: i dont regret fostering him though, way better than him ending up in the pound where he was about to go. poor little confused mite :wave: lol anyone want a puppy?

dognurse: your puppy sounds awesome - like a normal, naughty, adorable little puppy :laugh: Don't worry, I wasn't posting about my puppy in this thread either because although we're very proud of his general development and we love him to bits - like your pup he is quite frequently a little monster!!!! I didn't want to mislead because he is far from perfect :)

1. He toilets on command and doesn't mess in the house BUT he seems to have a LOT of poop in him :D Some days he also farts a lot

2. While he can be very calm, sweet and affectionate, sometimes he goes into turbo mode and completely crazy and uncontrollable e.g. in the car, during the classroom sections of puppy class

3. When he jumps up, his claws HURT a LOT

4. He can be a total sook ;)

5. He keeps chewing up his bed mat which is driving us bonkers :rofl:

So don't worry you're not alone. Our puppy is a bit of Jekyll and Hyde but I figure he's just a normal, cheeky little puppy ... Sometimes at puppy class we look wistfully at Alfie the cav who sits there and literally does nothing ... but then Elbie's so full of bounce and liveliness that I wouldn't swap him for the best behaved puppy :eek:

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Atticus the fawn Great Dane puppy is 18 weeks!


I am crate trained.

I sleep through the night.

I toilet on command.

I toilet outside.

I sit (which we were trying not to teach him but he learned from the others LOL)

I stand.

I drop (slowly, I got these LEGS everywhere getting in the road)

I grow like a weed and nobody we meet believes I'm still a baby cause I'm all big n stuff :thumbsup:

You are an ADORABLE baby!!!!

that face... how can anybody resist!

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Everyone's Puppies sound so cute - love hearing antics of Pups!

We had a dog door installed today (pig in mud brand) with soft pvc flap. Porthos could be coaxed through with treats but my older cav was resistant. I just heard Porthos head through it and then he cried at it to come back in (daft dog). :thumbsup:

This is Porthos being a cockroach on the couch :thumbsup:


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Aw, just look at that soft belly of Porthos'! There's a tummy you could spend ages rubbing.

And Atticus has the most beautiful eyes!

I'm very amazed at how quickly James has picked up on this "Inside" business. I went to call him in from the other side of the yard earlier and started just asking him to "Come". I was completely ignored. So I told him it was time to go "Inside" and he came racing out of the garden to sit by the gate. My boy is so clever :thumbsup: I think he's hoping he'll get a brussell sprout each time he does it :thumbsup:

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Atticus the fawn Great Dane puppy is 18 weeks!


I am crate trained.

I sleep through the night.

I toilet on command.

I toilet outside.

I sit (which we were trying not to teach him but he learned from the others LOL)

I stand.

I drop (slowly, I got these LEGS everywhere getting in the road)

I grow like a weed and nobody we meet believes I'm still a baby cause I'm all big n stuff :thumbsup:

Hi Atticus,

Iffin u ned a nu hume, cum n lif wit me

I luff big dogs, my best fwend squashes me daily.


He is sooo beautiful :thumbsup:

Bundy totally nailed drop last night with help from his new favourite treat, happy paws cheese. I was telling our other dog to drop after Bundy did one, so Bundy flopped to the floor and lay there like "I've dropped, now where's MY cheese" so of course he ended up with cheese and Diesel didn't.. He's grown so much this week, and a fear period has kicked in.. OH walked from the hall into the kitchen and Bundy didn't notice so he started barking. He's finally found his "big dog voice" his bark is so deep you can't tell if it's him or Diesel.

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Everyone's Puppies sound so cute - love hearing antics of Pups!

We had a dog door installed today (pig in mud brand) with soft pvc flap. Porthos could be coaxed through with treats but my older cav was resistant. I just heard Porthos head through it and then he cried at it to come back in (daft dog). :thumbsup:

This is Porthos being a cockroach on the couch :welcome:


*blow raspberry on Porthus's pink belly* :thumbsup:

Edited by CW EW
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Emmy is so cute, she reminds me of an arctic fox.

I saw 2 japanese spitz at the shop the other day, they were lovely dogs!

Porthos is so cute too! Mindy also does the cockroach but I'm afraid she looks more like a fat slug!

a very unflattering photo I am afraid! sorry mindy...


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HAHAHA Sorry but I have to laugh at Mindy's cockroach attempt. She looks like she is all hips and no body! She's beautiful though :thumbsup:

I just had a "yay!" moment with Oscar. I couldn't see him in the yard so I called his name (not expecting any sort of response) and he came running from one of the garden beds. That's a first!

I don't care what other tricks/commands that he know...I would just love for him to come when called! We have a big yard which makes life difficult with him sometimes.

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My border collie Gael is 9 months old so heading out of puppy hood. It amazes me this is an age when lots of puppies are given away. All my hard work with her is paying off but she is still quite puppy like, cute and playful! Actually for a BC puppy she has always been very good, her breeders did an awesome job with her. She was toilet trained when I got her at 9 weeks, would run to the door so we let her out. At 9 months she is a beautiful girl, no chewing no jumping, take her off lead and she keeps an eye on me and comes back when called. I have her first Rally O competition in 2 weeks time.

My husband thinks she has been such an easy puppy becuse we have our beautifully behaved, very obedient 2 older BC girls ages 8 and 10 who have helped bring her up. I have learnt how to raise a puppy from these two! I have never enjoyed a puppy so much as I have this girl.

10 weeks:


9 months:


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