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Crate Training 2 Adults


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Can two adult dogs be crate trained together? Ie. in the same crate?

How would I start - do I just get a crate and start giving them treats in there (need to feed them further apart or 1 misses out) and make it a nice comfy place for them where they can come and go as they please to begin with?

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I crate trained my 2 adult dogs easily. They sleep in separate crates pushed together, but they'd have no issue sharing one if it was roomy enough.

I didn't give treats, I just put them in everyday and locked the crate and eventually they got used to it and when I say bed time now they just go in on their own.

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I'd train them with separate crates. When they are both crate trained you can let them move down to one big one if they want to, but I wouldn't be pushing them to force close proximity with no escape from each other...

I have two adult dogs, one is a small dog and was 8 years old when I first crate trained her, the other is a big girl and she was a 2 year old when I got her and promptly crate trained her too. Both had separate crates, but after a while the lil dog would be found in the big crate so much that her wee crate had been unused for months before I packed it down and tucked it away, and they do both now share the one [massive] crate fine. I'd not want to try and train them initially to have only one though...

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I would also train in separate crates. That way nobody gets stressed, especially when also trying to teach something new. That way they each have their 'own' space as well. Once they are comfortable in their own crates, if you get one that is big enough to accomodate two dogs, then maybe see how you go with them together.

Mine all have their own crates, but if I need to crate them while I am preparing to go to training or a trial Kaos can share Diesel's crate for a short time (Diesel has the XXL size crate, larger than it needs to be for him but I didn't realise when I purchased it.)

At the start I would leave the doors open and give them treats and their dinner in there , then progress to closing the doors. If you are worried about food stealing or food aggression either space the crates apart or close the doors while they are eating dinner.

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Thanks for the advice :laugh:

These two have barely ever been apart(boy and girl) and currently share a kennel outside, and a bean bag when inside - food is the only issue - there's never been any hint of fighting between them, the boy will just surrender his dinner to Kelly if she 'gives him the look'. So having them apart to eat is just so he gets some food :cheer:

I'm wondering if I even need to crate train them at all - they are pretty happy with their current arrangement - the only problem I have is that the boy tends to leave his mark around the house - he goes outside to wee, but just sprays a few drops on the odd vertical surface. Crate training would help this right? Could I just c-train him and not her?

And also we will be getting a new pup in the next couple of months and I will be c- training her.

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