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  1. As said....anyone with the money and fills the paperwork out can be a registered breeder (the test is an absolute joke to obtain a prefix) it's up there with the so called breeders that call them German Shepard or Rottwheeler on their advertisements.
  2. The reasonable answer is that many of us do not believe that cropping ears and docking tails is cruelty. The politicians and ARF deemed this to be the case. Castration of male animals has never been deemed cruel regardless of the methods used in recent past history. The arguement is not apples and apples but more of an ability to have a choice. The choice to crop and dock has been removed from us here in Australia. There are many people that do not desex their animals for various reasons, few if any are because they believe the proceedure to be cruel. This is their right to have the choice to desex or not. They are still fortunate to have that ability of choice with a proceedure. Castration of animals has occured for many generations for many reasons. None of which are for cosmetic enhancements like docking and cropping. In some cases however it has been proven (in the horse racing game) that gelding a non winning stallion can improve their ability on the track. Cropping ears has not improved my breeds ability to hunt. Castrating a years male lambs becomes genetically acceptable so to allow them to graze without risk of impregnating their own mothers and degrading the breeding stock over time. This means economic strength on various levels. Not to castrate could in effect over time, result in a high economic loss for the stockman. Castrating dogs that do not or will not meet the breed standard does a similar thing, in that an undesirable trait that has occured will not be reintroduced to the gene pool. This can benefit a given breed where a catastrophic genetic abnormality could threaten the breed entirely. The sterilization of female animals is not as common place in the history of animal husbandry due to the fact it is a more complex proceedure. Once again, the decision to desex a female is a choice that some owners make for various reasons. Yes, desexing is more convenient from the average pet owners perspective. No messy heat cycles, no chances of unwanted litters which can jeopardise the life of the bitch. Yes the veterinarian practices consider the spey of a bitch a more painful and longer healing proceedure than a castration of a male, however they do administer pain relief unlike a mere thirty years ago where you picked up your dog/bitch from the vet without antibiotics or pain relief and they told you to take the stitches out in a week. As for the studies mentioned. It's easy to compile figures based either on single breeds or voluntary submissions and claim they are accurate. I could also pull a series of figures together from my breed database stating that red versions of my breed are more aggressive and are euthanised more than the black and tan version. I could cite numbers from a database of over 6000 dogs and documented proof of euthanasia and vet reports as to why they were put down. Back that up with various stats connected to the dogs in question that come from complaints of aggression at public events such as show or trials to concur that red ones are in fact statistically more likely to be aggressive and be euthanised because of it at an earlier age than the other colour. BUT......this is the big one......if I selectively pulled these results out and put them in the right order or pie chart, I could make anyone believe them. (shall we remember the unproven paper stating innoculation of children meant they would become autistic) The reality of the data I mention, is that the RED dogs in question, came out of specific pedigrees, and there were black ones with the same issues.....BUT.....the specific kennel preferred the red colour and as such bred far more of that colour than the blacks so the reds simply outnumbered them.......and the aggression becomes linked more and correctly so, to the pedigree and not to the colour. Colour becomes an interesting secondary marker. It's easy to manipulate data to take one side of an arguement over an other.
  3. if he is one of the unlucky ones that get an early cancer due to de-sexing or joint and ligament problems he won't be relaxed either. Can you quote your source for this comment? I'm curious to read a validated paper on the connection between desexing and joint/ligament issues. I'm also really keen to see the study showing desexing and early cancer connections.
  4. I didn't realise coton's came with colour? As for the no shed, no smell, easy care line...no.....it's not any different than any of the other so called no shed dogs.....guess the groomers need to prepare for an onslaught of matted dogs that their owners were told they were low maintanence and as such have to shaved to the skin.
  5. Is there not one breed standard? The arguement of show/working look in shepherds, borders, labs etc......last time I looked, there was only one breed standard. Being that many of the breeds do indeed have a different look, who is actually not breeding to the standard? If a registered breeder is promoting their 'working line' dogs that should mean they have the brain to do the job they were bred for.....but they should not structurally be so different. Both show and working line breeders proclaim they are correct....but that in fact is not the case....
  6. German Pinschers are smooth coated schnauzers :)
  7. I use stackers to get the basic idea but don't discourage wiggling. My almost five year old grand champion wiggles and wags the tail and tries to kiss judges. I wouldn't have it any other way. In his mind, showing is the most fun a dog could possibly have and I want to keep it that way. Judges don't mind in fact they often comment on how happy he is.
  8. My adult Pinschers are often called Kelpie Crosses and the pups most times are labeled as Dachshunds!! The cresteds? Well the hairless gets "OMG..what is it?" and the puff is just another mixed maltese shitzu thing......
  9. They are the only ones I will use now. Excellant prices and the best flights.
  10. alsatian shepalute? puleeze.......
  11. I got mine off the import site banggood.com really cheap prices and they work just great.
  12. contact Mooreholme Pet transport. I'm using them at the moment for domestic travel mostly but they handled everything for a recent import and all at a very fair price. They usually can come under most for quotes.
  13. You think? My last litter, the bitch turned off the milk bar at exactly four weeks of age. There was no way she was letting them feed and it didn't matter that she clearly was sore and engorged...wasn't happening. So I took over. Pups still ended up being typical pups, happy and bouncy.....Although they do interact with supervision with the other adults. Did you realise that for best results it's recommended that pups do not have their first innoculation until weaned from their mother? What about all those pups that are hand raised and have no mother due to tragic situations? I can tell you first hand, that they all turned out just fine and know how to be dogs.
  14. What you have there is the same as many other breeds. The "we don't have a problem so we don't have to test" mentality. Clearly there is a problem, but because there isn't testing there is a bigger problem. Then suddenly testing starts and breeders sit back and go 'uh oh' we have a problem. I know of breeders of Irish Wolfhounds who are adement that there is no dysplasia in that breed and thats why they don't have to get hips/elbows exrayed. Really? Does this breed have no hip joint? Because ANY breed with the hip joint can be subject to dysplasia. It's NOT just hefty or giant breeds. Another friend of mine stopped an entire line of Shetland Sheepdogs because she had severe dysplasia in her foundation bitch that was not found until the bitch hit veterans. You can imagine the amount of pups and generations in that time span.
  15. Although genetics plays a part in who the puppy is and how it will be when it's grown, owners play the largest part and often should be given credit for making that puppy exactly what they want it to be and thus the perfect 'pick'. They give credit to the breeder and often the breed will take it, however I believe that owners create their perfect companion and should be given kudos as such. What I do pick is if the family will suit my breed.....if they don't, no perfect puppy in that breed will exist for them.
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