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Bubblegum In Paw?!?!


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Today while brushing before her bath Poppy I noticed some brown stuff caked onto to her hind paw. I thought it was a bit of dirt caught up in her coat and so when I bathed her payed special attention got that paw. It didn't seem to come away during the bath so afterwards I sat down with a little pair of scissors to try and cut the gunk out.

Upon closer inspection I realized it was chewing gum! It had the peppermint smell and I assumed she must of stood on it when we went to the beach yesterday! Anyway I snipped as much of it out as I could but there is one tiny bit that is so close to her skin that I can't get to it.

Any ideas???

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you could shave it, or just wait till it falls off or grows out

if it was me I would try eucalyptus oil on a cotton ball to dissolve it and then wash the area really well, but knowing my dog and the amount he is shedding I could just pull it and it would losen the hair and fall off!

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have you tried ice? It should make the gum harder so you can peel it away.

I don't think Poppy would let me ice it for long. Its stuck in her fur too so even if I iced it I don't think it would come away! Bloody litter bugs!!! :D

you could shave it, or just wait till it falls off or grows out

if it was me I would try eucalyptus oil on a cotton ball to dissolve it and then wash the area really well, but knowing my dog and the amount he is shedding I could just pull it and it would losen the hair and fall off!

Hmmm, I think I will wait for it to grow a bit then try chopping it again! Like I said I got the majority of it out of her paw! Might need to buy Poppy some doggy flip flops for next time we go to the beach! :laugh:

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  • 4 weeks later...
Peanut Butter. Rub it in. Great for removing gum or sap from coats. Messy but it generally works. Of course you then have to wash out the peanut butter :eek:.

Handy to know for those times when you don't have anything else. I presume it would be the oil component in it that would do the trick?

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