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Personality Change


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My dog max is now hating getting brushed he bit his comb today and the comb is missing teeth. He used to love getting brushed and now its like he cant stand it. I have always been gentle brushing him so i think its his age???? He also whines while getting a bath i dunno he has changed so much in the past 6mnths seems more angry he nips and mum when she tries to put him outside, is this common or would there be something im doing wrong?

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He has been diagnosed with arthritis i just didn't know there personality changed because of it. Mum said she is getting him joint gaurd this Thursday.

Is he on painkillers at all? Dogs can be very stoic and he may just be warning you that he is sore. How long since he was diagnosed? Joint Guard is a long term solution but will not help his pain short term. Low level pain killers and a course of cartrophen might not hurt but of course you need to go back to your vet.

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Guest Labradork
Have him thoroughly checked for arthritis.

Agree with the above. In fact, get a full general check up.

In my experience, personality changes can occur due to age but my first question would be around physical pain.

Often physical pain and personality changes can be interrelated. For instance, last year my 13yo Lab passed away - he had steadily declined over a couple of years and as a result of certain aspects of his physical condition (e.g. going deaf), we noticed differences in his personality (e.g. more nervous/grumpy).

Best wishes :laugh:

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I will tell mum he has to go back to the vet again to get pain killers. He is also going blind could that be a reason also? he can still hear but sometimes runs into things.

In my experience, animals cope very well with loosing their senses although they can get a bit disoriented - just try not to move furniture or leave things on the floor where he will trip. We didn't even realise my 18 year old cat was quite so blind until she had to be in a small cage at the vet clinic and she really struggled to get her bearings. I'd be looking at pain relief first and foremost. Think how grumpy you feel if you have something simple like a toothache :laugh:

ETA: Make sure you ask your vet about a course of cartrophen as well - really amazing stuff but not suited to all cases of arthritis.

Edited by The Spotted Devil
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If it's arthritis, could giving glucosamine help? One of my dogs has mild arthritis in one of her legs and it was suggested by a vet nurse friend we know to give her glucosamine. I buy glucosamine tablets from Aldi and she has one crushed up tablet added to her dinner each night (although sometimes I do forget!). We were told it would take about 6 weeks to work and that was true for my girl Jessie.

Could you ask your vet about glucosamine to see if it could help your dog?

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If it's arthritis, could giving glucosamine help? One of my dogs has mild arthritis in one of her legs and it was suggested by a vet nurse friend we know to give her glucosamine. I buy glucosamine tablets from Aldi and she has one crushed up tablet added to her dinner each night (although sometimes I do forget!). We were told it would take about 6 weeks to work and that was true for my girl Jessie.

Could you ask your vet about glucosamine to see if it could help your dog?

The OP said her mum was going to buy JointGuard which contains glucosamine amongst other things, what it sounds like the dog needs is some short term pain relief until the Jointguard kicks in.

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