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Shoo Tags


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I have thought about using these to repel grass ticks, but am not prepared to take my dog off Proban, just to see if they work. I would like to use them (if they work) as a compliment to the Proban as the Proban doesn't actually stop the irritating little buggers getting on her, but the web site states that they should not be used with other chemical treatments. Also I am not too clear on the long term effects of electomagnetic energy on her health. I know that Shoo Tags are a sponser of DOL, but I would like some feedback from those who have tried them. :)

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Lots of reviews on the internet -



I'm sure they'll say 'look at all our testimonials' = means nothing as its not a scientific trial, and 'hardly anyone returns them' = most people are too lazy to return something so there money back guarantee is no evidence that the product actually works. I wouldn't risk using the product for ticks.

Plus from the shoo-tag website (US) this sounds like a crock to me -

First off, our product does not kill the pests - the frequencies embedded in the tag slow them down and confuse them, making them leave the area of your pet's energy field. Did you see any fleas or ticks at all before the tags? Has the number been reduced? If you used poisons, the pests bit and died, so you might not have seen them much before. Remember that the frequencies will slow down the fleas so you may see some now where you didn't before. Also, has your pet's energy field been reduced or compromised recently from poisons, steroid medications, vaccines or surgery? Is your pet aging? Weaker energy fields of pets who are reaching the end of their life cycle may not be good candidates for our product. Do you have metal tags attached that rub together and create a frequency that negates the frequency of our tag? Try taking the metal tags off your pet collar and see if that makes a difference.
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Lots of reviews on the internet -



I'm sure they'll say 'look at all our testimonials' = means nothing as its not a scientific trial, and 'hardly anyone returns them' = most people are too lazy to return something so there money back guarantee is no evidence that the product actually works. I wouldn't risk using the product for ticks.

Plus from the shoo-tag website (US) this sounds like a crock to me -

First off, our product does not kill the pests - the frequencies embedded in the tag slow them down and confuse them, making them leave the area of your pet's energy field. Did you see any fleas or ticks at all before the tags? Has the number been reduced? If you used poisons, the pests bit and died, so you might not have seen them much before. Remember that the frequencies will slow down the fleas so you may see some now where you didn't before. Also, has your pet's energy field been reduced or compromised recently from poisons, steroid medications, vaccines or surgery? Is your pet aging? Weaker energy fields of pets who are reaching the end of their life cycle may not be good candidates for our product. Do you have metal tags attached that rub together and create a frequency that negates the frequency of our tag? Try taking the metal tags off your pet collar and see if that makes a difference.

That sort of covers their backside pretty well...think I will stick to Permoxin & Proban & picking them off one by one. She seems to be getting used to them & doesn't itch as much as she did earlier in the season. I have never seen them so bad :hug:

Edited by sheena
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In their defence, though, they sent their product to me for trialling purposes, without cost. If they didn't think or know they have successes in some instances, why would they bother?

It's a shame they don't seem to be as reliable as we need a product for this purpose to be. It would be great to guard against parasites that harm our dogs without us having to ply our dogs with chemicals as much as people do.

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