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What's Wrong With My Doggy - Please Help


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Hi there,

Since morning my lovely 2 year old Lhasa Apso is not moving or eating his favourite treat. He's just sitting down in one spot, not even lying down. he was fine during his morning walk today but before and after the walk he's been showing the above described symptoms. He was fine last night running around, walking, playing, eating, the usual.

I'll take him to the vet as soon as I get home from work but just wanted to get your thoughts on what could possibly be wrong or not(?)

Look forward to your thoughts...



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It 'could' be lots of things ... and it sounds like he is in pain :(

In case he has hurt his back.. If you have to lift him... lift him very carefully ..and lift front & back ends at the same time ...! if he has a travel crate or basket .. get him into that to transport him, so he is on a flat surface ,and is contained.

I hope all goes well with the vet visit :)

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Yes good luck with the vet visit.

Max does this as well sometimes however I know exactly what is wrong with him. Sometimes he will be lying down and then will all of a sudden just sit up. Now one thing to note about max is that he never SITS up after lying down, he always stands. So when he sits I know he is going to vomit.

He gets this particular look and will seem really uncomfortable for about a minute before going and being sick.

He seems uncomfortable in the way that he cant sit still and he goes from lying down to sitting to lying down to sitting.

Maybe he needs to vomit but can't get it out? I don't know, that is a completely NOT educated guess.

Good luck and let us know. :hug:

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Hope your vet visit went ok.

I had a scare like this a few weeks ago and it ended up being pneumonia and Emma was rushed off to be put on oxygen and fluids immediately (and from the vets reaction it seemed that it was treatment that couldn't really have waited). She has a few issues so any behaviour like you describe equals drop everything and get to vet immediately.

Hope all is ok.

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Hi everyone,

Many thanks for your prompt responses and concerns for my lovely Benny. We took him to the vet and turns out that he has a skin infection right under his mouth. He has also sprained his back somehow. Doc's asked us to wash his infection with a medicated shampoo and he has given him some pills to ease the back.

We've done as the doc instructed today but Benny doesn't seem to be better yet. I hope he feels better soon. It kills me to see him like that.

Thanks again,


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Glad he has been to the vet and hopefully he will get better soon.

Good thinking of persephone re the being careful about the back.

I'd guide you to watch that infection under his mouth so you know it well and can detect if it is improving or not. If it is an infection I would have expected the vet to also give antibiotics, maybe its just really mild. I'm not trying to second guess your vet at all, but what I am saying is that if it gets worse, go back and perhaps ask if antibiotics should be given.

Poor Benny, hugs and vibes for him to be feeling better soon.

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Glad he has been to the vet and hopefully he will get better soon.

Good thinking of persephone re the being careful about the back.

I'd guide you to watch that infection under his mouth so you know it well and can detect if it is improving or not. If it is an infection I would have expected the vet to also give antibiotics, maybe its just really mild. I'm not trying to second guess your vet at all, but what I am saying is that if it gets worse, go back and perhaps ask if antibiotics should be given.

Poor Benny, hugs and vibes for him to be feeling better soon.

Thanks Sky :)

The vet has given him some drugs to take twice a day. Not sure though if they're pain killers or antibiotics for the infection. Hopefully he'll get better soon. I did notice some improvement in him today but only slight. At least he's on his way to recovery.


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Hi all,

Benny's skin infection is in a very hard to reach area - under the right side of his mouth towards his neck. The doc has asked to wash it with the medicated shampoo once a day. But because it's hard to reach plus it's painful we found it very difficult to wash it yesterday. I had to hold him down while my friend tried to apply the shampoo, leave it on for ten mins, then wash it off without getting it into his ears or mouth. Benny was very uncomfortable and restless and kept moving to get away.

Any tips on how to make him more relaxed given we're going to have to go this regularly in the coming days?

Thanks again for all your advice and best wishes for my lovely Benny.


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Hi all,

Benny's skin infection is in a very hard to reach area - under the right side of his mouth towards his neck. The doc has asked to wash it with the medicated shampoo once a day. But because it's hard to reach plus it's painful we found it very difficult to wash it yesterday. I had to hold him down while my friend tried to apply the shampoo, leave it on for ten mins, then wash it off without getting it into his ears or mouth. Benny was very uncomfortable and restless and kept moving to get away.

Any tips on how to make him more relaxed given we're going to have to go this regularly in the coming days?

Thanks again for all your advice and best wishes for my lovely Benny.


Holding him down won't be doing wonders for his back. I'd be shaving the affected area, sponging the shampoo on and leaving him somewhere like the laundry tub for 10 minutes. Then sponge it off.

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Not sure though if they're pain killers or antibiotics for the infection.

What are they called?

In future- you may want to discuss the medications with the vet/nurse, so you know what you are giving you dog ;)

I'm sorry you're having trouble washing the sore spots... and agree with another vet visit to shave /show you a way of cleaning it .

If the dog is struggling, and tense, that will not be helping his sprained back :(

Hopefully he's already started to feel more comfortable, with all your care :)

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