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Getting Rid Of Energy In Active Dogs.

Rileys mum

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hi all.

Just after some advice from others who have high energy dogs.

Recently I have taken to using the local dog park as a way of burning off energy in my dog ( I know I know. I hate them too) He literally runs around non stop for around 20 mins, sometimes longer while he's there and is a happy relaxed boy when he gets home. The issue is, lately I have seen a trend in dogs at this park being aggressive, dominant and playing in a dangerously rough way (It's almost beyond playing and into what I'd describe as aggression but without biting etc.....I don't like it.) Most of the owners are generally very responsible there but it's just become a place I don't like going to and feel it's too risky to go to. ( and it's very clicky too which makes it uncomfortable)

So I guess I'm wondering what others do to burn off energy in their dog. I do obedience and foundation agility training every day to keep his brain tired but he still needs his physical needs met ( simple long walks on leash come nowhere close to meeting his energy requirements) although his recall is getting there it's not good enough for any off leash work as yet.

I'm really not wanting to use the dog park anymore.

Sorry for the rant.


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I jog with my GR four days a week. Keeps me fit & trim & tires her out.

I know it's not everyone's cup of tea, but if you both get fit slowly together it's a WIN WIN. :)

On the days we don't do that, we play fetch at the local parks. They are big enough for us to avoid other dogs.

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Is there a doggy swimming pool near you? Swimming is great exercise and because the dogs are controlled there shouldn't be any chance of fights.

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How about running him alongside a bike?

Not really suitable for inner city areas, but if you have somewhere you can do it it is great exercise.

I used to take my aussie shep on long bike rides, generally on shared pedestrian/bike ways that also allow dogs on leash. I'm not really sure if this is totally legal though i assume it is, as long as your dog is under control.

Otherwise jogging is good, but I don't find I can run as far as my dog would like, or as fast!

Also swimming is very tiring for a lot of dogs and great exercise. I swim at the beach in summer and my dog swims beside me. In winter I just throw the ball into the water for her to get. There are also specific dog swimming pools (in sydney at least) which are great because dog are generally on lead and well controlled.

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Thanks guys. I actually hadn't thought of swimming him. I'm not sure if there's pools around but I'll definately look into that. He would love it :)

Along side a bike is an idea too. Although I don't own a bike lol. Might have to embrace my inner child and purchase one :)

I think I'll start doing short bursts of jogging with him and see how I go. Getting fitter has to be a good thing too right.!!!

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Jumping in the backyard (you just need one or two jumps).

Playing with known dogs on doggy dates.

ETA, chasing a ball or frisbee.

My wife having field bred Labrador is high drive dog. I take for 2 hour workout on Sunday, we run, do the jumps chasing the ball do some obedience and I getting home for rest in the chair and straight away when I sitting down, he want to play ball again and barking for me to throw the ball. Maybe I am too old to make high energy dog sleepy anymore?


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Nothing wears my boys out like a good rumble together in an open area. They spend at least half their time wrestling and chasing each other. Erik wants a Whippet of his very own to chase. There's a Whippet pup called Ricky that comes to our park and E is not the only one that abandons everything to chase him around and around and around.

Before Kivi had a friend to rumble with, he went to doggy daycare twice a week. It was just what he needed.

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Jumping in the backyard (you just need one or two jumps).

Playing with known dogs on doggy dates.

ETA, chasing a ball or frisbee.

My wife having field bred Labrador is high drive dog. I take for 2 hour workout on Sunday, we run, do the jumps chasing the ball do some obedience and I getting home for rest in the chair and straight away when I sitting down, he want to play ball again and barking for me to throw the ball. Maybe I am too old to make high energy dog sleepy anymore?


LOL. We sit by the jump and jump back and forth repeatedly, until she can't make the jump height any more. It doesn't tire mine out, exactly, but does take the edge off her for a few hours.

Only way I've found to make mine really tired is working her (but even then, she's good to go again after ten minutes rest), or by about the third day of an offleash hike! :D

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Also swimming is very tiring for a lot of dogs and great exercise. I swim at the beach in summer and my dog swims beside me. In winter I just throw the ball into the water for her to get. There are also specific dog swimming pools (in sydney at least) which are great because dog are generally on lead and well controlled.

I know of the swimming pool in Londonderry. Are there any others near the north shore?

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My youngest is very high energy.

Twice a day I take the him to the off-leash park (when it is empty) and give him a good run around. We then do some training and then a walk. We then come back to the park and do some more training and another good run around before walking home again.

Two or three time a week a friend takes him running (about 7km).

He goes swimming and hiking for 30 min to 45 min once or twice a month.

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I don't even try to wear out my youngest anymore. It doesn't work :laugh:

I go to the local dog park at 6am and let my two dogs run around together. It's got lots of trees, plants, rocks, etc. so they enjoy having a run and a sniff.

Jogging with her does take the edge off, but I need to build my fitness a bit more first.

The only thing I've found these days that tires my girl out for the rest of the day is an obedience trial :rofl: Can't do one of those every day and wouldn't want to!

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