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I Am So Furious!


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I live near the veladrome which is the only fenced in area in town, I dont go in there anymore because theres always a group there now but I sometimes have to go through it ( there's a path outside the fence ) everytime I go through me and my dog get fenced rushed by 4 or more dogs and none of the owners do anything to call there dogs back, none of these owners have any controll. Well today we got rushed but this time a dog jumped the fence and had a go at my dog rushing at his face and biteing his back legs, my dog was on the lead the entire time. The owner is trying to call her dog back but it wasnt listening so I yelled at her to call it back otherwise ill kick it still she takes her time. She fineally graps her dog and says sorry it was just in play, well I flipped. I told her that was not in play and it should never have happened you lot really need to learn to control your dogs :mad I am so sick of other dogs rushing at mine epsecailly when he is always on the lead and for some stupid reason none of them thinks its a problem, what happened to keeping your dog on a lead or teaching it the recall :banghead:

Edited by whitka
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Call the council and report each incidence you've had.

As dog owners sometimes we can give other dog owners forgiveness but my rule is 3 strikes and you're out.

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I too hate that situation which is not improving in the areas I work, in fact I think it's getting worse at times with off leash dogs rushing at people in a public place with owners who cannot control them. On the flip side the other day, I came across a guy with Border Collie off leash playing at a small park near a walk way and thought to myself "oh here we go, another off leash dog" The BC saw us and started to move towards us, the guy recalled, the BC did an about turn back to the owner's feet and dropped as we walked past. Wow, "how good was that" I thought, an off leash trained dog that behaved it's self with an owner who had their eye on the ball :thumbsup:

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I've given them more then enough forgivness, I get rushed by that lot everytime we go past, they must think its ok because there on the other side of the fence but today just pushed me over the edge, it is not ok for your dog to jump the fence and come at my dog like that :mad

Edited by whitka
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I'm hearin ya Whitka :mad My dogs are never off leash and the amount of people who's dogs rush up to mine and the owners say"He's alright he just wants to say hello "sh*t's me to tears.My dogs are greyhounds so muzzled in NSW.They couldn't defend themselves even if they wanted to.I had a labrador recently tried to mount my poor little Maddie and she snapped at it(as best you can with a muzzle on)and the pathetic sack of sh*t owner had the gall to say to me "That's why those dogs have to wear muzzles they're so aggressive".Grrrrrrrrrr.

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I've given them more then enough forgivness, I get rushed by that lot everytime we go past, they must think its ok because there on the other side of the fence but today just pushed me over the edge, it is not ok for your dog to jump the fence and come at my dog like that :mad

You have complete sympathy from me. This 'wild' fence-rushing is nerve-racking for people walking past with their own dogs on leads. There's always the chance that at least one dog, will make it over. Which happened to you.

I cannot understand how someone could dismiss that behaviour as 'play'.

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I've given them more then enough forgivness, I get rushed by that lot everytime we go past, they must think its ok because there on the other side of the fence but today just pushed me over the edge, it is not ok for your dog to jump the fence and come at my dog like that :mad

You have complete sympathy from me. This 'wild' fence-rushing is nerve-racking for people walking past with their own dogs on leads. There's always the chance that at least one dog, will make it over. Which happened to you.

I cannot understand how someone could dismiss that behaviour as 'play'.

One of my GSD's is DA and reactive and the amount of times when we were just starting to make some progress in his training, it only takes one rushing dog to put us back 10 paces and my dog starts arking up again :mad Ok,his reactivity is my problem to sort out, but the annoying factor not only is it scary and ruins what was essentially a pleasant walk, the off leash rushing dog owners are breaking the laws anyway :mad

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i was walking my dog with my brothers dogs (2 GRs) at a Brighton off leash park and another dog attacked mine. he is a pointer cross in the past we've never had any problems but now i don't know how Jake is going to react to other dogs, for a start im going to take him to KCC park and try walking him through the shows with other dogs that are well under control. and take it from there. i'd managed to train him to be nice and accept strange dogs then this happens we are now i believe, back to square one.

if i know the area you are talking about does sound familiar or maybe i am way off the mark, why don't you try the school oval thats down gutheridge parade and corner of patten street? :) high school with the primary school on the corner. without naming the big town we are talking about, i grew up in this area but haven't lived here for about 15 years now but every so often come back and check out whats going on to visit family thats still in the area.

on the weekends i walk Jake in the school oval down the road here its fenced off and completely safe and i notice others do this too. i usually wait until no one is there then let Jake off for a big run. he loves it.

just a thought. the veladrome is where they have the dog obedience i think they still do it there don't they? If its not the area im referring to then you won't know what im talking about. :)

Edited by toy dog
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Yes they still do classes at the veladrome, my street is across from it so you would think it would be nice to live that close to an enclosed area but everytime I go there doesnt seem to matter what time it is that same group are always there, im starting to think they just camp out there for the day! I think I know which school your talking about, the primary school in patten st?

Im just going to put my foot down from now on, anytime an off lead dog rushes at my onleand dog ill be telling the owner that im reporting them to the council for having an off lead uncontroable dog. That should hopefully sort some owners out.

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I totally agree with you, I have the same issue at Cross Keys reserve in Essendon.

I walk my two Staffy's, one can be a little aggressive and the other extremely submissive, but trying to control two on lead Staffy's while three or four off lead dogs gather around them is a nightmare.

One guy on the street had the nerve to have a go at me when his dog approached mine, head down, tail upright, when I yelled at it and held it back, while holding two Staffy's with my other hand.

Sorry, your post struck a nerve and I had to have my rant to agree with you.

If a dog has no recall don’t let them off lead FFS, is it that hard a concept for people to understand.

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Yes they still do classes at the veladrome, my street is across from it so you would think it would be nice to live that close to an enclosed area but everytime I go there doesnt seem to matter what time it is that same group are always there, im starting to think they just camp out there for the day! I think I know which school your talking about, the primary school in patten st?

Im just going to put my foot down from now on, anytime an off lead dog rushes at my onleand dog ill be telling the owner that im reporting them to the council for having an off lead uncontroable dog. That should hopefully sort some owners out.

yep patten street. I agree having to get in your car and go down the street when you have something right next to you is a bit unfair - the people sound like right turkeys.

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When I read posts like these I am so greatfull that I have acreage where I can let out dogs run. I have put chicken wire around approx 2 acres. We do have a sports oval next door to us (not a leash free area) where people do take their dogs and let them off the leash. I did have one occasion where someone let their dog of the leash, it run into our paddock and started to chase the cows, the owners had no control of the dog. the cows didn't like the intruder and turned on the dog chasing it from the paddock. I spoke to the dog owner who said the dog only wanted to play, I replied but the cows were only trying to protect the calf. I also told them if they wanted to let the dog off the leash to go to the other sports area that has a dog free area. Haven't seen these people since although there are still others that let their dogs off the leash but I haven't had a problem with them.

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Yes they still do classes at the veladrome, my street is across from it so you would think it would be nice to live that close to an enclosed area but everytime I go there doesnt seem to matter what time it is that same group are always there, im starting to think they just camp out there for the day! I think I know which school your talking about, the primary school in patten st?

Im just going to put my foot down from now on, anytime an off lead dog rushes at my onleand dog ill be telling the owner that im reporting them to the council for having an off lead uncontroable dog. That should hopefully sort some owners out.

Telling them might ramp up the situation. Just DO it. From the sound of things the rangers won't be having any issues finding them.

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