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Protection For Backs Of Hands


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I bought a pair of these GoSo gloves today from BGF Camping/Fishing shop. A friend put me onto them as I am always getting scratched on the back of the hands & it is hard to stop the bleeding. So hopefully, if I remember to put these on before doing any dog training/handling then problem will be soslved :thumbsup:


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I used to wear sun gloves in the field because I would end up with crisscross cuts and scratches all over the backs of my hands from dragging traps through brush and checking them and so forth. It did solve the problem and then some. I became very attached to them because they also helped protect my skin from getting all dry and rough. I had a different style with a covered palm as well. My hands faired much better in general after I started using them, and I converted a few ecologists along the way. They were invaluable during a wetland field trip where I was constantly dunking my hands in the river and getting alkaline mud on them. Good to look after your hands and skin. Makes life much more comfortable. :)

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I like the idea of these particular ones as they leave the palm free to hold treats etc, without getting gloves dirty all the time. :) I just put them on & virtually leave them on all day, different to a fingerless glove which you have to keep taking off to do certain things. The skin on the back of my hands is so thin (old age thing), that when one of the dogs scratches me, I bleed for ages.

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K9: These are the ones we use

Training Gloves

And those are the much like the ones I used when getting possums or gliders out of traps! :thumbsup: Best thing for bitey bats, too. They are a good balance between sensitivity and protection. I always ended up taking them off for bats and anything smaller than a rat, though, which is how I got bitten by a bat and had to go and get rabies boosters. It's really hard to handle a 14 gram, wriggly bat with any kind of gloves on. They are so light and small they disappear without fingertips to tell you where they are. :p The sun gloves are fine for protecting against shallow scratches and abrasions, though, and more comfortable in the heat. I thought mine might get ripped to shreds in the lantana and the likes, but they held up all right and still protected the backs of my hands.

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