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Another Help Pick The Breed Thread.


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I'm with Pixie Meg and wouldn't recommend Saluki to first time dog owners, nor Ibizan or Pharaoh. Afghans are eaiser - if you're happy to groom - pet ones can be clipped right off every few months like a poodle which makes grooming easy they are charming and fun but can be very independent.

But Greyhound, Borzoi Deerhound and Whippet would all be suitable.

I think with any breed it comes down to individual dog - and picking a soft natured, non-challenging type of pup is always important for novice owners.

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Some of the Spitz breeds might also suit- The do shed twice a year in bucket loads, but in between that they would be fine. Most are easy for first time owners who are interested and coat upkeep is generally quite easy.

Yep agreed. A lappie would suit, and probably a keeshond, samoyed, Jap spitz as well. 15 minute brush per day is ample (my show lappie doesn't get that much grooming a day!)

I think a Keeshond might be a little more grooming than what they are after. Yes to Lappie (depending on lines and probably a female over a male) or JS but I haven't had enough contact with other spitz breeds to comment :D But do have a look at them. I assume though that desexed males of all spitz breeds would have a bigger coat than the female.

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I think golden retriever is a good one, very trainable very cuddly. But if the coat is too much Friends of mine have just got their first dog, they choose a lab, the have a six yr old daughter and the father is a police officer who takes him on a morning/ afternoon run pending on shift. He has just fit in with everyone within the family individually.

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