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Rip Puddin'


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We had to save goodbye to our Puddin' today.

We rescued her from the streets of Seaford in the UK, then brought her to Australia in 2003. Man was she happy when we picked her up at quarantine! She learnt to climb trees here and never looked back. We swear she morphed into being part possum!

Alas, we never knew that she had a genetic kidney disease - usually found in pure breds - and by the time we found out, it was too late to do much. We at least had 9 months with her after the vest said we may only have a month; so we were able to appreciate her while we could. And thankfully she did tell us when she'd had enough... though it was awful we could be there for her while the vet did her work.

She loved having spac attacks, running up & down the hallway growling... and then often out into the garden and up the olive tree. Sometimes the spac attacks would morph into a Pepe La Pew sideways dance up the hallway - just hilarious. She adored giving "furry purries" (the kneading routine many cats have) especially if she could head butt and dribble on you. Preferably while you were half asleep and unable to defend yourself! She'd ignore us while we were watching TV but as soon as we were in front of a computer she'd jump into a lap! Typical contrary cat!

She was such a pretty sweet girl admired by many, especially men who she'd like to flirt with - such a hussy. She was an absolute daddy's girl but came to me when feeling unwell, she knew which of us is the sook.

We will miss you at the end of the bed at night, you coming to meet us when we got home, you running into the kitchen every time a can was opened (hoping it was tuna) and your funny little noises when you were asleep. I will miss having you curl up on me to go to sleep. The house is dreadfully empty without you.

Farewell Pud - go find Bingley and play and tease him.



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