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When Buying 2 Dogs


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I also considered gettting a second quite close to little Digby (I was asked to take on a second deaf pup - a gorgeous choc BC) however decided against it after consulting the DOL oracle.

Aside from what has been mentioned here - you also have to consider double food bills, double repair bills, double training/behavioural bills, double kennelling bills and double vet bills - vax, desex, etc. all adds up quite quickly! and with them being the same/around the same age the vet bills will be at or around the same time.

You also have to consider the other end of the timeline - when these two pups are old, needing "old dog" medical attention, and sad to say the possibility of them both dying in quick succession of each other. The emotional burden of this would certainly overwhelm me... not to mention the possible costs involved when a doggy friend passes away.

just another level to think about when considering a duo.....

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