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6 Week Mild Vaccine Reaction - To Vaccinate Again?


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Myrtle was vaccinated at 6.5 weeks. She is 8 weeks today.

Today, I found a small bump at the vaccination site. I haven't felt it before today and she is handled a lot, so I would be surprised if it was there and I missed it.

She is happy and well. She has had diarrhea on and off for the last week, but has been her normal self. I don't think her diarrhea is vaccine related, but I thought I'd throw it out there in case someone else did.

Would you vaccinate Myrtle again?

Would you vaccinate at 12 and at 16 weeks? Or would you do just 16 weeks?

Would you make sure you had a different batch of vaccine used?

Thoughts appreciated.

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Perhaps suggest trying a different brand. as there are two broad categories.

One contains a 'killed' virus, so to stimulate an immune response there are additives in the vaccine to make the body notice it.

'Live' modified viruses are able to stimulate an immune response by themselves so there are no additives.

It is generally the additives that cause a reaction. Personally I would titre test in another two weeks and if she has a positive result then no need to finish off the course. If she hasn't then you can look at what brand/type of vaccine you used last time and discuss using a different one.

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'Normally' I don't do a 12 week vaccine, anyway, it's just I've heard of a few parvo cases south of Adelaide recently and thought I might be safer... Now I'm not so sure.

I'll perhaps skip the 12 week, and do the tri-annual vaccine at 16 weeks. So she won't be required to have one for another 3 years, anyway, after that.

Hmm. Still happy to have your inputs.

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Which vaccine did the vet use?

Kei had HUGE lumps with both his 12 and 16 week C5 vaccs (1/2 tennis ball sized, lasted 4-6 weeks). At the time I was told it was 'normal', in hindsight I should never have allowed him to be vaccinated with the C5 again after the first reaction.

16 month booster we gave an antihistamine and C3 with no reaction. Titer tested 18 months later and boosted with Parvac only (no reaction). I doubt I'll have him vaccinated again..

I was told be a vet that the Fort Dodge brand of vaccine has a higher rate of reaction than most too and that they often see similar reactions from a C5 but rarely from a C3.

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