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I was trying to teach my dog to do the send away today and I realised that she is having problems because she was confusing my hand signal with the signal I give for the directed retrieve. When I thought about it I give the same hand signal for both of these exercises and the seek back as well. What hand signals do people recommend for these three exercises?

Thanks all


Question for you? How are you teaching her? Do you have a treat/target/toy in the presribed area? I use the same hand and signal for both sendaway and DR. The seekback I use a slightly different signal.

Is there someone that you can ask to watch you that already does UD???

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A bit off topic maybe but if you are nervous about trialling you could always try Rally Obedience... no judge's commands to listen to! :thumbsup: Edit: There is a rally trial coming up next month in Tuggeranong if you want to come and watch.

(Also I will follow this thread because we are currently trialling in Open and therefore teaching the UD exercises!)

Edited by wuffles
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I'd say it isn't so much the hand signal that is causing the confusion, but she isn't understanding the context of the exercise. You've removed her cue to go and sit on the step, and that is having the lead out. No lead for her cue, she has no idea you want her to sit on the step.

To teach her to sendaway to the step, I would backchain, starting close to the step then coming further away. If you then went away and used the hand signal you use to send her to the step, to send her to someplace new, like the box for example, she likely wouldn't understand. The step would have become her visual cue for the sendaway exercise, not the hand command alone. If you tried sending her to a box with the step closeby after teaching her the step sendaway, chances are she'd race to the step instead ;)

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Thankyou RubyStar. You are right. This is what is happening. I wasn't really planning to teach her the sendaway and the directed jumping anyway because I don't have any jumps. Next I will teach her the scent discrimination because I have the articles already. I will use the method described on the Dog Scout of America web page. Does this sound okay to you?

The Dog Scout method is popular :thumbsup:

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Do have a look at Rally O - even if only for an extra bit of fun with your dog. It's a bit of a mental challenge for handlers, since the 'directions' are on the signs, and it's up to the handler to work their way through the course with as much precision as possible. Teamwork is highly valued in Rally O, and although you can talk to your dog, you don't have to if it's uncomfortable for you - you can even pat your dog on the way through the course.

Have a look at the rules - you'll find them listed under Obedience on the ANKC site - the signs and explanations are there too. If you can get to a club that does Rally - even better. :D

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