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Christmas Presents


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There is a lady in the neighbourhood who has three Belgian Shepherds: two black and a grey and white (don't know correct terminology) 7 month old puppy who is as tall as the adults now - lol.

Well shock horror yesterday I saw her while I was walking just Tamar and Myrtie without dogs !!!

We ended up sitting on the footpath talking for ages and she produced treats from her handbag. No dogs, but the treats were still in the handbag :laugh: :laugh: . True dog lady, that one. :thumbsup:

Anyway, my dogs don't usually take treats, but Myrtie went absolutely crazy. We even had two lots of dogs walk past without her taking any notice.

So treats are definitely on the menu and for now, not waiting until Christmas. The brand was Jollie and you can order them online.

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my Huskies will be getting stuffed toys. Freyja will get a stuffed Lamb Chops (from the tv show). Suggen will be getting a 5ft snake filled with 6 squeekies and Tala the Shepherd pup will be getting a unstuffed toy with lots of squeeks in it. The only thing that kills the stuffed toys is the weather after they have been left outside.

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