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Dog Door

Tintin Jac

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We need to replace our dog door as it was broken by intruders :mad

The one which was broken was just a plastic frame with a rubber flap. It took a while but Lola, our inquisitive cat, worked out she could use it.

I've been looking around for a suitable replacement and am having trouble. Does anyone have a dog door that the dogs can use but the cat's can't? I think that our only option may be the ones with the magnetic thingy that is attached to the dogs collar. I'd rather not use that if it can be avoided.

Thanks :)

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I'm not sure it's possible, though if you find a solution I'd love to hear it!!

I've been told cats are smart enough even with the collar activated ones, to just wait near by for the dog to go near or through the door, and then jut dart through right behind them.

Edited by GeorgieB
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I hadn't thought about the ninja cat. But I think you're all right. Smarty pants wouldn't take long to work out how to get though with the dogs.

Yep, FF, it's discriminatory. For several reasons, we don't want Lola to go into the backyard without us there. Mostly because we can't contain her there and we can't keep other (far more evil) moggies out. Not safe for our precious petal but fine for the boof heads.

Lola has access to her very own sun drenched courtyard. Really, she's doing ok. She just wants what she can't have.

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