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Biting Collar. Need Help.


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So I have 2 dogs. Boss who is an 11 month old kelpie x and Scarlett who is a 7 1/2 week kelpie x koolie.

Everytime I take them for a walk Scarlett constantly bites Boss's collar and sometimes his leg. Boss is extremely patient with her and never snaps at her or anything but he takes off ahead (I presume to get away from her lol) and becomes less responsive to me. If I walk him by himself 9/10 times he will come straight back to me when called the other 1/10 times he continues doing what ever then comes. How do I get Scarlett to stop harassing Boss? And how do I get Boss to become more responsive with Scarlett around? Thanks in advance. :)

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Keep Scarlett on a short leash and don't let her annoy Boss?

Have Boss walk on one side, and Scarlett on the other - don't let Scarlett off the lead until she has mastered the art of behaving nicely.

Boss will appreciate that you are keeping him safe from Scarlett's antics and you will see him happier about the situation, and should be more responsive.


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Personally I'd be taking the opportunity now and walking Scarlett on her own for a couple of weeks and teaching her good walking manners and then introducing her to side by side walking. 7 1/2 weeks is too young to be out walking in the street anyway so walking around the yard, etc

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Agree that your baby puppy needs to learn to walk nicely and learn to respond to you BEFORE she is walked together with your older dog.

You are putting Boss in a situation where coming back to you means getting harassed by the baby puppy which is a negative thing - of course he is reluctant! Concentrate on training the puppy to respond to you so that Boss can trust you to keep the puppy under control.

It is worth the investment of extra time to walk them separately while the baby is in early learning mode.

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I'll throw in that one day (probably soonish) Boss is going to tell Scarlett off for being a cheeky puppy.

Having fostered somewhere around 200 pups over the years, 9 times out of 10, these "scoldings" are a lot noisier than they are nasty - especially when the pup starts screaming like they've suffered a mortal wound - when the only actual wound is to their ego. Please resist the urge to chastise Boss when this happens, OK? (unless he draws blood of course - THAT isn't on)


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How far are you walking a 7.5 week old pup?

She's too young to be walked with an adult dog for exercise. I'd walk your older boy by himself and be sorting out the pup's antics on separate training walks (very short) only.

Edited by Haredown Whippets
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I should of mentioned I don't use a lead as were I walk/let them run round is an old school footy oval across the road.

I live in a small country town. And it's only ever for 20-30 mins but they just run a muk sniffing round. She does it in the back yard too. He does put has put her in her place but is always pretty gentle and she's right back at it lol. Too be honest I'm really surprised he has been so patient with it all!

I did walk them leads up the street yesterday and they are all over the joint! I have started obedience last weekend with Boss, but will start with Scarlett when Boss is calmer around the dogs there. He's fine with a few but at obedience sunday my god I was embarrassed! He was barking and carrying on most of the time! So I want to get that sorted. Will definitely start training her away from Boss too. I always walk Boss before work by himself just so they donhave time on their own, I think I need to start Scarlett though on her own pronto! She is very stubborn with the biting though! I pull her off and she goes straight back.

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Oh and Scarletts lead is shorter but she was biting the lead as if to say hurry up, he's ahead of me! Lol and when she could she would grab Boss's lead so he wouldn't take off. Full of brains but so cheeky!

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She's a smart pup and she's trying to run the show. She needs to learn right from the start that on the lead time is time to be sensible and walk nicely and that she needs to follow the rules. She shouldn't need to follow them for very long at that age but they need to be clear for her. Set out as you intend to continue. She's only tiny so just work with her at home in an area seperate to boss. I used to take my kelpie out on the front lawn every evening after dinner and work with her out there. It could be many months before boss is bheaving enough for you to take them both out to obedience at the same time if he's being silly at the moment so you are going to have to dedicate time to training her yourself at home if you can't take her to formal classes. Make that time spent on the front lawn in to your own version of the obedience club class and don't let it be a game.

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At such a little size training only needs to be for a few minutes at a time. If you have five minutes ask her to sit and put the lead on, take her out the front with some treats and have her walk in the front yard with you and keep her attention on you and treat her when she is walking how you want her to. Walk her back to the house and to wherever you plan to take the lead off her and ask her to sit again and then take the lead off and tell her free so she knows to go play. Sounds simple but will take a bit of work the first few times but if you can do it a few times a day just for five minutes at a time it's a good way to teach a few of the important basics and it takes hardly any time out of your day. Remember to praise her when she is doing what you want her to do. I find my kelpie to be very soft so clear praise and gentle, quiet correction gets the best out of her.

Once she is concentrating better add things in to this routine by changing direction and speed, by asking her to sit, drop, stand, etc. Just one or two things at a time over the weeks and she'll get there.

Edited by kelpiecuddles
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Haha yeah will definitely take it easy and baby steps with her. I thought Boss was easily distracted but god, she looks at you for a second thrn off she goes haha.

I thought id add you so it's easier to find you and ask questions. :)

Thanks heaps for the tips.

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I'd be a little leery of taking a 7 week old pup to any publicly used place... she's not fully vaccinated yet, and I'd hate to hear that she's caught something nasty.

Work on her behaviours with poor Boss at home first - and a little one-on-one training for each of them probaby wouldn't go astray as others have mentioned.


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