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Tassy Offal


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Hi everyone, I was under the assumption that it was illegal to feed offal to a dog, apart from chicken in tasmania. When I went to a pet meat shop today and asked if they had any chicken offal, she said "no" but they sometimes have lamb and beef offal, when I said I thought it was illegal she said it's not. Is that true?


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It sounds strange to me, especially when it is served in restaurants to humans(Kidney, liver, tongue, heart). Chicken liver, hearts and giblets are sold raw in Woolies here.

Sometimes it is very hard to get hold of raw green tripe due to various health regulations but as far as illegal to feed a dog I am surprised to hear that.

Edited by Yonjuro
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Its fine for people to eat, just not dogs. Yes I get those feom coles, just wanted some kidneys or somwthing like that.

Where did you here this? You can always call your RSPCA to find out.

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It remains illegal in Tasmania to feed or allow dogs access to cooked or uncooked offal from cattle, sheep, goats or pigs. Offal refers to all internal organs from these types of animals.

Fresh livers and hearts from butchers shops and supermarkets should not be fed to dogs.

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