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Is It A Concern If Teeth Not Fallen By 4 Months?


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My Bichon pup is 19 weeks old now. I don't notice her teeth has fallen out yet.

I went to a dog show before (when pup was 15 weeks old) and one of the Bichon breeders (not my breeder) mentioned to me that sometimes pup can have problems in having their adult teeth, that the baby teeth blocking the adult teeth to grow out, then it will require some operations.

Is it normally a pup will change the teeth at 3 - 4 months? And should I be concern if at this point in time, there is no sign of adult teeth coming up?

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A puppy starts to change its teeth at about 16 weeks of age, generally they have all their adult teeth by about 24 weeks. Some breeds can have a tendency to retain their baby canines, if your puppy still has these in place after six months of age (you'll know because there will be four of them) and they show know signs of falling out you may have to have them removed. However most puppies go through teething with no problems at all so I wouldn't worry :thumbsup:

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How can I tell if the pup has adult teeth for sure? My pup only has small teeth so I think they are just baby teeth.

Also with teething, I give her a rawhide to chew, but sometimes she just eat too much rawhide and end up vommitting. Now I only limit her to chew on the rawhide for about 30 mins per day. What do you guys give them for teeth apart from rawhide? She also has toys with ropes, soft toys and plastic toys for her to chew on, but she has no interest in those.

I bought a flexi nylonbone last weekend, but I reckon it is too soft, she has chew out a small piece of it, so I didn't give that to her anymore. May have to buy a hard nylonbone. Anyone with a nylonbone, can you let me know how good they are. Thanks.

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