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Arthritis- Again..


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I have 4 dogs, 2 of which are showing signs of arthritis at what i consider to be an early age.

Jess is 7 1/2 years old and is showing moderate to severe stiffness after exercise- unless its low impact swimming etc.

Otto is 8 years old and has just started the same thing- he was sore about a year ago but cartrophen injections appeared to 'fix' him until now.

Both dogs have had multiple courses of cartrophen and are having another regular series of injections at the moment. The cartrophen helped Otto and seemed to do nothing for Jessie. Joint products that they have been on include Sasha's blend, Vets all natural joint formula and most recently joint guard- have been on it for the last 3 months. They get an omega blend of oils daily, sardines and apple cider vinegar once a week and are on very good quality dry food.

Jess saw a qualified massage threapist on Saturday and they didn't find anything major, the vet has diagnosed them with arthritis- both in their front legs, although Jess appears most sore in her back legs after exercise.

So the questions are- is there anything else we can do? Does anyone else think this is rather young for arthritis? They were both working dogs on a property for a couple of years but since retiring, have had fairly easy lives- jess is ball crazy so has done more than otto.

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This is an area that I am interested in reading up on too. My 10mth old Lab X has HD and is showing symptoms of soreness... so I want to do all I can for him before the Arthritis really kicks in. Below is the post I was reading today but there are plenty more posts in the 'health' section, just do a quick search.

Good luck


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What are the things you are doing (can you list them)?

Can you be a little more specific as to the amount and type of exercise they each have.

What type of food do they eat (on average during a regular week)?

How heavy are they (under weight, normal, over weight)?

How did the vets diagnose the arthritis?

Are there other medications that they are given regularly (eg vacs, worming, etc)?

Arthritis is a disease that can occur at any time in life so it is not unusual for it to occur early.

Pm me this info if you want.

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just came across this info and thought it may help someone



Is a very effective anti-inflammatory. It’s stalk and roots contain steroidal saponins, which react in the body like chemical steroids, but without the side effects. Reduces tissue inflammation and pain.

Yucca encourages a range of motion in joints that assist in keeping it from freezing up.


Wonderful supplement for inflamed joints

Milk Thistle, Licorice, Alfalfa and Dandelion

Excellent remedies for liver and blood circulation. They can reduce free radicals that may irate joints.

Vitamin C

Reduces inflammation, strengthens ligaments, tendons and reduce allergy sensitivity. It is an excellent anti-oxidant. Many consider this one of the best joint and ligament vitamin.


A sulphur based product, reduces inflammation, assists with poor skin and coat conditions


Selenium and Vitamin E reduce inflammation


Helps replenish synovial fluid, an imbalance that can create the rubbing of bone upon bone, resulting in pain and encouraging more calcium build up – the repercussion of which is worse arthritis


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Okay, i'll try to be quite specific-

Both of their weights are ideal, we keep them fairly light so they are on the lighter side of an 'ideal weight'. Otto is 15kg and Jess is around 20 -22kg.

They both get sentinel spectrum once a month and are up to date with a C5 vaccination.

They are taken out every day for short walks but have more significant exercise- running at the park, going to the beach- 2-3 times per week for around an hour

In terms of food- Otto is on ADVANCE senior and Jess ir on ADVANCE energy. They do get raw meaty bones about 3 times a week. Omega blend of oild and joint guard is given daily. Sardines, eggs and apple cider vinegar- once or twice a week.

They each had a course of cartrophen about a year ago- 4 lots, a week apart and were then given it monthly to every 6 weeks. They are now having another 4 week course of cartrophen.

The arthritis was diagnosed without x rays until this point by physically examining the dogs.

Hope that helps ;)

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I also worry about arthritis - our dog is extremely active - jumps up and down and off things she really shouldn't ( our backyard is a steep slope) I read somewhere that dogs are more prone to arthritis if they have spent a lot of time jumping etc when they are young - is this true?

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I get both Traumeel and Sylvet from the vet but i think there are some sites that you can order from on-line. If you do a search on these forums you may find some more info.Traumeel is also used for humans.

Good luck

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Sylvet is the same as cartrophen just in a tablet form, from what my vet said I dont think you can give both at the same time.

It sounds like you are doing alot for your dogs with arthritis, they are lucky to have someone who cares so much :rofl:

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My four year old dog also suffers from arthritis and has done for a couple of years. A vet recommended MSM tablets when we first realised she was suffering and they really seemed to help and I have now found a liquid form of glucosamine which Chilli has been on for nearly a year now. She still suffers with her hips and elbows if she's had a particularly active weekend but day to day she seems to do very well on this. Before we used it she used to limp on first getting up from lying down, but since being on the liquid the lameness has disappeared. Apparently the liquid form is far more easily absorbed than powedered or tablet form. Unfortunately it is not available in Australia so I buy it over the internet from the U.S. It is called SYNFLEX. Do a search and you will find it - I buy it off Ebay.

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Thanks for all the help- i will look into some of the options, i don't want to doble up if some of its the same or similar to the joint guard though.

Thats very nice of you to say nellybly10- i just don't want arthritis to age them prematurely :laugh:

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