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Bonzai The Rat Had To Be Put To Sleep Today...


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My beautiful ratty boy had to be put to sleep today. I found him last night laying on the floor of his cage and he wouldn't come for his food which is really unusual. I picked him up and realised he couldn't move, he wasn't in pain but he was in a very bad way. We put him a drawer with a soft jumper and left some broccoli in there for him. He wouldn't eat or drink or move. It was about 11pm at this stage so after much crying and telling him how much we loved him we brought him in the drawer into our bedroom to go to sleep. We were absolutely dreading waking up in the morning, expecting him to have passed away during the night. He held on throughout the night.

His breathing was becoming increasingly shallow and I knew he didn't have long. O.H had to go to work becaus ehis work had booked him in for a seminar, Bonzai was always O.H's boy so this absolutely tore O.H up. Bonzai kept deteriorating. He was having a real problem with porphyrin and had no control over his bodliy functions. Because he couldn't move he would just lay in his urine, so I would have to move him fairly frequently.

I hadn't left Bonzai's side since I woke up.. I was so afraid he'd pass when I left his side and I couldn't bear the thought of him dying alone.

He was now grinding his teeth which is an indication of pain.

At this point I called O.H home. I knew it was time, he had no quality of life and was now in pain. We had a hellish time at the vets- we had to give them our details 3 times, gave us the wrong appt time and the vet called him the wrong name (I know that sounds silly but when she's about to extinguish the life of my much loved pet it would be nice if she could actually get his name right :))

We were told he most likely had brain or spinal lesion and she recommended we put him to sleep. O.H and I held him and told him how much we loved him and that we would take good care of his brother (they were very close). The vet then took him away gassed him, brought him back to us and then sent him to the bridge.

Bonzai was about 2 yrs old, he'd shown no real signs of illness apart from he'd been losing a fair bit of weight over the last few weeks.. We went out and bought some foods to fatten him up last night, it was when I went to feed him I found him.

I know most people don't understand what amazing creatures rats are.. They have a heart of gold that's bigger than an elephants, and characters that grab your love and won't let it go.

Bonzai was my baby... I adored him and I feel so lucky to have had him in my life. He's brought so much happiness into my life I just wish I'd had more time to repay all the joy he's brought me.

I've been crying all day and I truly ache for my boy. I miss him so much already.

We will be burying him tomorrow next to O.H's old dog Zippy who passed away earlier this year. I couldn't bear to put him in the ground today.


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Guest Piximatosis

Aww I'm sorry. I know how much rats embed their little vermin selves into your heart. :)

I say it a lot... but geez they don't live long enough.

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Aww I'm sorry. I know how much rats embed their little vermin selves into your heart. :rofl:

I say it a lot... but geez they don't live long enough.

Thankyou Piximatosis. We now have 3 rats, Otto is completely lost without his brother so I don't think he will be around too much longer. I will be completely heart broken when he passes. He is *my* boy. We just love each other. When I got back from the vet today I pleaded with Otto not to leave me :rofl:

We were really hoping Bonzai would live for another year at least. He passed away so early we just weren't expecting it at all.

I think sometimes the most amazing things in life can only last a short while otherwise they wouldn't get the appreciation they deserve.


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snarferama, I am so sorry for you and your OHs loss today. Give Otto some extra special hugs and don't let him miss his brother. My boys are only 1 but with 4 brothers I dread the day the first one has to leave. When I took one out the other day my OH thought I would come home and he would have to tell me one had passed. Within 1 hour of putting them back together my OH couldn't believe the difference in my boys behaviour. They truly do bond with each other but always have more for us.

I hope you get to have many more happy times with Otto. There is another DOLer who lost one brother and the other is still going strong on his own so there is hope.

RIP Bonzai, may you find a field of your most favourite treats to keep you happy till the day you all come back together at the bridge

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Oh I am so sorry :rofl::rofl:

I had to PTS my baby rat 'Ninny Mool' a year ago. It still hurts now.

I bet they are playing together at the bridge now... eating peas n advocado. :rofl:

Ratties are wonderful. I just wish they lived longer.

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Why Rats Are Only With Us a Short While

One day, some angels went to God and asked if they might spend some

time on Earth, to learn and perhaps to teach. He answered that some

of the people might be frightened of the angels, that His children's

idea of beauty might not be His own. The angels replied that maybe

those who could look past the differences deserved the blessings that

they could give. But God was still concerned. The angels needed

Heaven's air to breathe; they would suffocate down on Earth. The

angels promised to hold their breath as long as possible, and would

return when they could not hold it anymore. God agreed and sent down

the angels.

Many people were frightened of these creatures, despised them, and

tried to kill them in large numbers. However, the few who recognized

the angelic qualities in the beings took them in and sheltered and

fed them. In return, they received more joy and laughter then they

could possibly imagine. But alas, soon the angels could hold their

breath no longer. After just a short Earth time, they left to go back

to Heaven. But they were sure to tell the next group of angels

exactly who to seek out when they went down.

~Author Unknown~

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That was beautiful Maxiewolf :rofl:

Thankyou so much for posting that :rofl:

We will be leaving to go bury Bonzai very shortly, we will be burying him with a few of his favourite things. One of my coloured pencils. Whenever I'd sharpen my pencils. I'd sharpen it and place it on the ground. Bonzai would dart out of nowhere grab it and bounce off he would do this with every single pencil :rofl: We'll also be burying him with some toilet paper- he absolutely loved to grab hold of it and just bolt off with it in his mouth until there wasn't any toilet paper left on the roll. A button- He was a notorious button-muncher! and a few other things.

We will be going to the nursery today to find a plant to plant at his grave. I've always found comfort in the idea of life coming from death.


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Im so sorry to hear of your loss.

I lost my Wags at christmas time, he and my Wedge were brothers, they were very close, so I worried and was so afraid I would loose Wedge. I nearly did he got sick and depressed BUT with wonderfull help from my friend and lots of attention he is still with me. He changed when he lost hisbrother but is still my lovable little ratty.

It is very hard to loose a loved rat they love us so much.

I will be thinking of you.

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Guest Willow

I'm sorry for your loss, Elise.

Rats are so wonderful, and my goodness they break your heart when they leave. It sounds like he got himself a wonderful mum & dad who loved him very much.

My thoughts are with you and your OH.

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So sorry Elise :thumbsup:

I hope you and OH are doing ok.

It is hard to have to make that desicion, but you know in the end that you made the right one. RIP Bonzai

I had to laugh when you mention Bonzai chasing the pencil - what a character!! Him and Otto are so beautiful!

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