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    Dogs Dogs Dogs westies and lakelands

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  1. A six year old is unusual as it normally appears at around 4/5 months. A whole litter is also unusual sadly Boronia as I said before at present there is no DNA testing for our lovely breed which makes it hard if neither parents have been known to produce this before. Hopefully we will see DNA tests available for westies in the future.
  2. I have seen it once back in the 80's in a puppy bred by a friend,it is manly seen in small teriers and generally it improves as the dog gets to around 1 year old. At this time there is no DNA test for it or any other problems that westies may have.
  3. My vet no longer sells it!! But if you only ever stick with one chemical you are helping to build resistance. Why do you think farmers rotate actives? One season it's a mectin, next it's a white drench etc. Expose a population to a chemical long enough and they will adapt. If someone uses Fipronil, then changes and suddenly the problem goes, then the new active killed the resistant fleas. If fleas killed like internal parasites then maybe dog owners would be as aware of this as livestock owners. What with the modern drugs we have to drench our cattle and horses, (and I do mean "our own" cattle and horses) with there is little or no need to rotate as modern drugs do the job. If the product is not working correctly it may not be being used at the correct dosage. :) I use Ivermec for heart worm in dogs. At the correct dosage my dogs do not have resistance to the product and are clear of heart worm. I have been using this product for nearly 20 years. I have been using fipronil on my dogs since the product became available. It is still working on them and the fleas do not have a resistance as it kills them :)
  4. When this young lad showed at the royal last year the steward put the stool at the table for him and lifted the westie on to the table. When the judge had finished going over the dog he lifted it off for the young man and they were off round the ring. It was great to see such help and support for him. Theres a lady in Melbourne who's great nephew shows a Westie. Great aunt takes a fold up step into the ring when it is nephews turn, and he stands on the step to lift his dog onto the table.
  5. When I won the group in Brisbane in 2003 there was no money, sash, trophy and Advance dog food, didn't mind what it was the thrill of winning the group was enough
  6. Hi Boronia rolling means that you go over the coat a couple of time a week and pull out all the loose dead hard hair, in this way the coat will grow new hard hair and stay flat and clean. Has you girl been clipped if so then most of the hard hair will have gone and you are left with the softer undercoat. With our regular brushing and combing it will tangle. Wish we could get together so we could meet each others dogs and I could give you some grooming tips. Can someone tell me what 'Rolling' means. I brush the dogs, then comb them (with a metal comb) but Penny's coat becomes matted very quickly and I left it for 9 days before brushing and combing last time and had to cut out the mattie-bits with the scissors...yes I know I should have done it sooner she is getting all that fine, fine wispy hair tangled, didn't used to do this but seems more frequent lately.
  7. I us Preventic along with Advantix my vet said it was the only collar that could be used with spot on product as the other one is also a flea treatment and can react with the spot on.
  8. Yes MM i was so shocked the master groomer was a bit upset, but the strip breed class is not pacific enough the dog has to be a breed that is stripped but does not say must be stripped in the competition (which they are looking to amend). What was even more amazing was the judge commented on the westie that he was well presented but to much product in his coat and she could not get a comb through it easily. Well firstly it is a harsh terrier coat in top condition with little product in it,I help present it for a dog show the following week and yes it is hard to get a comb through as it is such a HARSH terrier coat
  9. "Also each state laws require different things under there animal act,It fine for people to say kennels are out of the loop but do you expect them to break the state law ?? People need to address there state laws so kennels can act accordingly" You are so right SHOWDOG the state laws are the controling factor and till we get the states to understand vaccination proticols it will continue to be confusing.
  10. I work at a grooming sallon and often get asked about hand stripping as they know I have show westies. I normally tell them I don't do it but they would expect to pay up to $100 an hour and the dog would have to come on a regular basis as it can't be done in 5 minutes. Have offered to teach people and many have come to me at home for lessons which I don't charge for as it is good that they want to learn. Have recently had a master groomer come to me for 6 months to learn for competition work. She ended up getting 2nd in the Comp, but what was amazing the winner was clipped (in stripped breed comp )
  11. Having owned 2 boarding catteries in Victoria prior to retiring we always required a full current vaccination.
  12. I have looked after friends shiba's many times (6 of them) have found them easy going, hard to get off the bed of a morning usually around midday unless order out to toilet. Very keen to get back in to jump back on the bed for a well earned snooze after being out in the garden for 5 minutes. Just lovely to live with
  13. Furkids Vet Clinic & Pet Habits are having a fundraising day on 3rd December in support of Paralysistick Vaccine Research. For further details check DOL home page for details.
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