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Everything posted by Dogs4Fun

  1. Great. It would be good to get some more details though. Thanks
  2. Thanks, but do you know the limits they use for vetting out (ie max heart rate etc?). And is this done a set time after each leg - eg do the dogs get 10 rest first?
  3. Hi all, Can anyone tell me the vetting limits used in the ET : heart rate, respiratory rate, temperature and what time these are taken after the end of each leg? I think they also check pads. Anything else? Thanks
  4. They both can "find" heel from anywhere, but moving back with me is just not making sense - so the way I am trying is not right for them.
  5. I think so - will pull out my old notes from (long ago) agility days and see what I can find.
  6. Thanks for your comments. I was going to try near a wall. I had a quick fiddle with them this morning and they kept trying to flip finish when I moved my left leg back - I could probably get three "flips" in!! I do know a few doggie dancers - didn't think of asking them - off to the phone!
  7. Hi All, I am thinking through training some of the actions for rally, and can't think of a logical way to train the heeling backwards action. I don't clicker train, but use food, toys etc. I have obedience competion dogs if that makes a difference. Any ideas?
  8. I have to say I love the breed. But ... most of the ones I know are very loud and super active.
  9. It depends rather. If the colour / patterns / marking don't affect my intended use of the dog, then no. If they do eg a mismark that excludes me from showing the dog when I intend to show, then yes, it would be of high importance.
  10. Can I get really reliable recall if not already gone?
  11. Just to break the border collie streak. A few years ago I was training and trialling two Cairn terriers in both obedience and agility - in fact competing in two agility "flavours" - ANKC and ADAC. They both got to CDX, ADX, JDX and were both trialling UD before retirement. One also had all the Excellent titles with ADAC. So it can be done. Both dogs enjoyed both disciplines and I had no problems with them confusing things.
  12. Ffiona Erskine - Ffire Photography http://www.ffirephotography.com/ Barbara Kilworth - Cabal Canine Candids http://www.cabalcaninecandids.com/ Thank you. Will go see if anything is up.
  13. Does any one know who the photographers were that were roaming around the Cambelltown show this weekend. I'm hoping to find some photos of my dog. Cheers
  14. Thanks for the replies. Will have a look at the websites.
  15. I need to get some bitch pants for my standrd poodle. Can anyone recommend someone who is making them, or an online store with good quality? thanks
  16. One of my terriers had it. Went to bed bright as a button. I got up in the morning to him lying flat on his side, with blue gums and cold, and a terrifying amount of bloody vomit and stool everywhere. 5 days in hospital on a drip, antibiotics, anti-ulcer medication and he finally came good. He never got it again. All blood tests and stool tests were negative. He was about 9 years when he got it and lived to 14 years.
  17. Sorry, slow to get back to you. Thanks very much!!
  18. Any chance you could put up the standard poodle entry please?
  19. I think finding out what exactly is the issue so that it can be address would be the safest option for the bitch.
  20. I too suspect that the term haemophilia is being used as a catch all.
  21. This diagnosis would be a very rare one. What testing was done to come to this conclusion? How old is the bitch? Has she had any evidence of unusual bleeding (from puppy teeth being lost etc?).
  22. I usually have one in its run and one out working. They an see the dog working. I am having issues with my younger dog barking and carrying on when working my older one. This way I can mark and reward her when she is quiet, and she is getting much better.
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