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Everything posted by Dogs4Fun

  1. I'm a bit late, but all of my dogs love lemon grass and it gives them lovely fresh breath. They will pull a few stems out and run off to munch on them on the grass. Doesn't seem to hurt them, and the oldest has been doing regularly it for 13 years.
  2. Go in the airport road. Turn left at the first lights. Turn right at the first road. Go all the way to the end and Virgin Pet pickup is on the left.
  3. Virgin only has 2 pet spots per flight now. If you fly on the same flight, you can book two dogs at accompanied baggage prices.
  4. Why not, they sold the "Powerband", and they sell make up, a huge range of lollies, some wierd vitamin mixes (as well as some sensible ones), toys, cameras etc so they sell a bunch of junk as well as good things.
  5. No requirement for a specific foot.
  6. You have your dog sitting at heel, staring up adoringly into your eyes. You bend down to adjust your shoe and it explodes up into the air to meet you, clonking you on the nose. You grab your nose and say some naughty things. Your dog doesn't recognise these words as commands, but runs through a few things in front of you, just in case it can please you. *Rubs at sore nose* ETA: She's only a baby, and didn't know any better.
  7. Just be careful that you don't tread on the owner's toes with this - make sure you discuss your plans with the owners. If someone decided to teach my dog something while it was in their care and it affected something else I was training, I would not be happy. In fact this happened - one of my dogs was at the breeders boarding, and they took it into their head to try to train a speak on command in a very sloppy manner (they are not obedience people and I have no idea why they thought this was a good idea, he was not a barky dog). It would then have been more difficult to get a reliable SOC for UD should I have wanted one.
  8. Have had that one a lot. Little did they know where poodles started from.
  9. My standard poodle in show puppy clip has been called a lamb. No not lamb clip, they actually thought he was a pet lamb.
  10. This insurance doesn't work that way. You have to pay in full and you get rebated by the insurance company afterwards.
  11. Don't use water. Every time after you use it, brush clean, then use a blade wash (Oster make one) to clean the blade, then oil before storing. Make sure you only ever clip a clean coat. You may need to clean and oil while you are clipping if the coat is dense.
  12. So is there nothing on the packet with regard the concentration of the tylosin?
  13. I have been trying to find the concentration of the Tylosin in this product, but it doesn't seem to be listed anywhere on the websites. Is it on th e packet?
  14. By all reports I have heard, ShoTags don't work. As above, you need to get to all the fleas at the same time: adults on the dogs and cats, immature in the enviroment. The day before, vacuum and mop everything in the house (you can't vaccum or mop few a few days after using flea bombs). Throw out the vaccum bag (or wash and dry you filters is bagless) On the day: 1) Treat all the dogs and cats with a good spot on type product and probably Confortis at the same time (speak to your vet / check packets for compatability). 2) Bomb the house - every room. Leave all cupboards etc open to allow the stuff to get in. Use at least the recommended number of units for the area you have. 3) Spray the yard. 4) Wash everything that is washable that the dogs have access to: beds, coats etc. Throw away unwashable beds. Dry in hot sun if possible. 5) Mow the lawn as short as it will handle. Trim up garden beds to minimise moist areas. Ideally stop access to under the house - this is a huge flea haven most of the time. Chicken wire or similar should be able to block off the area.
  15. To cut things short, what exactly have you tried and what animals, what in the environment etc.
  16. I know you feel committed, but please sit down, take a deep breath and think about this. Two teenage pups that have a questionable socilisation history and are likely to be highly bonded to each other are going to be very hard work. I know a lot of very good dog people who would be very reluctant to take this one. Please reconsider getting just one pup now, putting in the work, rearing to a nice adult and later getting a second pup (or adult) to complete you plans of two dogs. If you take you name off one of the pups, it has a chance of finding a nice home itself.
  17. Are you sure it was a worm and not some other type of parasite? Some mites live in the skin. Do you have a name of the blighter in question?
  18. I rang the sec last night and she got some numbers out but not all. Numbers will be there to pick up on the day.
  19. I use a catcher where my dogs have access to and a mulching mower where they don't. And yes, their feet turn green if they run around on the newly mulched areas.
  20. First of all, what did it look like? Most pet rats I have met are not the common wild type brown (but some are). If it was a fancy colour, it was probably an escaped pet.
  21. Excellent news. I hope they are all you want them to be.
  22. Don't have mine yet, and talked to a couple of people last noght - no one has it yet. They are very unreliable.
  23. Hope your day goes quickly and she gets on with things before your nerves are frazzled!
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