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Posts posted by BJean

  1. How do the customs people know if they are looking at a prohibited breed, or one that just looks the same as a prohibited breed? Do customs have breed assessors and a Vic style checklist?

    Seems pretty weak legislation, I mean really someones pet Mastiff Bloodhound X can really be a Fila in disguise and get through easily enough from what is on the paperwork and microchip details.

    The strength of the legislation is the government veterinarian and international customs protocol, including declaration obligations by government agencies at country of origin and connecting ports. As a supposition, Id guess those who have canine contacts and networks in iffy corners of the world, have bigger or even more exciting fish to fry than asking precarious favours and going through the hoo ha of importing an illegal item <a dog> disguised as something else. I guess it is possible, but it's out of bounds for 99 %; enough to be a non issue. In the terrorism era, counterfeiting of cargo contents (includes cargo identity) is a big non negotiable and is not going to happen for a dog.

  2. It's not so much that you like the look of something. Lilli's suggestion just sounded plain... weird. I mean, if you want a Dogo (the whole package), how could a large, flop eared white dog of mixed background even remotely come close to the real thing? The Dogo is so much more than just a large white dog. Most of the breed's charm lies in its temperament.

    IME it is not weird at all. A lot of people contact me about my breeds based on the look of the dog and a hopeful idea about livability.

    Most breeds start out with intentional mixed breeding of different breeds. And this is fine tuned over generations. a breeding program to recreate a similar looking dog with a more Australian(ized) or 'livable' <sic> temperament is a lot more realistic than pining over photos from abroad and/or ye olde.

    fwiw most breeds today have had their temperament made more livable by changes in prime function.

  3. I guess if you really wanted a Dogo Arg., you could embark on a breeding program to replicate the look of a Dogo Argentino utilizing breeds already in Aust.

    I do hope the sole reason for wanting a Dogo isn't just looks.

    A lot of people choose their dog based on looks and livability.

  4. Trouble is some people just can't afford Canberra's normal prices, or can but find the 'credit card up front' attitude of the major clinics a turn off. Jan has some very loyal supporters, a few are friends of mine, and they support her because they believe she provides a service to those who cannot afford high local prices, think she has better diagnostic skills than the newly qualified vets they run into elsewhere, and because they prefer her abrupt no-nonsense approach. They know the trouble she has been in, but they judge her on how she has dealt with them, not the AVAs view. I have discussed it with them - they trust her obvious flaws more than those they see in other vets and clinics. It was not a suprise to me when she was voted Canberra's most popular vet in that radio poll. There is a disconnect somewhere between parts of the animal owning population and the Canberra vet culture.

    Thanks Diva. I dont know the vet and have no experience of vets in Canberra - but what I like about what I have read about this vet named Jan, is she was prepared to give practical advice to a pet owner in need, think outside the square and find possible medication from what was available.

    Shame on the owner to drag the vet down when Jan took a risk of 'protocol' to help him.

    I wish there were more vets like Jan.

  5. So me and the housemate were watching on the news the other day about the two dogs attacking a jogger and then we started talking whether it was the owner's fault. He reckons its unfair to blame the owner because sometimes dogs can be just mean. He then was telling me about his friend who has two cattle dogs and even though the guy has never done anything to the dogs, the dogs have tried to bite him before. I never got the chance to say if it wasnt the owners fault then why were the dogs lose in the first place but by then the argument was getting a bit heated so I left it :laugh:

    No some owners are just daft and removed from the world around them, and do not realise that dogs are not mean,

    they just hold no need to respect the owner.

    Nothing complicated, simple animal outlook.

  6. Aggression is a normal part of dog psyche. Dog aggression, human aggression they are not 'mean' streaks.

    If you are in some parts of the world a dog that has no aggression at all will not help you, will not be of any assistance; will be an encumbrance.

    Yes DOL is Australia :)

    so some can forget that aggression itself is not a defect -

    what is a defect is poor nerve

    and that is when you have problems in an inherently aggresive dog or an inherently non-aggressive dog.

  7. I have an 11 month old (Bonnie) who is a sweet, submissive girl, loves everyone and from day 1 has taken her rank in the packing order no worries. Lucy the 2 year old made it pretty well known from the beginning that she was there first and is a pretty dominant dog anyway, she is speyed.

    Lucy as always put Bonnie in her place when needed and Bon takes the warning and will back down when told. They can share food off the same plate, play with toys and they follow each other around and are pretty good mates.

    Lately (the last few weeks), Bon has started to challenge Lucy and it can escalate :eek: . It's always over me and my attention or playing with a toy (99% of the time they play really well with toys).

    I'm thinking Bon is starting to mature and isn't taking no more BS from Lucy being the dominant one? Will desexing help?

    It's not a huge issue right now but I know if I don't get their attitudes right now I will have 2 right bitches on my hand.

    They are good mates 99% of the time, they hang out and sleep together so its not that they dislike each other but I would hate for it to change.

    I have been meaning to desex Bon (she was in season when she was last booked in so I deferred the surgery), will this help her?

    Lucy will NEVER let her take top dog, she knows very well she was here first.

    I don't want pack harmony to change :eek:


    Pack harmony will change because maturity brings change.

    This requires YOU to change, not your dogs. You need to change your expectations of the dogs, accept what they are and change the way your two female dogs are managed/housed etc.

  8. I must admit to not believing much heat at all heat on little babies + mum ... ensure a draught proof , roofed /insulated box/bed to reflect/contain bodyheat ..and ..large enough for mum to fully stretch and move ... rough uneven bedding , and let babies use :) mum as their main heating , encouraging bonding, and more feeding /comfort .

    When mum moves, or goes toilet , the rough bedding to get purchase on as the pups wriggle to find mum /huddle up ,gives them exercise and gets circulation going from the inside out .

    I'm mean ;)

    I'm mean too :)

    I dont think outdoor breeds require an (over)heated room to have puppies in winter; Australian winters are relatively mild. Draught proof is the key :thumbsup:

  9. Tryhard dogfight idiots who read the newspaper? :shrug:


    OK, here's a story I don't really want to repeat

    Hand on heart, many years ago I personally met a man who had been reduced to buying guinea pigs to blood his dingoes with. He started off with cheap or free pups (in those days you could buy a large crossbreed pup for $75 - $95 retail if you were desperate).

    His name and face became known, he was watched and moved on to easier obtained and concealed FTHG kittens or rabbits.

    He couldn't explain why his dingoes needed live animals. Some crap about keeping them antsy and alert and it being the best thing for them. In truth he was just a disgusting pig and a sadist.

    So yes there are other reasons animals are stolen. Not all involve bull breeds or fighting but few are pleasant. People can be sick. If you can't absolutely rule out dog fighting except by anecdotal statements and a few stats then you have to look at it as one of many possible scenarios.

    Yes according to anecdotal statements and a few stats martians from mars may have kidnapped the dogs for an intergalactic fight dog ring.

    Yes there are other reasons why dogs are stolen. Cruel morons as in your example are more plausible than dog fight rings; bait dogs are not in keeping with the psych of a fighting dog.

  10. the body of one small dog was found last week in the Hawkesbury area, after being one of a few dogs stolen from a particular area.

    An autopsy is being done by the RSPCA but the dog had been mutilated and also showed signs of being attacked by more than one animal.

    Attacked by more than one animal or more than one dog?

  11. The one reasonably good thing I can see out of this new proposed code is the clear differentiation it makes between Large Business and Small Breeding Businesses where for housing dogs in Small Business you are allowed to have your dogs indoors, which must be a relief to most small scale breeders knowing they won't have to build pens.

    How can any breeder or dog owner applaud and uphold, stand by and agree with

    a code of practice which is not how good dogs should be raised, fed; regarded.

    The level of understanding inherent in these recommendations is abysmal.

    It is pathetic that a code of practice for the keeping of dogs is measured not in the care it ensures for dogs but is measured in how it classifies breeders (ooh and exemptions).

    I dont want any exemption that perpetuates such gross misinformation and misunderstanding of what is dog.

    Ridiculous that one would be relieved that they dont have to build pens.

    I never agreed or applauded this code of practice. :confused: Sorry if you misunderstood or thought I was applauding this code. I agree that the code is ridiculous but just pointed out that at least pens won't have to be built for "small businesses" which is what a lot of people were upset about in the past. One small step forward but ten thousand other steps backwards.

    Shampooing of carpets is completely ridiculous too.

    Anyway, bowing out of this thread now. Hopefully people will point out all the other flaws in it and it will be revised further.

    Oh woops sorry SC I was just having a rave in general

    alas, I'm prone to those :o :D

  12. The one reasonably good thing I can see out of this new proposed code is the clear differentiation it makes between Large Business and Small Breeding Businesses where for housing dogs in Small Business you are allowed to have your dogs indoors, which must be a relief to most small scale breeders knowing they won't have to build pens.

    How can any breeder or dog owner applaud and uphold, stand by and agree with

    a code of practice which is not how good dogs should be raised, fed; regarded.

    The level of understanding inherent in these recommendations is abysmal.

    It is pathetic that a code of practice for the keeping of dogs is measured not in the care it ensures for dogs but is measured in how it classifies breeders (ooh and exemptions).

    I dont want any exemption that perpetuates such gross misinformation and misunderstanding of what is dog.

    Ridiculous that one would be relieved that they dont have to build pens.

  13. The thread is about tralee lamenting the quality of Maremma in Australia and what he considers lack of success in the ring. He has had some not so subtle digs about other Maremma breeders as well. If he is going to post misinformation then why be surprised it is corrected. If people want to post on the internet and only get positive replies they should start a blog.

    It's still not good RJ :)

  14. I've only read the last four or five pages. I have no idea about Tralee's breeding program or his individual dogs. But I do note he has responded to questions publically (to his own detriment) criticizing his dogs and a series of personal jibes and belittling comments which I do not think is fair. Any other breeder would have had this thread deleted. And to the breeders participating in this public flogging: you should know better.

    I dont care that Tralee is responding, you all know it is not a fair situation for him to be in wrt the group criticism and public scrutiny of his dogs.

  15. To be blunt, if you sounded in your emails the way you sound in your post, I would be concerned that you couldn't afford the puppy. Never mind that you earn a six figure salary. Unless you've said that to the breeder, she wouldn't know. Honestly, asking for a discount because of the second vaccination just makes you sound like a cheapskate. You may be, I don't know, but I certainly wouldn't want to sound like that to anyone let alone someone I'm getting a dog from. It would raise too many alarm bells where none are needed.


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