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Posts posted by Monah

  1. They remind me of lakeland terrors :)

    ;) :D :) I adore Lakelands.. mine were absolutely wonderful, terrific happy chappies :laugh::mad:( perfect kids dogs too. Hey Blab, take a look at them as well, non shedding. :thumbsup: very healthy long lived breed too.

    I shall do.... I know a breeder. :laugh:

    I'm jealous! They are just adorable!!! :laugh:

  2. he looks adorable, very handsome.

    any dog will play up if they are put in a run all of a sudden. this takes lots and lots of training, aa bit at a time. He seems like a lovely dog who may be bored. Of course his behaviour is not acceptable and is dangerous re getting out and barking at neighbours in their own garden.

    If it were my dog I'd get prof. help to see what the best option would be and what the trigger is for his behaviour. I suspect he may just need a lot more exercise etc. as any young dog of that age needs more than a daily walk and if he gets no exercise in the morning (I do understand you are at work :( ) then he has all that pent up energy for the whole day . even my dogs need 1 to 2 hours daily (usually more) of exercise or they are 'naughty'... and many dogs are at their most challenging at his age and by the time (with training) they get to 2 or 3 they turn into the most wonderful dogs ever. THis is the age (juvenile) when the most rehomings occur, they are not puppies anymore but not mature either and need some extra work. Usually (if the dog has a good temperament) a bit of input before the age of maturity really does pay off. :laugh:

    I've had many working dogs in suburbia, and there are stacks of kelpies here, IMO they are fine and lots of them have less energy than my vizsla! They just need a bike ride or good run or at least a run on lead and some mental stimulation. i dont know anything about huskies, but as they were bred to run he probably would really enjoy and appreciate a good run.

    I hope it all goes well, he is a very lovely boy.... tell the neighbours to move.. :):mad xxxxx

  3. They remind me of lakeland terrors ;)

    :laugh::o :p I adore Lakelands.. mine were absolutely wonderful, terrific happy chappies :rofl::):) perfect kids dogs too. Hey Blab, take a look at them as well, non shedding. :laugh: very healthy long lived breed too.

  4. blab, i've always found breeders overseas are great for info on the breeds that are rare here and have often emailed with great success. even if you find a Pumi breed club (eg in UK? or elsewhere) and then find them on facebook and ask for information as I belong to several OS clubs that have great facebook sites too and lots of terrific people who can impart all sorts of knowledge :)

    Crufts is also on and there are HEAPS of aussies there for it so maybe there is scope for some info there.

    I do understand different dogs from the same breed can be entirely different, have one myself who is not typical :eek:

    as far as I understand some Pumi can be very challenging, but I guess many breeds can. they sound like a LOT of dog.. ;) :laugh:

  5. From what I've heard they are very very full on and can be 'temperamental', not 'cutesy' like they look re appearance :thumbsup: but I have not met one personally..so that is not from experience.

  6. tall people also shrink :o my mum found she had shrunk 10cm (since 1980) when she had to get a new passport :hug:

    Re dogs, all our dogs have lived to a fairly old age, youngest went at 12 with a brain tumour, body and organs were excellent :laugh: I've had wolfies aged 11, ACDs 15, terriers in their 20s,

    I honestly don't know why many of our dogs have lived a long time, some of them during the times when dogs had table scraps and doggy 'sports' were unknown. Personally, all I can think of with us is that the animals had company, didn't ever suffer stress, comforts of warmth or coolness and places to rest that did not encourage arthritis etc. and good and prompt medical care, and of course.... LOTS of love...

    It would be wonderful to have dogs living longer.

  7. I've had....

    Patterdale, goldies, BC, ACD, ginat schnauzer, irish water spaniel, irish wolfhound, vizsla, spinone, several x breeds, lakeland terriers.

    Loved them all to bits, but for the future (as I'm getting OLD :) ) the breeds I would love to have are, Bracco, wire viz, foxhound, Affenpinscer (sp?), Portugese water dog, manchester terrier, deerhound, boston,

    I'm very very partial :clap::mad to standard poodle, borzoi, greyhound, whippet, english pointer, irish terrier, welsh terrier, welsh springer, Ibizan hound, griffon brux., flatcoat,

    I'd also LOVE to have more spins :hug::laugh: more vizss and more ACDs :o:) more wolfies,

    nowhere near enough time left for me :cry::cry:

  8. I've never smoked at all, neither have my kids or OH.

    My parents however smoked heaps and I'm sure one day I will pay the price (as they have already)

    Re animals, several of our cats died from lung cancer/disease when I was growing up. Autopsies were done, so I know that was what it was. Our house was full of smoke all the time, and even in those days we were told that the tiny lungs of a cat could not handle it.... :(:)

  9. MIne are crated at night too so dont have water. However they are never 'hot' as they are in aircon if it is hot. The rest of the time they have a neverending supply of water and usually dont even have a drink until they have been up for a while, so I guess they are not thirsty. When I've not used crates, all the dogs have had access to their water bowls, but have never got off my bed to have a drink!! :laugh:

  10. I have raised a litter bred by my bitches co-owner, and I enjoyed doing that. I currently only own and have a strong preference for male dogs, so that puts breeding litters out :) However I would consider breeding a litter myself in the future, probably so that I can get what I want (hopefully) in my breed/s as I'm just not seeing the breedings I'd be interested in happening.

    Me me me :(:laugh: I'd like mine in red...

  11. I can't seem to vote in the second poll. :love: ETA: sorted.

    I consider it from time to time but think its pretty unlikely. Not sure I"m the tough stuff that breeders need to be made of.

    Same here.. I haven't got the knowledge and..

    I'd suffer major stress for a few reasons if anything went wrong for a start. Also, i'm a 'fast and heavy' bonder, I could't part with anything, never have been able to. :laugh: very very VERY glad of others breeding though!! :laugh::confused:

    I guess if I was knowledgeable enough , and wealthy enough to import the breed I would like to import, I'd consider a male that was able to be a stud dog if needed, as this breed are very uncommon here and I feel that would be the moral and ethical thing to do. But I could see me trying to buy and keep all the pups..

  12. A while ago someone in the viz thread had

    a velocity of vizslas, very appropriate :mad:mad:mad

    Vibration of Vizslas

    Vault (as in jumpy) of Vizslas

    Spangle of Springers

    Fleet of Foxhounds

    Tingle of Tenterfields

    College of Cattle Dogs

    Pageant of Pointers

    A Focus of Border Collies

    Fellowship of Hounds

    A Delight of Deerhounds

    A Whizz of Whippets

    A Welcome of Wolfies or A Chilvalry of Wolfies OR a Vanquish of Wolfies (my favourites)

    A Shake of Spinoni or a Cheer of Spinoni

    A party of portugese

    a lively of Lakelands

    A burst of Braccos

    A Bevy of Braccos

    a Bubble of BRaccos

    a drool of Bordeaux

    A talent of Poodles

    A Beauty of Borzoi

    A bed of greyhounds

  13. Oh, dear old lab.. :)

    I've had :) 2 older 'outside' dogs who have had no trouble adapting/toilet training for indoors. As long as you make sure they 'go' at bed time, and dont leave water etc around they should be fine. Obviously :) a bit of training is neccessary, but nothing like with a pup.

    Personally (I AM neurotic) I would not leave a very young boxer alone with an old dog. With our oldies, when ever we have got pups, we have had them together when we are there, but kept the oldies either in another room, or with the pup with the pup crated. If the young dog is a very settled and placid young dog, as my spin was, then maybe it can be done.

    Old dogs need quality of life just as much as young dogs and this also means time out from boiterous, over the top dogs.. (like my viz was.. :)) I also teach all my young dogs how to behave around the oldies, ie. calm, settle, no running flat out and bowling the oldie over etc. I love the oldies, :) and at our place age comes before youth. :o

    If you can give the lab a lovely home, and you sound like you can, and are not getting it just as a 'nanny' for your lovely boxer, I'm sure it would be nice for the lab to be indoors and have heaps of attention in its twilight years. :love:

    agree that you need to see if they will get on and if they do, also see if they get on at your place as sometimes this can make a difference, will the boxer mind sharing water bowls, beds, toys, you etc. xxx

  14. I'm not worried about her climbing up the balcony wall, because it's pretty tall and there's nothing near the wall that she can use to climb up. Took all the basic precautions like switching off electricity socket and cleaning up little knick knacks within her reaching distance. We also hide treats around the sofa and her dog house for her to find, hopefully she'll behave better today....2.5 hours to go before I get to go home and see how she's doing :thanks:

    Thanks for the advice, will definitely consider getting a playpen set up if she still chew on cables. My OH promised to get a webcam ready for streaming, so we can watch her behaviour when we're at the office. This should help us to decide what our next step is, she might just need time to learn that she's got toys to play with instead of chewing random stuff.

    I agree with lillysmum. All dogs can jump, if there's a thunderstorm or anything unexpected the dog may do something out of character. The balcony would have to be awfully high to prevent any accidents. Mine are always in too. Dogs do not know the difference between chewing toys and chewing 'random' stuff. you have to ensure the 'random stuff' is not available at all. Is it possible to have an area or room where the dog cannot get into any mischief? Once it is an adult it will probably be OK left with other things, but not while it is young. :laugh:

  15. Hey JJ, I have heaps of baby dragons in the garden :(:laugh: and of course a zillion frogs, but the dragons are so cute!! :) Dogs are great, they never touch any of the garden critters.

    any lizard pics? nice froggy. :o

    Hello fellow Wigglebumian! I don't have any lizard pics any more but there are some of mine in the 'Herpers' thread in OT (Other Pets etc)

    That's great your dogs don't harm the lizards... mine are pretty safe here too.

    Wish I had dragons in the garden... do you know what they are?

    bearded dragons, we have several adults and a lot of babies. Here are a couple of babies.. :laugh:




  16. As far as I know police may enter any property if there is cause. I have been involved many times with police having to enter properties when the person does not wish them to do so. this has often been with ambulance in tow (as ambulance CANNOT enter if the person does not wish it or if the door is locked etc.) and also police on their own, for a variety of reasons.

    This is such a sad and awful situation all round, really tragic. :thumbsup::laugh: I hope he recovers quickly and well.

  17. I agree shortstep, mine do flyball and agility, there really are some nutters out there!!

    Kaffy, I cannot find the article about the dog and beach attack? I've looked through the webiste of the paper and also trawled through over 50 pages of council animal laws to see what laws theya re thinking of changing re submissions. Pretty much smoke and mirrors.. Have an eye problem ATM and I can't see properly yet so I'm having all sorts of issues.. :) but will attemtp to get someting together later today. Saw the 'file' pic with the dog kill article which appears to be a ban dog of some type,(pointer/grey?) I have no idea why they put up file pics for this stuff, it's completely meaningless. :eek:

  18. damn, could not get yesterdays paper, will have to see if someone else has one.

    The dog sports thing was actually a letter to the editor. we had a coomp here and there was a story abouut it with photos and comments, inc stuff about stretches etc. good story.

    some twit decided it was cruel and said things about 'dragging dogs all over the countryside', forcing them to over exercise (or else why would they need to stretch?) and it got worse. Cannot remember it all, I may have it around but I think I threw it out. I answered it, as usual. I am one of those pain in the backside letter writers (re animal stuff)

    It was in the Fraser coast chronicle, I really do not remember the date, sorry. I'll have a look around and see if I still have it.

    I really need this latest 'attack' article so I can write about it. Is that all of it in this thread? I also have to quote the date etc. it was in, was it yesterdays paper? Any inof appreciated. I'll take a look at the website, but sometimes stuff is missing...

    Kaffy, dont worry too much, no news = this crap... :eek:

  19. :( I haven't got todays paper, looks like I"ll have to run out and get one and write yet ANOTHER letter to the editor...

    a couple of weeks ago there was an article about how cruel dog sports are.. ;) the person who wrote it needs ot be locked up.

    same with this crap! unbelievable :grouphug:

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