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Posts posted by Monah

  1. :( We have 2 leonbergers around the corner and they are really lovely too.

    All I can say is good luck, if he's anything like the other spins I know on lead... :(:laugh::hug:

    Lull you into a false sense of security, then whammo...off on another tangent all together.. :(:(

    You have to love them. :(

  2. :D I do hope your hand is OK re the xray. I'm sure I would have done exactly the same thing. The dogs would have been "in the zone'. Fingers crossed there is no bad damage done to your hand. On the 'upside' (if your hand heals..) is that you hopefully have been saved a large or several large , vet bills.

    I am very sorry this happened to you, dog fights are very distressing. I hope I never ever have to break one up.xxxxx

  3. my girlchild still has not paid for her dog's emergency procedure, been a few weeks... she is paying a bit at a time.

    I can see both sides too. I have not been in that situation thank goodness. I guess maybe that's when credit cards come in handy. I'd use that and worry later.. I've just used mine for an $11,000 bill the week befoe christmas..not an emergency though. I'm looking on the bright side a la Kath and Kim...... spend heaps and get a free flight.. :thumbsup::laugh:

    Terribly sad when an animal loses it's life due to money. :D :laugh:

  4. I think all dogs can be clever.

    I have had ACDs.. they are completely and utterly amazing. One even looked after my children..

    My nephew had one and he was called Leo the wonder dog and ended up in films and on many tv shows. he found him on the streets in Sydney as a pup, he could do everything, and my nephew had never had a dog or done training or anything at all.

    I've also had BCs and they are smart dogs, but nothing like ACDs. I find BCs (personally :p :laugh: no offence to BC lovers) to be great but they do seem to have little 'obsessions.., like balls, or all sorts of other things. One we have now will focus on one of our cats. I swear the house could burn down around him, and he would still be staring at the cat..

    All the dogs I've had I'd consider intelligent.

    I tend to think of ACGs as 'grown ups' :laugh: they always seem to have a maturity and sensibility about them, adorable :heart::laugh::)

  5. The government will slaughter all the dingoes on Fraser long before they get the chance to breed with dogs :)

    I wouldn't tell authorities about dingoes, ever.

    I keep very quiet..................

    For some reason in other countries it is acceptable for humans to use common sense around wild animals, but not here. The 'rules' on Fraser Is. are really outrageous. Dont even say one has come within several metres of you.... :)

    Friends of mine were hiking in canada last year and have pics of grizzlies... no one came and slaughtered them..

    girlchild has worked in Africa and was told to be careful etc.

    It's a different story here altogether..

    dingoes are hunters AND scavengers,, if they scavenge around humans, authorities will kill them. :laugh::)

  6. I wanted to give him a big hug too... well, more than a big hug :laugh:

    He is so amazing at what he does, he does have other vets there, one did a terrific op on a tiny chinchilla :) but I should think he is the one who is capable of everything that needs to be done.

    I think his staff are fantastic too, his nurses are excelllent and have great knowledge. :thumbsup:

    I think the pain patches the dogs wear after surgery also tranquilise, so the dog should not have been so out of control. I know my dogs have had them and they do make them sleepy and I've even asked about it as they are so tired..

    Bartok, I think you may be thinking of another show? this guy is in Surrey in the UK. Unless it's a different Mulgoa, i'm thinking NSW?

  7. this was great again tonight.

    Incredible cat hospital area. state of the art, really fantastic.

    Lovely main coone donated blood to a dear cat who had been in a car accident.

    There was a little shih tzu cross ESS who was in a real mess with deformed front legs that he fixed by breaking and attaching a specialised frame..

    He worked all night and all day..no idea if he has a family a he seems to just about live at the surgery.

    There is even an elevator in the surgery.

    still so amazing. :cry:

  8. bundy's mum, we chould have a viz only flyball team, give those pesky BCs a run for their money :o:):o

    He would probably love both..

    you don't really have to 'choose', I'm sure he'd be very good at both too. They are very different, Monah loves going flat out at flyball and being encouraged to go for it :rofl:

    she also loves really using her brain in agility etc.

    I am not good at agility though, I'm a bit of a fumbler... :)

  9. If I'm guilty of anything, it's caninising my humans. If I really want my daughter to do something, I'll use non-verbal cues, there's nothing to debate with those.

    yes i have a look that makes all children behave. my daughter is grown now and will gleefully tell tales of what that look does even to strange children who are behaving badly in public....and i never utter a word

    it is a gift :(:rofl:

    ;) I too have always done 'the look'.. and it worked very well. Now they are much taller than me and adults.. I get " :eek: MUm! are you doing the look??' together with laughter :D ..

    I would get in trouble working in a school when a child did or was about to do something NAUGHTY and I'd be on auto and go ARGHH! (like I do with the dogs to stop them in their tracks.. :o )

    I dont see anything wrong with it? :( but apparantly..... you are meant to quietly ASK the dear little child to leave the rock there and please don't throw it at Johnny again because... :D ....


  10. I mostly name mine human names. One of our lakelands was called Basil, then we got a rescue swf who was in a real mess, so I called him Fawlty (as he was faulty!) but also love basil Fawlty..

    had a few birds with names like Alesi, Prost etc. but cound never do Senna as he was/is the love of my life :D :thumbsup:

    When I was growing up we got 3 cats together, 1 tonk and 2 siamese , they were Farley, Fabian and Eltrese.. seemed normal at the time, but now when I think of us calling the 3 of them... :D I wonder if people thought we were nuts.. :D

    Could be worse CW....ignore the twits!

    As a young child, we had Blackie and Sooty...(dog and cat)

    When my mum was a child, they had a GSD called Nigger... try using that now :D :D He was so gorgeous too. :D

    I really like Ethel and Hilda :cheer: lvoe all the Celtic names too, hence Roisin... :D Monah came named, but I like it and it suits her....moaner!!

  11. darwin was anthropomorphic, I think many scientists are, and it's a good thing.

    Darwin certainly was not anthropocentric. That is, he didn't see all life as centred on human values (but then science is value free). His work showed that humans evolved, same as all the other animals. He made it clear that's why he was so strong about how humans should treat animals reasonably. He personally pursued a legal case against a local farmer who treated an animal badly, beyond the reasonable. Most of the 'facts' in his snippet about Darwin & his attitude towards dogs are accurate.


    Finding similarities between humans & dogs....such as the fact that dogs' learning is the same process as early stage human's...is not anthropomorphic.

    It's finding something in particular in common. Seems the things that humans & dogs have in common, can provide a close sense of companionship. And meet mutual needs, from pets to working dogs.

    Maybe I have the wrong meaning. I thought to be anthropomorphic was to attribute human emotions etc. to beings other than human, which Darwin did, thank goodness, as other scientists thought this was a big no no.

    I've had 'dobber' dogs too, and have one ATM! My viz definiely tells me when someone is up to no good, or even unwell, as did my old lakeland and my ACD :laugh:

    I ahd 2 cockatiels who thought they were dogs, they slept and played with them, ate from the dogs bowls and even barked.. ;) ;)

  12. I've never paid for PTS. and the vets always come to the house. I"ve always held mine. The vets are a terrific support. The thing that put my girlchild off being a vet was the big decision of PTS. she said she could never say it to someone..and didn't want to. she did put our cattle dog to sleep though, as it was a blessing after a long battle with cancer. she was 15.:banghead: It was comforting having the girlchild do it, the dog was desperate to 'go'. A very tough thing for my daughter to do.

    We had a 'wake', vets too. (how's that for anthropomorphism :party: )

    All the bodies((at vets) went in a freezer in a bag.(and then elsewhere which shall be nameless) unless owners took them home or organised cremation.

    mine are all here at home in the garden. :party:

  13. I bought a really cute pink coat with fluffy white collar for one of my dogs. I like it and bought it for me, not that I thought my dog would feel pretty wearing it. She needs coats in winter and I sort of think that if I have to look at the coat, put it on her, wash it when it's grubby then I can indulge myself with what type of coat I buy. If I say to her when I put it on - ohh my you look like Zsa Zsa Gabor, is that humanising my dog? I know she doesnt look like Zsa Zsa Gabor - she's a dog, but is that a bad thing?

    :laugh::laugh: the bad thing is you said Zsa Zsa! You 'oldie' :laugh::thumbsup: shouldn't it be 'Paris' or someone? :laugh:

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