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  1. Yep! It was preferable ( at the time) to getting her spayed and it was worked really well - the 1 Year implant lasted for about 2 years and she's only just come back into season now. I've re-implanted a 1 Year dose and she seems fine. Having had a chat with my vet though it seems Suprelorin works 50-50 in bitches - and it's a lucky thing it's work in my bitch. Apart from the weight gain, it's been awesome! No side effects, no season, no nothing! Good luck!
  2. Awesome awesome awesome.... still love your pics and saving up money to buy some prints for my dining room wall!!! When are you coming over to WA??? Website is fantastic - looks great!
  3. It's super easy - over here the CGC is run by the Canine Association to encourage people to train their dogs up in basic obedience and manners - you learn stuff like sit, drop, recall, shop stop and a few others. Then there's a test and you get a certificate!! It's good fun and easy on the pocket, your dog and you get to bond and pick up some basic skills and enjoy a nice morning out!
  4. Wow, awesome pics!!! Ditto the 'please come visit Perth' post!!!!!!!! I'm sure you can make even my 2 boofas look glamorous!
  5. Wow, that's one HUGE sheep!! I wonder how her skinny legs can hold her up! Would love to see updates for when her babies come.
  6. Ohmigod, cute little lambkins and great pics too! Well done! Looking forward to more as they grow - would be awesome to see how the wee spotty one turns out when she? he? gets big.
  7. Agreed... I had my boy on it and he didn't stack on that much weight and returned to full fertility no problems.. But my bitch is on it now - 1 year dose - and she's a porker! Well, a porker from her skinny days.... ;)
  8. I saw CHARCHE toooooooo!!!! Channel 7 Sunday night.... I was too busy screaming his name.... :D Love your photos... :D
  9. They're sooo cute! I'm getting my stash now.
  10. Thanks for that, the place sounds awesome... I'll try to have a look- see sometime soon! Always nice to know that there are places that our furry pals can go have a good time at and we don't have to worry too much about! Cheers, StaffordsYo!
  11. Thanks for that, the place sounds awesome... I'll try to have a look- see sometime soon! Always nice to know that there are places that our furry pals can go have a good time at and we don't have to worry too much about! Cheers, StaffordsYo!
  12. Hey, I'm also considering Natural Paws so any thoughts you have after your visit would be much appreciated!
  13. Hey Mike, Welcome to DOL, good to see you on here.. where are the pics of Astro?? Cool name by the way... Re: your questions, basically if you don't train Astro NOT to chew the stuff in your house/garden, or give him other diversions then getting another Stafford will only mean both of them will start working as a team to chew up anything else that's available.... trust me.. I know. Having said that - 2 well-trained Staffords will keep each other company when you're not around..... Good luck!
  14. Ohmigod!!!! I had a good laugh at these photos.... if looks could kill.... Well done guys, some GREAT pics!
  15. Jeez, those are some awesome action shots!!! Definitely gazelle somewhere in Asha!!! Love the shadow shot! I had a good laugh at that!
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