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Posts posted by tdierikx

  1. Where I grew up it didn't matter what colour or breed the dog was - if it was worrying or killing stock animals, it was shot at by the owners of the stock.

    Our house dog decided to rack off and "play" with another roaming dog from down the valley one night... our dog came home with a bullet in him, but it wasn't a fatal shot. My dad (after getting the bullet removed from the dog) found out which neighbour/farmer had shot him, apologised and asked if the dog had actually damaged any of the farmer's stock. Luckily he hadn't actually killed any of the cattle they had been chasing - but the other dog wasn't as lucky as our boy. We kept the dog chained if unsupervised after that.

    You are fully within your rights to shoot any stray animal attacking your stock... no flaming from me...


  2. It's been 6 years since my heart dog Woosie crossed to the Bridge... and I still cry for her every time I read about someone else's pain over sending their best friend there too.

    The pain of your loss doesn't heal, but you learn to live with it a bit easier over time...

    I was a complete mess for quite a while after Woosie passed, and still lose it when I think or talk about her. You need to grieve in your own way - and bugger what anyone else might say about it. If you want to go and scream at the sky, do it... if you want to curl up in a ball and wallow in your pain, do it. I used to sit on my back step with one or more of my other dogs and just howl like a dog... it helped me cope... and I don't care what the neighbours thought about it...

    A piece of your soul leaves with such a dog - but you must also believe that they are also very much alive in your heart. Remember your friend well and know that they will be waiting for you to join them at the Bridge when your time comes...


  3. I can attest to the escalation of nastiness over time with 2 bitches. My 2 had 4 fights in 2.5 years - were absolutely fine with each other and best buddies in between said fights. Both are also perfectly fine with all my foster pups, and behave perfectly when out in public places - even when challenged by other dogs. They just don't do being challenged by each other. My Lab would kill my Rotti/Pittie if there was no-one to "referee" their fight - there is no way that I'm physically capable of separating them when they decide to fight.

    The last fight happened to have the police attend (they were across the road for another matter, and heard me yelling at the dogs) - 2.5 cans of capsicum spray, batons, and boots, nothing was getting those 2 apart. They finally stopped due to exhaustion, and we could get them to the vet... $1400 (discount rate no less) later, my 2 girls are not ever going to run together again...

    My girls are 11 and 5 - both alpha - and have adjusted just fine to being separated. It is worth the peace of mind to keep them that way, trust me!


  4. Big hugs to you and the little one... please let her know that Abbi will always be with her in her heart even if she can't cuddle her for real. Is she old enough to understand the Rainbow Bridge story? It may bring her a little bit of comfort knowing that Abbi will wait for her patiently at the Bridge until they can be together again...


  5. So when recommending a "registered" breeder, we should qualify that by saying "ANKC registered"... yes? Being that the ANKC is the only truly nationally recognised body for registering purebreed dogs...

    But where does that put those looking specifically for certain working breeds (for example) - they have their own registry due to their breeds not being recognised by the ANKC.

    What if I don't want to buy an ANKC recognised "breed" of dog? What if I have a preference for a particular mixed breed? Is there somewhere I can go to research what to look for from "breeders" of mixed breed dogs, so that I can make a more informed decision as to the possible health and temperament issues one may face down the track?

    As an average joe, I have purchased dogs from internet ads, petshops, CC members, etc... maybe I have been lucky that none of the many pure or crossed breed dogs I've brought home have had any inherent issues that we are told that these sorts of dogs should (or will definitely) have...


  6. Dannielle, I remember when I had to make the decision for my sooky Rotti boy... he had bone cancer in his neck and damaged it when jumping off the couch. I had the option of trying to treat his problem - which would be purely for my own benefit to give me more time with him - or to give him his wings... he got his wings because I couldn't bear to have him suffering just so I could have him longer...

    Sometimes I wonder if I should have tried to give him more time.

    It's the second guessing yourself that is actually the hardest part of these decisions - especially if the dog in question has good days and bad days...

    Whatever you decide for Abbi will be the right decision at the right time, OK?


  7. Of all of the females I've owned that I've had desexed, only 1 had showed any signs of incontinence at a later date. Bear in mind that this one had 2 litters before being desexed aged nearly 3 years old. She started leaking while asleep when she was 6 years old. It's possible that her problem was completely unrelated to her desexing status.

    My current 2 girls were desexed at 2.5 years old each - after having a litter - neither are even vaguely showing signs of any incontinence at all - and the old girl is 11.5 years old.


  8. My local vet staff know my voice... even though I don't call them often. They do have one woman who isn't very pleasant over the phone, but when I mention that I'm "Trouble's Mum" she gets a whole lot less frosty... *grin*

    The regular clinic manager is the best ever - she always can find time to get one of my furkids in to be seen if they need it... considering that I tend to foster pups, and go down for weigh-ins on them, all the staff love having puppy cuddles... hehe! Don't need to bribe with money... *grin*


  9. When one of my Rotti girls passed and we buried her in the corner of the back yard, the male that had paired with her sat on top of her grave for a whole week. We even had to bring him his food there... it was pitiful to watch him grieve for his girl. He was fine after that week though...

    The girl above had a sense for when there was something seriously medically wrong with people too...


  10. My heart dog Woosie (a Rotti with the sweetest temperament ever) wouldn't let anyone into my room if I was asleep. My poor flatmate tried to come and wake me because there was a phonecall for me... and my 10 week old "guard dog" stood over the top of me and scared the 6'4" Maori flatmate right back out the door... lol! Woosie never left the bed, and didn't bark or carry on - she just let him know she wasn't having him come any closer by using a growl he totally understood to mean "get out"...

    This dog was perfectly fine with everyone and everything except when I was asleep. If I were awake in bed, she wasn't fazed by people coming in... just when I was asleep... god I miss that dog! A piece of my soul went with her when she passed...


  11. Each of my babies that have gone to the Bridge have "let me know" that it was time - it's a hard thing to explain "how" one understands their need to take their final journey. It is different for each dog, but the bond you have with them just "tells" you that they need this final bit of help from you.

    PS - I feel for you. Me and mine send you all the strength and love we can for when your beloved fur-friend needs to take her journey to the Bridge.

    Jed - your writing from the heart made me cry... but it also made me remember all of my "Bridge-babies" who are patiently waiting for me to join them some day - and that makes me smile again. Thank you!


  12. Not only my own dog, but a flatmate's 2 dogs also, got between me and a drunk and aggressive other flatmate who was brandishing a knife at us in a drunken rage.

    I'm fussier about flatmates nowadays, but I have no doubt each and every dog I've ever owned would get between me and danger without hesitation. Dogs don't have to be fully specialist trained to protect their pack members IMHO... mine are treated with love and respect, and give that back to me a thousandfold in so many ways...


  13. I've got a few of the rubbery orange and blue Chuckit balls - they are tennis ball sized... and I recently saw larger ones in our local pet supply store too... they are the only things my crazy Labrador hasn't been able to destroy. Not cheap, but worth every cent for their longevity.


  14. Most rescues don't advertise their charges with the fancy petshop type names... I'm guessing that those who have bought these crossbreeds elsewhere for ludicrous sums of money want to perpetuate that they have something special because they don't want to admit they paid way too much money for a somewhat ill bred mutt... *grin*


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