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Posts posted by tdierikx

  1. Backyard bred dogs tend to come with poor temperaments anyway

    I'd probably qualify the above with something more along the lines of "backyard bred, undersocialised, and undertrained dogs tend to develop poor temperaments anyway"

    Not all backyard bred dogs are going to be problem dogs - it really does come down to getting out what you put in - well bred dogs can be nasty little things when owned by idiots too...


  2. How about a Beagle pup I ♥ Bindi~Boo?? I have a couple of those as fosters too... and they are pure Beagle (no pedigree though - puppy farm mum)...


    :confused: those extremely cute beagle pups keep popping up where ever I go! I seriously need to hide from Tdierikx's posts.......... tells self *cannot possibly get a second dog atm*

    Two dogs are twice as much fun and cuddling... I should know - never less than 2 here (currently have 3 pups, 1 adolescent, and 2 adult dogs)


  3. The best puppy toys are really cheap... empty toilet rolls or paper towel rolls are a big fave with all of my fosters! Then there are plastic soft drink bottles - they LOVE those! You can get a small Coke bottle, put a little bit of uncooked rice in the bottom, tighten the lid, and roll it on the floor for hours of fun... lol!


  4. Yes - Willow is a rescue foster puppy - and she has 2 pure beagle fosters sisters as well...

    Willow was a surrender (I don't ask why any more - people are crazy), and the beagles were born in rescue from a dog rescued in a puppy farm evacuation.

    The scruffy dog is also a foster...







  5. The best time to take graveyard photos is at night... *grin*... When I was young, me and a friend used to wander the streets around Naremburn and Crows Nest - there was a nice little old cemetery there that we took some cool photos in...

    My mum got some awesome photos on her mobile phone at the old quarantine station at north head - so that is definitely on my list...

    There are some nice little churches around Luddenham and Bringelly and Rossmore area...


  6. If the pup had coccidia, did the vet give it Baycox (or something similar)?

    How is he doing now? Hopefully he's well on the mend and is a happy and healthy ball of cheek... *grin*

    Don't worry too much about the toilet training and little wet accidents - I've had quite a few male pups who have had no concept of going out for wees for a while - he should probably be doing his poos where you want him to by now though...

    I have had 2 Rotti pups pass away from Parvo some years back - and both of them also tested positive for Von Willebrand Disease - the fact that they don't clog as fast as others means that a haemorrhagic disorder like Parvo/Corona is more likely to cause death if the bleeding can't be stopped quickly. VWD seems to be fairly prevalent in some German breeds...


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