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Posts posted by tdierikx

  1. He wasn't making any noise in the last shot - I think he wanted me to feed him... he seemed very content with human company moving around and close to him.

    He sat there for ages, turning and posing for me to take photos from a whole pile of angles. I ended up with 282 photos, of which I have so far deleted 95 in the first run through. I'll give it a few days and kick out a few more that may not be up to scratch... *grin*

    In the photo with the two people in it, my Mum is the lady in the pink, and she was taking photos too on her phone. She will send them to me when she gets access to a computer to download them. She got an awesome shot of the cliffs on her phone from the old Quarantine Station at North Head - that one actually ranks up there in the "photos I wish I'd taken" category - on a mobile phone!! Note to self: must go to Quarantine Station at North Head with my 450D... hehe!

    Oh - and none of the photos posted here have had anything done to them except resized down to upload to Photobucket...


  2. Yeah - my aunt's place has a nice view of Sydney's Middle Harbour. We can sit and watch the sailing races, or check out the nudists at the beach across the harbour... *grin*

    They get quite a few nice birds there - I snapped a flying Cockatoo (but was facing the sun, so he's a bit dark), and saw a pair of some other sort of native largish birds being swooped by a tribe of Noisy Mynahs - and the Kookaburra of course...


  3. I've found that putting the cream on for the first couple of days, then switching to an antibacterial powder will help heal the wound faster - had a few dogs cut their feet in a similar fashion, and this has worked the best to get them up and about quickly.


  4. Also - if you do take him to the vet, advise them beforehand that you think he may have Kennel Cough. Some vets will come out to the car for a possible KC check. I know that mine prefer not to have a KC dog in the surgery waiting room, due to its highly contagious nature.


  5. My Labrador bitch is around 32 kgs... and I'd like her to drop about 4 of those, as she definitely has booty going on!

    Did you feed your Stafford lead before you weighed him? *grin*

    10kgs for a 16 week old Stafford pup seems a little on the high side... I'd be thinking closer to 7 or 8 at the most... that's what my last pure (but not well bred) Stafford foster pup weighed at 16 weeks.

    I suppose what we need are photos of your little keg boy... then we can see if he's just a solid little man - and everyone loves puppy photos... lol!


  6. 1) when dogs are on a natural, raw diet fleas and mosquitos are not interested in them so there is no need for flea or heartworm treatments.


    2) if dogs are not subjected to chemical intervention, their bodies are able to develop the ability to deal with worms on their own


    3) vaccinations do nothing except poison your dog.


    4) pups over 12 weeks of age are safe from Parvo


    1) Would you buy a puppy from a breeder who hasn't given the pups any vaccinations, worm or flea treatments?


    2) Would you be happy with a pup that has gone from mother's milk to raw diet?

    Fine by me

    3) Would you be prepared to continue for the rest of the dog's life with no vaccinations and feeding a raw diet?



  7. You know you are a crazy dog lady when you are following one of your dogs down the street with a saucepan in hand trying to get a urine sample..... :rofl:

    :laugh: :p :clap:

    I have some to add...

    You know you're a crazy dog lady when you take sick leave if one of your dogs is sick

    or when you are told to take "compassionate leave" for 4 days when one dies.... because you are a blubbering mess and can not get anything done!

    Ummm... been there... on both counts...


  8. Ummm... does being able to tell which poo in the yard belongs to which dog - without seeing who did it - count?

    Or... your vet calls you for advice... errr!

    There are more dog crates in your lounge room than couches...

    You eat take-away a lot because the fridge and pantry are full of dog food/treats...

    You are definitely a crazy dog person if all of the things people say here in this thread seem perfectly normal... lol!


  9. You wouldn't have been at Tania Park would you? I've seen dog walkers' vans pull up and open the door, and lots of unrestrained dogs pile out and run amok while the "professional" dog walkers try to get them to go anywhere but down the bloody cliffs... *sigh*


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