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Everything posted by Dreams

  1. Bartok I'm so sorry. I've been away & only just read this thread after seeing the one for Kuges. Fly free beautiful boy. Thinking of you & your family. xx
  2. Pandii, that's a lovely offer. Thanks so very much.
  3. Thanks very much for your help! It looks like we may have this sorted & are hoping to take the dogs with us.
  4. Good morning, We're looking at going on holidays soon & we're hoping to find out about boarding kennels in the Port Fairy/Warrnambool area. If anyone has any recommendations we'd really appreciate it. Thanks for your help, Lisa.
  5. Beautiful photos of some truly gorgeous greyhounds. Congratulations on selling the print! It's a fantastic photograph!
  6. Belle came to us to show all of us how incredible the right dog for the right family at the right time can be. She is the most beautiful gentle daggy girl that we all adore and we will always be grateful to Larissa at GapVic for allowing us to adopt our precious Bella Bella Pumpkinella.
  7. Jed, you are in my thoughts every day. Your courage and grace in the face of such adversity bring me to tears. I will light another candle for you now. With love, Lisa.
  8. We have the world's best greyhound Belle. I cannot recommend these beautiful gentle goofy dogs highly enough. We have four cats, two kids and Belle is just the best dog ever. I will never be without a grey again. To watch her sitting perfectly still whilst our tiny Cornish cat diligently washes her gives you an inkling into just how special these dogs are. Or to watch her face when she's with our two kids either playing or her listening intently whilst they tell her their biggest secrets. Or that helicopter tail just because she's happy. We got our darling girl from GAPVic and are so very very grateful to share our lives with our precious girl.
  9. Oh blimey Jed. Hopefully things will be able to be sorted out for you and you can continue to recover both physically and spiritually. Thinking of you.
  10. Excuse me for popping in but these are absolutely gorgeous photos and a really lovely idea. I'm seriously tempted to try it with my children too as that would be an incredible project. Thanks for the inspiration!
  11. Checking in on this extraordinary lady. You're always in my thoughts Jed. Good luck on your journey to recovery.
  12. I'm up so checking in and lighting another candle for you lovely Jed. Anyone else for a cuppa?
  13. Good morning everyone. How does a pot of herbal tea and a platter of fresh fruit sound this morning? I was trying to think of something for Jed and came up with the idea of a special place for her. So Jed this morning I send you thoughts of the gentle ocean, the scent of wildflowers on the ocean breeze, birds quietly chattering in the background. A healing place for you. Love to all.
  14. Quietly pops in, thermoses of tea, coffee and hot chocolate left on the table. You are in my thoughts every day Jed. I check in here every time I log in. So many people out here thinking of you - it says a lot about you. A small thing but I hope that it brings you a little comfort.
  15. Fly free little ones. So incredibly poignant knowing that they'd all gone to be with their mum.
  16. Just checking in again. Rest easy Jane. There are a world of people out here thinking of you and I am but one of them. Much love and positive thoughts, Lisa.
  17. Another person checking in on this extraordinary lady. Our hearts go out to you and your family Jane. Fly free little ones.
  18. We have a Holden Captiva which is just fantastic. We bought the seven seater diesel. The only negative is the carpeted back.
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