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Everything posted by RubyStar

  1. Yep can upload to youtube and paste the link in here :)
  2. Now our agility trialling year is over, I can't believe what we have managed to achieve! Mindy now has gained her ADX, JDX, and GDX titles and is one qually away from gaining her SDX and SPDX titles! She also has some passes in ADO and JDO. This is more than I had ever imagined we would be able to achieve in a year. Mindy has come on so well after starting lessons with the wonderful Vickie! Looking forward to a great year as well next year! Well done to you and Mindy! That truly is a successful trialling year! I would really love to see some videos of you guys in agility, I love seeing fit labs run :D Do you have any you can share?
  3. Despite my dogs being mediocre performers :laugh: Over the years I have accumulated a drawer full of ribbons, rosettes, trophies and medals, and there is no way I can have them all out! I should do something with their most special ones.
  4. Congrats TSD and the awesome Em I can't believe you guys are still trialling into November
  5. My dogs aren't allowed in while I go to the loo or have a shower - that is ME time :laugh: They do wait right outside the door every time, though. I'm so mean :D
  6. I had a naughty lab puppy at one stage, but she never once stole the toilet brush or the toilet roll. She would nick off with other stuff though, like my sunnies once and wanted me to chase her :laugh: Now as a sensible mature adult, she only nicks socks/slippers/shoes and brings them to you as a present when you get home :D
  7. Definitely head banging stuff! I tried to assure the judge that if Millie did that sort of behaviour in training, we wouldn't be testingit in a trial ring! I'm not sure I managed to convinced her :laugh: Perth isn't that hot :D
  8. Took Millie to training tonight. Yep, I can zoom out to the box at a million miles an hour and sit in it no worries, mum! You want me to take the bar jump? Well ok then! Seekback, sure, no problem, there it is!!! See, lovely in training - absolutely non existent in a trial!!! Ruby was my star tonight though, she was very enthusiastic and did some lovely work :) Pippa hasn't been out to obedience training in a while... and it showed
  9. Well done, Tassie and Rory!! To come so close on your first go, well done! Rory failed what Ruby did the other weekend, so close yet so far!! Although we trialled again this past weekend and she was back to having blonde moments (like way overturning for glove 1 - she kept going to face glove 3 - sweetie, that ain't gonna work!!!) Then I had Millie in UD NFC because even though she demonstrates she has most of the knowledge in training (still a few small holes), I put her in a UD trial and I swear she COMPLETELY loses the plot. Acts like she's never seen a UD exercise in her life. She took the solid jump on the way OUT to the box, turned to face me right after and dropped. What. The!!!??? Second time I sent her to the box she just did crazy bog laps around the ring and into the next. So when I said I wanted to see how many screws were loose this time, hence the NFC, I wasn't joking. I just don't know why She is completely off her rocker with uncontrollable enthusiasm that she can't focus on a damn thing!! So I think it's safe to say that she isn't going to be a UD dog and it's up to Ruby now to do it for the team!! :laugh: When I get the time, tracking may be on Millie's agenda for something else to do!!
  10. Good girl Mindy!!!! Yeah it was fun, was almost too much fun for the girls
  11. yeah, maybe Not sure when I'm going to enter her in obedience/rally! I'm sure he wasn't awful!! Not when he's Pippa's half bro, no way! :p Congrats!!! That's awesome :D I've been having weave troubles in ADX with Millie that is purely reserved for trials (does AWESOME weaves in training!) and it's been ages between passes. We finally cracked our 3rd ADX pass today, and on a terribly hot day with no sun relief with no cloud cover, so I'm doubly proud :) Also got our first Excellent Strat Pairs pass with both Millie and Ruby, with pie kindly stepping in and handling Ruby for me :) An almost play session near a tunnel with the two of them, got them back on track without having to fix any errors. Go the Labs
  12. Looked great, paddles!! And I have backyard envy
  13. Ruby gained her last pass today in the novice retrieving ability test for gundogs (RATG) for her NRA title :) Millie was the first in WA to get the title, now Ruby is the second Not the biggest of achievements given there are heaps of dogs in the country already with the title but hey I will take whatever I can get to feel special :p
  14. Oh my Even if she is pregnant, holy moly Hope they find good homes who can feed responsibly. Does anyone know how Nelson is going?
  15. Way to go kath and biker girl!!! We had the WA State Obedience Trial last night and I know a certain WA DOLer who has ultimate bragging rights :D But I'll let her come in and share herself :) Only a small brag here, Millie got her RE title last night. Both kids have RE now so that is them retired from rally. They don't enjoy rally as much as regular obedience so I am not keen to spend the insane amounts of money required to try for RAE with them! My next rally prospect will be little Pippa :) Oh and Ruby got oh so close to a UD pass, again She gave a lovely round, scoring beautifully in those exercises she passed! Probably her best UD score to date. She just knocked the bar jump returning from the first box, and missed the second scent article. Incredibly proud of her :) Our time will hopefully come one day, onnneeee daaaayyyy
  16. I think UD might just beat me And if I can't ever get Pippa to pick up a metal article, won't be getting there with her, either! She tries so hard to pick it up, bless her.
  17. Frustrating, you betcha Congrats on the UD, Dogs4Fun!!!! Not an easy feat Well done with all the other brags, lots of variety
  18. I'm so sorry to hear of your double loss Brought tears to my eyes. Thinking of you and your husband Run free and together, gorgeous girls
  19. Grew up with small dogs, like maltese, silky and yorkie. While I loved them, none of them really appealed to me. Wanted a Labrador since my early teen years and then when I finally got one as an adult, I became so one-eyed for Labs and Labs only that I couldn't see myself with anything else. Then my parents got a mini schnauzer..... Super duper little dogs! :D I think I'll always have a Lab and a Mini Schnauzer in my life, they get along so great But I'm not 100% breed loyal, as there are a few other breeds I'd like to try in my lifetime :)
  20. Does anyone want a spring cot mattress for a dog bed? I'm going to ditch mine but thought I'd check if anybody wanted to give it a home first for their dogs. Nothing wrong with it, I just don't have the room anymore. My dogs won't be happy, but they'll learn to deal with it It's always been covered by a sheet, so minimal Lab hair left behind :p Edit: it has found a new home :)
  21. She's still such a baby and we haven't done a lot of training since April due to injury, weather and a busy schedule, but we had fun at the Royal Show and that's what counts :D She's such a social butterfly Gonna have to tackle that, as she visited the judge several times that day
  22. Looks so lovely, and deserted, down there! I hope to head there plenty this summer :D Glad to hear Louis is doing well
  23. This just cracks me up! Love this little dog :D
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