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Everything posted by RubyStar

  1. Thanks for that! Certainly sounds interesting and very much worth it if you invest the time in :) Well done!
  2. Jess, can you please tell us more about her course/s? Are they open to everyone and dogs of all ages? I guess there is a lot of work involved? Is it expensive to do? Your video is very inspiring! Love that rear end awareness!
  3. Oh gosh CC, crossing everything I can for your little man!!
  4. Well done AD! It's great when it comes together Do you have videos? :) Congrats again Ptolomy on Scoota's RAE and Cider's first in RE! Congrats to you too, TO, your red kids sound brilliant! And of course Tassie too and your brilliant BC's!! Only a small brag here, Ruby got her RE title on the weekend in 3rd place. We had to retry the walking backwards station as she wasn't quite prepared :laugh: Not sure where the other points went, we got 91 :) I'm not sure I'll be trying for RAE. If I do, we will be entered sparingly and I will only focus on one dog at at time. So Ruby might get a chance, we'll see!!
  5. Run free Tess My condolences
  6. Or as Millie does, just bowls me over and make me go A over T because I was silly enough to be there in the first place! And I swear I am going to break my neck trying not to break Pippa's neck
  7. I know sport is important, but it does get sad when designated offleash areas for dogs get the boot when a sporting club comes along. 6 years ago when I got my first Lab I used to take her down almost every afternoon/evening to a very large local oval that had very few people use it. We'd go and work on some training and it was a lovely time with me and my girl, fond memories and all that. Now that oval has turned into a sporting ground with a club house built and nice big signs that say no offlead dogs Why can't things be shared? It's large enough and why can't dogs be offlead when the oval isn't being used by the sporting club? It's just really sad.
  8. Does it count as a solution if it makes her avoid the seekback in the seekback exercise, too?
  9. I thought of your box one Ptolomy but thought I'd let you come along and explain it :D I'm interested in the replies to this thread, too. Training 2 for UD currently, and let's just say, it's a challenge! 1 has come oh so close a few times (and looks like she doesn't belong there all the other times, yes you, Ruby!) and another who is very new to UD and only gets entered on rare occasions but she has a blast when she is out there messing most of it up :D Looking forward to the replies!
  10. My girl had hers flushed and while I got to see the video of her ear canal down to her drum before and after and it was much improved, I was a little surprised and shocked to see her ears were still a tad gunky after paying out all that money!! I would have thought they'd be squeaky clean!
  11. Torah has been found :) Any news of Jaffa? Rocstar is still missing as far as I know
  12. Hope Jaffa is found! Just to add to the bad news, Rocstar the border collie from Banjup has also gone missing, since this afternoon as well. Please keep an eye out!
  13. I was going to guess that it was our equivalent of a Stand For Exam... but can your dogs move at all in your one? A lot of dogs fail (and have made a career of failing it, hey Ruby!!!!!) not due to dodgy temperament, but because they can't keep their feet still Get your face too close and you cop a kiss from my Labs
  14. Elsie looks fab, DD!! So enthusiastic :)
  15. Run free, Piper I'm sorry for your loss
  16. Cheers for the platform links! I think I need to start platform work with Pippa, her fronts are atrocious and I am finding it more difficult to teach her the correct position than teaching the Labs due to her size. Right now it is "near enough is good enough", but I want to perfect it :) Her stands at heel could do with straightening up too I think! Now to find a spare weekend to make a platform
  17. Stays, Pippa asks what that is?! She's come a long way in certain aspects, but I have neglected to teach other things Start line stays for agility have somehow morphed into a stand up and shake and then wait to be released. Sigh. Have to work on that one as it is going to bite me in the bum for obedience!!
  18. Stand was something I delayed teaching Pippa, too. Only took me about 18 months to get around to it
  19. Thanks, livertreats If I get enough uni work done tomorrow I hope to be down on Thursday. I have a lot to do though, so I'm still not sure Is it an 8am start for novice?
  20. You're right ness and I am not in a hurry to move her up to excellent anyway. I was going to repeat novice next weekend regardless of having 3 cards in hand or not! It's just a bit disappointing. It was a cracking little run and I'd love to know her results more than anything!!
  21. Well done! Pity about judge visiting! though. And visiting bystanders and looking for her mum!! Mum is banned from being visible at ringside from now on
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