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Dame Aussie

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Everything posted by Dame Aussie

  1. Hey Aussie, Ivermectin has nothing to do with desexing procedures, or atleast I am 90% sure. How old is your little girl now? There's a fair bit of debate about when a good age to desex is.. My Aussie bitch is nine months old, has no sensitivity to Ivermectin, but her sister was never tested and was desexed last week. Her desexing was fine, she was a little groggy for a while, but otherwise just fine. Hey Bonnie, She's just turned 6 months....I've been debating over when to do it but am thinking in the next few weeks...
  2. We have just sent off for a DNA test so we can test our Aussie to see if she has sensitivity to Ivermectin. In the meantime we have been trying to decide when to have her desexed. I was just wondering if any of the drugs she could possibly be sensitive to would be used during the operation. In the anaesthetic, pain relief etc? Does anybody know? Preferably we’d like to have the DNA test done first but it’s taking it’s time arriving. Thanks all
  3. Hi all, Just wanting any advice on a new behaviour I'm a bit worried about.... Lili has just turned 6 months, she has stopped biting except for sometimes when playing she will mouth, never hard, and when this happens we say no and walk away. She is attending obedience and doing very well, has no problems with aggression towards other dogs or people. When it comes to food, bones etc there’s not a problem. I can take a bone or toy off her and all she will do is tug for it back sometimes. However, on a couple of occasions at night time it’s a different story. I first noticed this one night, we were in bed and Lili was lying on the floor in the bedroom, I heard her chewing on something and reached down to take it off her and she shot forward at me, she didn’t bite or snap but just moved quickly as if to scare me away, I thought maybe I’d just given her a fright but now this has happened on a couple of occasions. The other night she was laying near an electric plug so I bent down to turn it off just in case she decided to chew on it in the night….As I bent down to reach for it she shot forward again and snarled at me , her muzzle touched my hand but with no teeth. This only seems to happen at night, in our room, in the dark and over things that normally she couldn’t care less about! Is this resource guarding?? Thanks all
  4. But of course! We bought Lili a Snooza bed and she would rather lie on the floor :D
  5. Don't really have much advice...I know they can be bloody itchy if you get them on your skin! :D I would just watch them, they may be a bit irritated but I don't think it would get any worse than that Good luck
  6. Don't you dare apologise! That's awesome Harminee thanks so much!
  7. That's beautiful Harminee! Thanks so much! Can I just get you to take one of the L's out of Lili's name when you have some spare time please? I know, I have to be difficult and spell it differently
  8. Can someone pleeeeease make me a signature of Lili? Here's a couple of pics of the monster... Thank you!!!!!
  9. In the mean time before you start your training I would just switch to a harness, they can still pull but at least she won't choke herself.
  10. Our chi x boy does this now he's started getting older. We'd start walking and half way he would turn back and look longingly back towards home, as soon as we turned round he'd bolt. His sister is the opposite. He never had fear problems, but he did have patella surgery and has little problems sometimes now he's older so I think it's a mixture of being older, uncomfortable and a bit lazy (trust me he is)
  11. I want to teach Lili to collect a certain toy..... She is at the point where I can tell her to go get her toy and point in the general direction and she will go and get it., but I would like to train her to collect a specific toy, does anyone know how I would go about doing this? Thanks guys ;)
  12. Just after I posted she stopped it probably lasted all of a week. She would only cough when she was excited or running and it would just be once or twice! Reason I posted was that it didn't sound like kennel cough to me, it was softer, not as harsh a sound. We didn't end up going to the vet as it stopped really quickly so I think maybe it was just a cold of some kind?? I think they can just pick up colds/coughs that aren't necessarily kennel cough? She was her usual feral self the whole time! Good luck at the vets Thanks for the response Aussie3, good to hear your dog cleared up. I took him to the vet this morning...vet said "kennel cough" - which is just a generic term for "dog cough". It can be a bacterial or viral infection - essentially, it's a doggy cold. She put him on antibiotics and gave him a cortisone injection to reduce the mild throat imflamation. Checking back in a week. Yeah, I think it was the same with Lili, hiope your little man's feeling better soon
  13. Just after I posted she stopped it probably lasted all of a week. She would only cough when she was excited or running and it would just be once or twice! Reason I posted was that it didn't sound like kennel cough to me, it was softer, not as harsh a sound. We didn't end up going to the vet as it stopped really quickly so I think maybe it was just a cold of some kind?? I think they can just pick up colds/coughs that aren't necessarily kennel cough? She was her usual feral self the whole time! Good luck at the vets
  14. We started feeding Lili Eagle Pack but it got too expensive so we tried some of the supermarket brands, we tried Supercoat, Purina One and Optimum and Optimum is the best by far for us. Supercoat and Purina = smelly sloppy poo. But we just buy bags of bones from the butcher for $1 and they make up a bit of her diet too, plus the cheap sardines
  15. Who told you that? I completely disagree. I wouldn't be feeding any dog rice as a main part of their diet. They don't digest grains well and there is no real nutritional value there. You would be better off feeding a middle range dry food, raw or a mix of both. Raw can actually be quite cheap even for a big dog as you can feed them things like hearts, shanks, necks etc and can get these at supermarkets very cheap. There's nothing wrong with giving the dog a bit of rice or pasta but only when they have an upset stomach and need something really bland.
  16. Lili doesn't mind being brushed but my problem is that she sees the brush as a toy and attacks it whenever it comes near her. I usually distract her with a treat or toy in my other hand and brush her as she chews on that
  17. I was the same when we first got Lili but after doing lots of reading we decided to feed mainly raw with some kibble at times. Lili has been getting raw meaty bones since she was 12 weeks, that's what the breeder was feeding her. She gets beef bones, lamb shanks and necks, chicken drumsticks...all raw....she's never had diarrhea or any other problems, she's growing well and she looks beautiful. I've heard so many ignorant things come from vets since we got Lili it makes you wonder..... I think if you're worried about not feeding raw properly feed kibble as well, that's what were doing, I want to switch over to completely raw once she's grown. But as for a vet saying no bones?????? What??? Ok, sure I'll just feed Hills and see you in ten years when my dog needs massive dental surgery...rubbish. Don't let them scare you out of feeding raw ETA: We give Lili a bone most days as part of her diet.
  18. Our chi x went through a stage where he was having seizures. We took him to the vet and they couldn't find any reason so said it was probably epilepsy. He was probably having one every 3 months or so and now doesn't have them at all. They weren't very active, basically he would just sit still, stare into space, drool a bit and shake. And then when he "woke up" he would be exhausted. I would definitely go to the vet and see what's happening. Good luck.
  19. My puppy is also 5 months and teething but we haven't had anything like this. She has just been nippy and chewing on everything. It looks quite sore the poor little guy. Sorry I can't be of more help, hope all goes well at the vets
  20. OMG. Poor little girl. I hope she's ok Vaccinations are really starting to scare me, all these reactions. Hope it clears up fast
  21. Isn't it cute when they have teeth missing?? Lili first lost those same teeth, two lower front ones, she looked so precious Hehe I can't keep looking at her gummy mouth!! She loves to smile and show her gaps off. Well Lili is 21 weeks now and she only has two teeth left to fall out, her two top canines....she's the same, since she started teething her mouth s costanlty open whether chewing, playing, panting grumbling.....
  22. That's really scary and so sad. I see the point about not desexing, why take a risk when it's not essential? Poor little guy.
  23. I would suggest giving the Lost Dogs Home a very wide berth indeed. Lort Smith vets are good. Why do you say that? Just out of interest.. We've taken dogs there in the past and haven't had a problem....
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