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Everything posted by Bullbreedlover

  1. If she is so stressed in the crate then surely you can have her beside you. I dont think valium is going to help if she gets so stressed and worked up in the first instance. Can you crate her beside your bed at night. Fans on her to keep her cool if it is hot maybe. In this instance I dont think ignoring her will help. Good luck
  2. Sandra777 might come on here or you could do a search and PM her. We are both kiwis but live in Aus. She has Staffords. She may be able to recommend something. I love the snake chain on my Bullmastiff. Use soft leads on the Bulldog at the moment though.
  3. A couple of new soft toys today. Mojo's canine teeth are coming through and although he loves his big key toys he loves his soft toys too. Off his food a bit at the mo.
  4. Am so sorry but I totally missed this thread. Losing one to cancer is so gut wrenching. RIP Grotty Rotty
  5. Bloodhounds are just so beautiful Awesome choice of breed there
  6. He he Mr Mojo has a new nickname. Well he has quite a few. The latest is Mr White Wiggles. Cause his bum just wiggles and wiggles and wiggles Mr Mojo would like to thank all his fans for their wonderful comments :D Hey Teebs, hope you own another Bulldog one day. They are the most awesome breed in the world.
  7. Yeah but Mr Mojo is "Mr Mojo" He is so much the crowd puller. Come to Toowoomba then.Our bathroom is seriously unglamourous If we are ever able to buy this place it would be the first thing to be redecorated
  8. Mr Mojo is available but our bathroom is not what you would call glamourous and we are not in Brisbane Damn it
  9. Our top winning Bulldogs all got Kelp. It may take awhile to make some difference but it does have a great effect on their overall health Kelp provides iodine to the body for correct functioning of the thyroid glands, which influences overall health, metabolism, skin and coat. Sealife Food Grade Kelp Meal is made from the seaplant Ascophyllum nodosom, responsibly harvested from the Maine coast. The live plants are quickly dried at low temperature to preserve valuable vitamins,minerals,trace elements,amino acids, and alginates. Kelp also contributes to good pigmentation. Kelp contains some proteins, is rich in iodine, calcium, phosphorus, and potassuim as well as vitamins A, B, E and D.
  10. The bacteria between the toes needs a product like Maleseb to get rid of it. I would also look at diet. Instead of soaking the feet in Apple Cider Vinegar, add the vinegar to her drinking water,as well as coconut milk, also crushed garlic to her food. Dont over do it though in doseage. This time of the year with humidity and wetness is a bad time for yeast and fungal infections and it will continue for awhile.
  11. A couple of show stack photos of the handsome man and a funny one. Look at his expression and then look at his nose. A damn fly landed on his nose
  12. Thanks for that - I have been reading as much as I can since I found it. Now I am not sure that it would be a paralysis tick as we are in Queanbeyan (near Canberra) and the pooch was found in Bungendore. So perhaps it is a cattle tick or some other tick?? It sure looks like the picture of a partly engorged paralysis tick. I will keep an eye on him and take him to the vets first thing in the morning as he seems OK in himself (no symptoms of any kind) Two of my dogs got cattle ticks after attending the Toowoomba royal about 3 years ago. I removed them carefully and correctly. You have to make sure you get the whole of the tick. I have been told that you can smother them with vaseline. I think there is a pinned thread on ticks in health/grooming??????
  13. You can get special tweezers to remove these, but if there is a chance of it being a paralysis tick then I would be off to the vets.There is a time frame. I think it is 72 hours as such. I always carry a card in my purse which has the identifying ticks on them. WHere we are I was always of the opinion that we didnt get paralysis ticks, just the cattle ones, but a friends dog in Toowoomba died of paralysis poisioning the other week. eta Just looked on the card and it says a time frame of more than two days before ill health
  14. Done with the measuring, now he is trying to help me fold some washing. Just impossible. He climbed up on the couch so he could get in with the washing.
  15. Well you did ask for suggestions. Shade-mesh was suggested as a safer, effective alternative; and the illegality, cruelty and posed danger (to your dogs) of bird netting was highlighted. :clap: Snakecatcher, thank you for your info. The poor snakes get a rough deal and its good to know someone is on their side! Oh I dont disagree. But if they stay away from my yard they will all be fine. For all those people who have offered their opinion I wonder how you would all feel if your dog got bitten and the anguish you would go through not knowing whether your dog is going to pull through. Maybe you havent thought about it hard enough.
  16. Good luck My home town and past member/Committee member of the Rotorua Club. Havent been to a show in NZ now for a few years now. I love the NZ shows and miss them heaps.
  17. Is this aimed at me? Ill make this my last post in this thread and then its yours. Sorry for hijacking this thread of yours but i find it hard to find anything positive about the illegal misuse of bird netting to trap and kill native animals in a misguided and naive attempt to remove the danger of snakebite. Ill shut up now then. Thanks. I appreciate that. I find it extremely hard to find anything positive about having to rush my dogs to a vet to administer antivenom and to wonder whether they will make it or not just because someone tried to tell me that snakes shouldnt be trapped. I dont think it is appropriate for you to tell me what I should or shouldnt do in regards to my dogs and their safety. JMO though of course. I have never had one of my dogs get bitten(and hopefully I never will) but I have heard many heartbreaking stories. My dogs are too precious to become a statistic to a snake.
  18. Which is exactly what I am trying to do. :D The safest area for my dogs is not their outside kennels in summer as it is way too hot for them and it would be virtually impossible to snake proof that area or the whole section for the matter as it is huge. So they are in their huge indoor run which is in our double garage, which has a huge fan set up, but in order to snake proof this area so we can still have the doors open is to use boards and netting, which we have done. This is the only area which we have netting. The whole section gets looked over before the dogs get let out. If a snake got into the garage who is going to tell two Bullmastiffs to leave it whether we are home or not???????? Last summer we had a big brown cruise into the garage. Thankfully the dogs were in a different area and they were safe. So we have opted for this netting. Judging from alot of these posts, they all think I dont check the netting or that it is around the whole section or that I am going to leave them to die a slow horrible death. That wont be the case. It will be as fast and humane as possible. The only downfall is that our house is on concrete posts with good old black soil underneath. Very hard to check but we do our best.
  19. I asked for some ideas in netting for snakes. Everyone is of course entitled to their own opinion, as I am too. SO in this case, thanks everyone who has helped me with suggestions. As I have said before my dogs lives, my next door neighbours kids and their dogs life is more important than a snakes. While I dont dislike snakes entirely, I dont need any feel good stuff from people who are snake lovers so please if you dont have anything positive to contribute in this thread take your feel good snake talk and go find someone elses thread to post in. And lets stop the abuse between dolers shall we? It is totally uncalled for. Our yard is immaculate, we dont have clutter but the yard is huge,the neighbours while a little busy with shrubs and plants is also very well looked after.The house across the road is very busy though and we have a huge creek area 100 metres away from where we are.
  20. We are talking about an area RIGHT AT MY GARAGE DOORS where my dogs spend their days under the fans. Where the heck have I said that I wouldnt be checking the net? Our dogs are checked every hour during the day to make sure they are alright. If a snake tries to get to my dogs then they will be dealt with. If my dogs get bitten it is because I have somehow failed in keeping them safe, but if I find a snake in my back yard you can damn well know that I wont be calling a snake catcher. Two snakes in one day next door to us. That is two too many as far as I am concerned. Seems like you value a snakes life over a dogs. Doesnt go to well with me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  21. I have worked in a vet clinic and prepared animals for their owners to pick up after they have been given their wings. I have also been there for my dogs when they have been given their wings. It is never easy. It will never be easy. I was at my vets awhile ago when my dogs needed their annual vacs and a lady was very very distraught, then knowing she had a dog that had to be put to sleep I took the time to make sure she was OK as she left the clinic. Little did I know that a few months after that, I would have to put my favourite boy to sleep. My vet was great, the cremation people were great but even now, I am not coping, and to be honest I will never cope with the fact that my dogs may have to cross over.
  22. So we put him in with Morgan and Maggie so we could continue with what we were doing He is so funny. Tried to get up on their beds. Morgan grabbed her chewbie so MM couldnt get it and gave him a little warning that the chewbie was hers. Maggie(fawn girl) is not very fussed about MM but she is ok.
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