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Everything posted by Bullbreedlover

  1. The processed meat industry in Australia is actually alive and kicking. The abattoir I work for( a Qld export award winner) exports meat to 35 Countries around the world. The animals that are not being exported will be transported to abattoirs to be killed. The meat processed will be sold in Australia and the processed meat will either be chilled or frozen and exported. The market will experience a glut for the immediate future but this is expected to even out. In the wake of the Japan earthquake where thousands of people lost their lives many abbatoir workers were worried about the drop in trade. But in the big picture there are millions of people out there in the world who eat beef. They will stil continue to eat beef. Australia supplies many Countries with processed beef, humanely killed. Why dont we keep it that way. Please explain further your comments highlighted.
  2. I have rehomed two pups and one adult dog for free. Spayed, vaccinated, all to wonderful homes. Am I bad for doing that? Am I a back yard breeder? Actually I thought we all were back yard breeders, unless someone breeds in the front yard. Am so over the backyard breeder thing. Either it is reputable or dodgy breeder. Rehoming dogs for free does happen people. I wish everyone wouldnt attach a BYB label all the time.
  3. For those who arent surfing between the two threads. A little bit of light reading in regards to the Australian Meat exports. Nothing to do with the cruelty side of the subject but more to do with the economic side of the story. http://www.liveexportshame.com/docs/Economic%20Report.pdf
  4. WELL DONE Government!!!!! Yes some interesting times ahead WnH
  5. Thank you. I miss him so very much. He was a huge part of our lives. A great show man and a wonderful K9 friend
  6. Me too. I've caught nine since March. The dogs caught one :rolleyes: We were catching 5 or 6 a day for about a week. Havent caught any for about 3 days now. The rat trap we had(wire one) would catch two at once every day.
  7. Just get the small grey traps from Bunnings, bait it with peanut butter and dispose of the mice afterwards. Much better than mucking around with baits as such Back home we had a big problem with rats. Yeah I know not mice. At the time I had puppies in the whelping box but we had such a problem that I got a bait from our conservation people in town which didnt have a secondary kill aspect to it. It was blocks of bait which had a hole drilled in them so they couldnt take the bait away. That is where alot of the problem arises with baiting. When the bait is taking affect the rodent will also be seeking out a water supply as they will be very thirsty. I do prefer a direct kill and then dispose of them. we have just had a big mouse problem in the garage. They even got under the seat of our motorbike.We got in extra traps and hubby rebaited them as soon as possible after a victim got caught.No mice in the house but we will set traps if need be. It is just something you have to do.
  8. "She's on shaky ground if she gutlessly bows down to RSPCA and Animals Australia!" Now THAT comment defies belief.
  9. OMG That was absolutely priceless loved it even the parrots were laughing with me did anyone take note on all the views???
  10. You are quite correct greytpets. The loss of thousands and thousands of jobs and millions of dollars has affected many work places in Australia. Not just abattoirs. There is no need for the cattle to be exported and inhumanely killed.
  11. Sorry your post didnt ask about what is acceptable overseas. I was only answering your quote
  12. Is this not right then? No it is not correct RnB The standard for meat production in Australia is that all animals must be effectively stunned (unconscious) prior to slaughter. The most common form of halal slaughter complies with the Australian standard.
  13. Back in NZ we used to supply our weekend kill of rabbits to a friend for her ShihTzus. We would just bag them in the freezer until she could come and get them. She used to gut them,after they thawed,find the bullet and then chop them up with a meat cleaver and feed them. Funny thing is I never fed them to my dogs. have no idea why not. This is a small days kill compared to normal
  14. Why?????? What about embryos and semen??? What about animals that will be used to improve the genetics of livestock in third world countries? Our genetics have improved milk production in tropical countries and wool production in others. If it werent for other countries letting us import cattle, embryos and semen I wouldnt have my cattle today. It would be a shame to throw the baby out with the bathwater. What about dogs? Cats? Should we ban the export of pedigree dogs to some parts of Asia because there is no absolute guarentee they wont end up in the pot and we find the eating of dogs unacceptable? Where does it end. I would like to see Australian inspectors in every meatworks that processes cattle sourced from Australia, further training and better auditing. I would like to see stun guns introduced into all meatworks that process Australian cattle and their use ensured on every single beast by inspectors. I would like to see the fellas who work the yards in the meatworks trained in better practice as well. Those places where they were filmed beating, kicking, hamstringing and eye gouging cattle to be banned from recieving Australian cattle until they can show how they plan to change or be restricted indefinatly. I would like to see the actual lads that did it charged (however I dont think this last wish is a reality.) Last time I checked...embryos and semen can be frozen and they are exported to alot of Countries. Obviously you already know that. Suitable breeding stock will be available to use and these can be utilised for quite a few years to improve stock. Live meat animals dont have to be exported. NZ does export live animals for breeding purposes.
  15. What would your solution be KM?? I propose the banning of live beef, sheep and goat exports from Australia completely. edited to delete NZ.
  16. You havent worked that one out yet?? Given that it is a cross bred litter from a BYB they obviously couldnt wait to find homes for the puppies. Why spend more money looking after them and weaning them properly when you can flog them off to unsuspecting owners Sad isnt it
  17. I guess I am reading the bolded parts all wrong then or in the wrong context A pup should never go at 6 weeks that is true, but at least the new owners have asked for some help.
  18. Thanks Ams Can we spread the word on the OZShow list maybe? So sorry for the family
  19. I am trying to understand the bolded part of your post. Di Vetelact is a weaning supplement for young puppies. In my opinion I cant see any thing wrong with weaning a six week old puppy. This may be being done because the bitches milk supply is drying up. It may be that the puppies are not thriving but need more sustanance. This is a recommended supplement. If fed a correct diet a lactacting mum shouldnt need a milk supplement. Milk doesnt make milk. Water does. You said these people got advised by the breeder to put the puppy on this formula, but that the puppy was not fully weaned?????? If these people have the puppy(we shant go into the fact that the puppy is to young to of gone to a home)then they have gone about the right thing and are sourcing a good supplement. Or maybe I am missing the whole point of what you are saying. Are you saying that this supplement is no good for weaning? If that is the case then please explain , why not?
  20. We listen to 94.9 They had a contact number passed through but I am way out of the way to help. Just wondering if anyone else knew about the details and could post so people could help if they could.
  21. I think that would of been the accident PS. I didnt see the news as well so I dont know any more than what I heard on the radio.
  22. That a person was killed in a tragic accident near Brisbane. Apparantly the lady that rung in(friend???) was trying to find rescue homes for some of the dogs owned by the person who was killed or it could of been for the mother of the person who was killed. Temporary homes for about two months. She said that there were about 25 dogs in total that needed help but I gather that there were more dogs being cared for by someone else. I have no idea on what the circumstances were or are but does any one else know???????? I dont know the full facts, only what was heard on the radio. Does anyone else know??
  23. He is still an All Breeds judge(on the NZKC list),as he has not been convicted of any wrong doing, yet. although I doubt he has had any appointments since this case came to light. I remember it being on the news back then. I didnt realise it had taken this long for the case to be heard.
  24. We started giving these to our dogs about 7 years ago when we were milking cows. When it came time to change the liners in the shed the fairly newer ones got collected and the dogs loved them. Throw them around everywhere. They did eventually chew the heck out of them but it was small managable peices and they got a new one when it got too small. Wonderful toys for dogs
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