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Everything posted by ozjen

  1. Yep, was a really good night, extremly well catered for especially given how quickly it was put together, well done Rusky and all those that helped. :D Looking forward to seeing the photoshoot pictures too, the samples looked awesome. Hope lots of money was made by it all for the flood victims.
  2. Yep I am down to 7 fingers after last night. Tell me do you ever feed your blonde one??? Mason also takes like a shark, I have done numerous things to try and get him to stop, the only way he does take nicely is if I say 'take nicely' before I give him something, I think its a lab thing! Mmm, a certain Aussie is the same, although she knows how to take gently she's always in soo much of a rush and doesn't mind adding abit of finger to the treat.
  3. I was actually wondering about that because Trixie is developing a phantom milk bar and they came into season around the same time, and I remember the season before they both had phantoms around the same time Dogs! Yep, silly hormones, Jenna is getting herself so stressed at the moment and has torn up one of her good mats. She keeps shoving the little fellow under her and starts to get agitaited when he won't feed. I think she might get more upset if he did, with the teeth on him. How is Trixie handling it, is it just the milk or is she being all materal and nesting too?
  4. What a lovely tribute, I'm so sorry for your loss.
  5. All breeds both days its a double header, some breeds being judged separtatly to the rest of their group by another judge. Start time 6.30 both days. Good luck.
  6. Have to agree, the pictures say it all, I hope they share many, many wonderful years together.
  7. I meant that even at WC he won't be competing against Banjo as he will be too young ;) He will only be in baby puppy still Yay to 2 months long service leave! 4 more years for me ROFL. Silly Jenna! It would be a bit early for her to have pups if she was knocked up anyway wouldn't it? Nah, would probabaly be spot on, given that the last time I prog tested her she peaked at 7 days. But would have to be pregnant by nose transfer as that is the only thing that got close. Unless, Gizmo grew his bits back after all these years :D . Don't need to supervise him with Jenna as she knows he would box her ears if she forgot to be gentle with him.
  8. Imhot Yrnot Im Hotstuff Hotter thn Hot Too Hot to Touch Scorching Hot Hot Lil Devil Flaming Hot Stuff To Hot to Burn B Hot Like Me A Touch too Hot Tym T Heat it Up Cant Beattheheat Heatn the Night No Beatn th Heat R U Feeln th Heat Heatn up th Ring Folo My Heat Trail Cant Chill inth Heat Summerheat Swelter Heatn it Up Tropical Heatwave Too Much Heat Burn N My Heat
  9. Hey Amypie, have worked out why Jenna looked like she wanted to try and feed Trixie and Jasper, she is full of milk. Another falsie poor baby no wonder she's looking abit dumpy and is dragging everything under her. Mind you I did have a split second of concern, until I assured myself that there was no way a randy Pap had any chance to get with her while on heat. Even when not on heat, they are supervised when together for safety because of the size difference, so I don't know why I even had that split second of concern. If there's any orphan pups out there, I have a full milk bar here.
  10. Banjo out of sorts? Never! He couldn't decide which of my girls he had the hots for most last night Ruby thought he was a little too frisky for her liking :D Yes, a Lab who asked another dog to back off, who woulda thunk it? I think Millie has a crush on Banjo though And agreed, no way to winter yet! But I'd be happy with autumn, if only it would stay that way weather wise all year! (minus all the leaves dropped, grrr, got a yard full, but have leaves all year round to clean up anyway!!) Getting humped by a female Aussie had to put a smile on his dial (not Jenna) although I think he was more impressed when he sat on my foot and I started jiggling it to make him get off (which he didn't seem in a hurry to do).
  11. Saw these online and thought of you Crazy Cresties. http://cgi.ebay.com/ANIMAL-FIGURINE-HALLMA...=item45ed4dec9d
  12. I agree with Clyde, diet can make a major difference. My Pap use to get bad tear staining until I went over to raw feeding, now at 14 when one would expect the staining to be worse he has no issue with it. A little Apple Cider Vinegar added to the food or in the dogs water will help change the dogs PH balance too reducing the tear staining. Also avoid dogfoods that have Beet juice in them as I have heard that this contributes to the problem.
  13. http://www.earthworkshealth.com/pets-animals.phpu You might want to have a look at this option as a non chemical alternative. It is highly recommmended on one of the healthy dog sites I'm on where they try to avoid using chemicals. Only use human grade though not pool grade.
  14. I use a human treadmill for my Australian Shepherd, she loves it and will race in and jump on it as soon as I turn it on so I don't get much of a chance on it myself. Sometimes she will go stand on it while its off and give me those puppydog eyes that say "turn it on please mum". Only drawback I find is that the length of the treadmill is a tad short for dogs with a long reach. Don't think it would suit a larger breed, but at $100 second hand I wasn't complaining, it has variable speed, and a slight incline option. She didn't like it to begin with so I would get her on it and turn it off almost straight away before she had a chance to panic, so that she got use to the movement in a non threatening way and within about 3 or 4 goes she had accepted it. I also rewarded her big time to start with, she got an almost constant trickle of small treats to start with which were gradually decreased to the treadmill being the reward.
  15. You should have come and said HI - Rubystar was with me and Fetchemup was helping me Cider beat Strauss so its now 3:2 in her favour. Well done with Kelari I would of but i had friends rock up to watch and it would of been rude to wander away next tiem i will look out for the tollers again :D ahhh just saw ozjen post and have put two and two together you own the other gizmo papillion got it :D Hi Emery, sorry I picked the wrong person the other night, you looked too slim to be prego's . Nice to put a face to the name. :D That's ok ozjen. hehehehehe i get that alot rofl I do tend to hide bubs rather well i have put on no weight at all rofl. I will eventually put faces to all the names on here hahahahahaha. Our rottweiler specialty is two weeks after i am due come rain hail or birth i will be there Geez, I've hear about the amount of running you have to do at those Rottie specialties, hope you have someone else lined up to do it for you. :D My friends use to do it in relays and they hadn't just had a baby.
  16. Sounds like my Jenna's favorite toy, I buy her a new one every year. Hers is a Blue ball shapped dog head with small arms and legs and there is a yellow duck one as well. I buy then in the baby section of Woolies or Big W, prices vary between about $10 -$15. It was so funny when I bought the first couple as they were going of in my shopping trolley as I went through the carpark, going Wahoo! and barking etc. got some strange looks that day. I recently bought talking balls from Cleanrun for between $4.95 and I think 5.95 depending on size, but won't buy them again as one had me nervous one night as it kept going of by itself every time I woke up and of all the sayings it had it kept saying it was going to get me. Didn't help that in the light of day when I was feeling braver I gave it a few good kicks and told it who was boss, but why did it have to laugh and tell me it tickled.
  17. You should have come and said HI - Rubystar was with me and Fetchemup was helping me Cider beat Strauss so its now 3:2 in her favour. Well done with Kelari I would of but i had friends rock up to watch and it would of been rude to wander away next tiem i will look out for the tollers again ahhh just saw ozjen post and have put two and two together you own the other gizmo papillion got it Hi Emery, sorry I picked the wrong person the other night, you looked too slim to be prego's . Nice to put a face to the name.
  18. Kevin Kelly in Ascot is good, will send you his number through email via FB as I don't feel comfortable dispaying someone elses number online.
  19. What area is she in? Hanley Vets in Albany Highway, Maddington do cheap sterilization especially if you have a healthcare card (think thats what its called, the card from centrelink).
  20. It's so sad, but even sadder I think are the cruel comments people have made about her not saving the dog. She had 3 dogs there with her, what do you do, at least she tried. Don't people realise that with the volume of water hitting her and a paniced dog, it would have been next to impossiable for her, to say nothing of the panic she must have been feeling, probabaly fighting to even breathe in that. I love my dogs dearly and couldn't imagine not at least trying to save them but in her position I'm sure the outcome would have been similar.
  21. More probabaly to avoid the pup being uncomforable sitting in a puddle of pee or being sick. You could probabaly give it a small amount of water some also I think place a frozen bottle of water with the dog so that it can lick the moisture off the outside of the bottle. Given that they say flying is quiet dehydrating and you don't know how long the dog may be waiting on the hot tarmac to be loaded I wouldn't want to hold off on all water. You could always put an old towel in the bottom of the crate to soak up any accidents.
  22. Spent a lovely late afternoon at the beach today with my oldest son, his two boys and Jenna. This is the first time I have allowed Jenna free play with the kids (3 and 4) as I have always worried about her being too rough so she has always been kept on lead and only allowed to be lying down or sitting when they come up for pats. But she couldn't have been better behaved, it was lovely watching them all play together and her being so gentle with them, although she did get rather a shock when my son tried to wrestle with her. While she loves wrestling with me, as I said to him he doesn't have the right relationship with her to be able to do it and it only frightened her. To be honest alot of dogs would probabaly have turned around and taken a chuck out of him. He did make it up to her with alot of fussing but she kept a close eye on him after that. I was pleased that he included her in the invite to the beach though and had to laugh at my oldest grandson as although he knows Jenna's name well, he took to calling her Jenni at the beach.
  23. These two messages were on a facebook friends status, I'm presuming they are genine so figured in the interest of safety I would post them here for anyone who might be in these areas. They were posted on FB about 5 or 6 hours ago. Please repost - CURRENT NOW ACT NOW!!! A SERIOUS FLASH FLOOD EVENT NOW PEOPLE IN LOW LAYING AREAS MOVE TO HIGH GROUND!! LOWOOD, LAIDLEY, ESK ,BOONAH ,BEAUDESERT, CABOOLUTURE ,WARWICK ,ALLORA Generally all areas of SEQ if you are in a low laying area move to higher ground A MASSIVE STORM COMPLEX HAS FORMED OVER THE AREA ** JUST ON CHANNEL 9 - MAYOR OF IPSWICH - PEAK EXPECTED AT 19M !!! IF YOU WERE EFFECTED IN 1974 .. HIS WORDS "GET OUT NOW" .. WE HAVE 12 HRS .. I REPEAT TRANSMITTOR IS DOWN FOR THAT AREA - THEY ARE RELYING ON THE MEDIA TO GET THI...S WORD OUT .. My apologies if they are not genuine, but I didn't want to take the risk of ignoring it.
  24. Wow, Gallomph, it must be so hard to deal with what is happening to your home and that of friends, but I can't help but be amazed at the courage everyone in this situation is showing and how well they all seem to be dealing with it. So glad you are safe and I hope that you don't loose anything that can't be replaced. Thinking of you all and stay safe.
  25. Have to agree, it would be a great time for teaching tricks. Also teaching the dog to find things using its nose is a great way to tire them out whenever its too wet outside for exercise or in your case where your not so mobile. Start this by placing a favorite toy or ball in plain view until the dog gets the idea of what you want from them and then gradually start by hiding it just a little eventually reaching the stage where you hide it completly and you will find that your dog is using its nose to search it out. Vary where you hide it and start to vary what you hide. One of the best rainy day games to share with your dog. Another good trick that would be handy for you at present is to teach the dog to fetch things to you and I don't just mean the ball. Remote, slippers, paper, book, telephone to name just a few possiabilities, even to hand you up the dirty washing or collect up kids toys.
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