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Everything posted by Ashley

  1. For anyone on DOL that had wanted to meet the breed face to face here is your chance.... Sunday 10th July 2011 - 10:00 am - 3:00 pm Location is - The Dandenong Police Paddocks Reserve, Brady Road Endeavour Hills. See below for more details. Ash... Boerboel Australia will be holding a meet the breed Day. Come along a meet a Boerboel (Sth African Mastiff). If you know of anyone that is interested in the Breed and live in Victoria please let them know of this event. We have organised a select group of dogs to be on display for the day. This day is purely for the public to come along and meet the breed. We wish to keep the dog numbers small so we ask if you could please leave your dogs at home, unless prior arrangement is made with us. We will be having a sausage sizzle on the day to help raise funds for the club. Email Paul Schuffelen for further information on the email address provided below. Hope to see you there! Contact: [email protected]
  2. Just had a message from a Victorian Boerboel Breeder He is trying to organise a Boerboel day where all owners can get together and meet each other's dogs. And also non Boerboel owners can come and meet the breed. Can anyone think of a suitable location to hold such an event in Victoria ? Thanks Ash...
  3. 1,2,3 and 4 - Won Me Over ;) So Cute :p
  4. Cool a spare thread. May I please use this thread to advertise the sale of hand Knitted jumper ???
  5. W W What A Face ....... So Cute....
  6. Yep My Two Are Forever Eating The Long Grass. And That Is One Cute Pic Of Your Two Boxers Scouty. Looking At Their Green Feet, They Have No Shortage Of Green Grass... Ash....
  7. Africa Don't think anyone was taking the Piss. All just good advise - no-one wants to see the wrong dog in the wrong hands Happens way too often. Being from Africa yourself - have you looked into the South African Boerboel Could be just the dog for you. The breeder in NSW - Craig from Ataraxia Boerboels or Paul in Victoria at Dandaloo Boerboels. Good Luck and hope you make the right choice. Ash...
  8. Cane Corso at this point are ok and very similar....
  9. I am so sorry to hear your sad news..... Thoughts are with you. Big Hugs. :D R I P Dolly
  10. Ashley

    English Mastiff

    W :D W What a stunning Boy Another one here who would wait until he is at least 18 Months Old... Good Luck With Him. You need to hang around here on DOL so you can keep the updated Pic's posted of him as he grown up.. Ash...
  11. You Have never met my Tohko.... Ok maybe it is me -- But Why is my Zuess So Smart ?
  12. Hugz and No Flaming here. Sad, but would have done the same.. Only rule when you fire a shot from a Gun or Rifle is Identify your target. And as far as I am concerned you did just that. Was not a Human /Sheep or other. You seen what you thought was a Dingo eating your stock. Sad but Excused.. And Sorry. Ash...
  13. Hmmmm Not Sure About Cute.... But Tohko Holds The Record When It Come To Big Buts On A Dog... Not Sure If Lic_82 Has Any Pics Of His Bum. But Many A Doler Has Commented On His Rear End lol..... Will See If I Can Find Any Pics.... Ash....
  14. GoKart Tyres Motor Bike Tyres My 2 boys ( 40 kg and 67 kg ) play tug and have come nowhere near close to trashing them.. They have chewed through 2 kongs..... Good Luck Ash & The Boys...
  15. OMG Want Want Want......... Not Sure Tohko Or Zues Does But I Do......
  16. Great Looking Dogs Mick Have Loved the Ab's for a long time.... Ash...
  17. With the help of a few friends That Storm was HUGE !!!!! Does not feel like a years ago.. Where you of the "friends"??? I told them they were bl*(*()* mad staying out there in the first place. Funny about that I was proven right. :rofl: It does not seem like a year ago. :D Yep thats was us We could not leave Flaves out in the storm on her own to pack up. I even had Master 8 and Miss 11 helping out...
  18. With the help of a few friends That Storm was HUGE !!!!! Does not feel like a years ago..
  19. I have also seen a Rottie pulling a cart at a shopping centre last year. I thought it was Awesome / Cute I am sure the weight would be in the back of the cart so not too heavy for the dog. Hmmmm Maybe there is something Tohko is useful for after all He could take 10 kids at a time..... :D
  20. OMG - 3 of those in my pool area And 1 each over my Boys Beds.... =
  21. I Want My Puppy Back !!!!!!!!!!
  22. W W Awesome Pics Luke.... Well Done.....
  23. Tohko is Very Much Paris Hilton Has The Looks, And Every-One Stares But Such An Air Head With Not Much Up Top...
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