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Everything posted by bobchic

  1. Take something with you that has their scent on it... Maybe a small toy or something?
  2. Just got back. A different vet did her own exam including mouth but agreed with the vet from yesterday. *edit* Her temp was 39. Vet said it was the high side of normal. She gave Missy a pain relief/anti inflammatory injection which is to last 24hrs plus some pain killers for after. Her eye looks way better today then last night anyhow but Im really glad she now has pain relief. She is sitting in the corner of her cage all 'happy' lol. Very chilled now. Fingers crossed it all goes down asap and she is better real soon. Thanks everyone!
  3. Yes they gave them on the first visit. The vet said they should be fine but if the issue is an auto immune disease then they will cause problems. Hence why I have to take her back today anyhow... About to go and get her looked at and hopefully something to take away the pain etc. Thanks!
  4. Thanks for all the replies.. I was just so worried about her comfort levels. I ended up giving her another eye drop and then taking her to bed with me. She settled down to a deep sleep pretty quick so all I can assume is that she wasn't in so much pain that she couldn't get a good nights rest. Its a bit less swollen this morning (can't see her third eyelid anymore) but will still get my OH to take her to the vet this morning. The vet is an eye specialist so Im going to have to keep confidence that she knows what she is doing. I did tell her that Missy had bad teeth at christmas BUT I started her on marrow bones every second day which has helped hugely. Thanks so much for the responses! Sonia
  5. My poor little Missy has a sore eye. I took her to the vet today who checked her eye for any scratches etc but could find nothing at all. I think she said Missy had conjunctivitis (or something like that. Small terriers are pron to it) I have an appointment tomorrow to go back as the drops have Cortisone in them and aparently could drop her immune system. The thing is, her eye is a bit more swollen and she is just so uncomfortable. I don't know if I should head down to the 24 hour vet and see if they can give me something to take away her pain until morning.. But the cost is a factor and am unsure how much it would be ($50 - $60 is okish) What should I do? Is there anything that I might have around that house that could make her more comfortable? The eye drops are meant to be 3 times a day. But maybe I should give her another lot as it seems to take the swelling away for a bit.. I feel horrible which her so miserable (it only got worse in the last hour. Hence why I havn't done anything earlier today) Thanks everyone.
  6. Not really official or anything but my OH and I take our dogs to the grass area that the 7th day adventist church has on Mountain Highway. Not a huge area and not fully fenced off, but as long as you make sure your dogs dont go into the car park you should be fine. Saturdays are out though
  7. I am loving this bell idea!! We leave our lounge door open all day and night for the dogs and it gets FREEZING!!! I am going out to get a bell ASAP Thanks so much for the idea
  8. I use supercoat... One dog is nicely 'tubby' (not fat) and the other is a bit skinnier (but not unhealthy)... I assume the tubby one is stealing the skinny ones food, but in the end I feed supercoat and both are healthy, happy and full of energy. Their coats are soft and silky and their eyes are shinny. Just ensure their diet has heaps of bones in it and other yummy healthy things and you should be fine, whatever food you choose! Goodluck!
  9. Progress!! I have explained the humpy thing is bad and he is fine to distract her when she does it.. Now for the rest of the stuff... lol.. At least I have had 1 win.. Thanks heaps for the back up.. I will still consult a behaviorist in the future.. Just need some $$'s.. Fluffy still needs desexing.. Anyone know a good price for that? I seem to be stuck in the good ole days when it cost around 100.. Now they are asking 180 plus a consultation fee of 50!! ARGH!! I think I will just have to suck it up...
  10. You will be able to get it repaired. Things that are a month out of warrenty are still repaired under warrenty. Speak to consumer affairs if you have any issues. its not as cut and dry as they try to make out it is. Good luck!!
  11. I will see if I can locate a behaviourist to asses them. I think it might help him understand that what is happening will end up being serious. Missy's current personality is such that it would be hard for him to see her even growling or snaping at another dog. But obviously this could change. Thanks heaps for the back up. It makes me feel better to know Im not making an issue out of nothing. Yes my dog has a seeable problem now, but his treatment of his dog is not helping my dog now or his dog in the future. I can feel a change in the air!! lol For a behaviourist (sp) how much should I expect to pay for an assesment? Just a ball park figure as I have never had to price this sort of thing. Im located in VIC. Cheers Sonia
  12. The problem is my OH doesnt see the 'harm' in the behavior. I know it is dominate behavior but he just sees it as funny (which it does look funny.. but thats not the point lol) Poor Mr Fluffy is feeling at the bottom of the doggy rung and I think it is troubling him eg, he growls at my OH when Im home but when Im not there its all good. I try to explain to my OH that we have to treat the dogs the same but he thinks because his dog isnt showing any bad behavior to people that she is ok. She is allowed on the bed, couch and gets to eat if she begs. Mr Fluffy is only allowed on the couch if I pick him up to hug him and then always put him back down. Not allowed on the bed and is only allowed to eat food in his bowl at my command. I believe the humping she is doing is an effect of being 'pushed up the ladder' by my OH and not being on the same level as Mr Fluffy. What goes for 1 dog should go for the other. Can anyone back me up on this theory and give me some facts I can tell my OH to get him to take the situation more seriously? I need to add that originally I spoilt Mr Fluffy and when his started acting like he owned the place I began to put him in his place and treat him more like a dog. I really want to bring both dogs back to basics and then go on from there once we have both under control. Thanks again! Sonia
  13. I really need some help to understand this.. Its funny to see but I want to make sure its not something 'more' Missy our 1 year old Pom is ALWAYS trying to hump Mr Fluffy our male 1.4year old Pom. He is a bit taller then her so sometimes she gripps on to his middle and her feet will be off the ground. Most of the time he just stands/sits/lays and takes it. Other times he does a little growly to get her to back off. Another thing she does is 'dig' into his belly or side while he is laying down. Should I be concerned? Is it ok for this to occur? Any help would be appreciated. Thanks heap! Sonia
  14. I vote for attaching an air freshner tree to his collar... might help Or change his diet... What goes in must come out!!
  15. We took Missy to the vet yesterday because we noticed her puppy canines (top and bottom) have not yet fallen out. They are very solid, the top baby teeth are starting to curl a bit and are so long they are sticking out of her lips very slightly (maybe 1mm). The adult teeth are growing in front of these. Her bottom two baby teeth are lined up with the others and the two adult teeth are coming out on the inside of her mouth. It all looks very disturbing. Missy is a 6-7 month old Pom pup. The vet seemed to think we should wait a month or two for them to fall out. Then worry about ripping them. She said bones and chewing on things wouldnt hep encourage them to fall out... What do you all think? I know I have already seen the vet, but I also know good advice can depend on experience as well (and this vet looked mid 20's). Also the fact she didnt exam her mouth before telling us not to worry kind of didnt help... Am I overreacting? I dont want to go get a second opinion if the information she gave us is correct. If it sounds a bit off then I will go to someone else... What do you all think? If they dont fall out on their own, will leaving them another month or two while the adult teeth are growing, do any long term damage? Thanks everyone! (yes I know... I am probly an over protective puppy mummy and everything told to me is probly correct.. I just need to reconfirm it all.. You know what its like )
  16. I used one for when we bought our puppies home. Though we wrapped it in a tshirt that smelt of us to provide comfort and to stop it burning. And then they chewed it up. But thats cause we left it there after the puppies woke up. If we had of moved it there would be no probs!
  17. I remember in primary school one of the mothers would just soak her kids hair in kero... bye bye nits... Just hung a no smoking sign round there necks lol
  18. Yeah.. I bit of water to soften it up sounds like a good idea. She is known to make snorting noises when she gets excited.... She is just so much more sillier then Mr Fluffy... I think of her as a stereo typical blonde lol.. Very ditzy dog hehe. Thanks for the replies. Got a bit of a shock.. And she tried to bite my finger off when I poked it down her throat lol
  19. Missy (a little 5ish month Pom) was eating her dinner just now. Just little bits of dry food thats puppy sized. Next thing I know she is making a snorting noise and turning in circles while squatting... At first I thought she and Fluffy were playing. Then it hit me.. She was CHOKING!! I shoved a finger down her throat (she hated that!!) and dislodged what was in there. Then a little square of kibble falls out!! The silly puppy choked on her food!!How does that happen?? Now Im scared about leaving dry food out for them during the day (due to working we cant do the all important midday meal). Anyone else had puppies choke on their normal food?? She is all good now. Made herself at home in the doona next to me..
  20. When Mr Fluffy was at his humping prime and we had people over, he would pick one person out (completly random) and be very interested in that person the whole night. He would jump up on their lap, get a pat, and then start humping their arm/leg. Of course our friends thought it was hilarious (well it was funny) but poor Fluffy had to be seperated... For the greater good lol... When I took him for a holiday to my parents, he also humped my Mum's arm and my Step Fathers foot. Strange again cause he never tried my Mum's foot or my Step Fathers arm... He is all good now thank goodness!! Now its just Missy trying to hump Fluffy's knee caps (she is a fair bit shorter then him lol) Cheers everyone!!
  21. Phew... Its a bit strange... I had no real issues with fluffy humping... well I did but then got told it was normal... But in my mind I thought it was just normal for boys.. not girls!! lol Thanks for the replys everyone!
  22. Little Missy (Pom 5 months old maybe?) has started humping my dog Mr Fluffy (9 Months today) Its not Hump day so I have no idea whats going on!! Sometimes he takes it and other times they start play fighting... There is no aggression between them ever. Just not sure whats going on here... Should I discourge this? Does it matter or not? Im confused!! I can understand Fluffy as he is a boy.. But he grew out of that phase.
  23. Glen 20 for any smelly accidents in the car!!! Make sure you pack a spare floor mat for the crate as well Should be all good. Have fun!
  24. Had you noticed a difference in his water intake? Are there any other issues with him? eg change of playfulness or appetite? If he isnt drinking regulary or has another tough one I would suggest going to the vet. Maybe phone the breeder as well??
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