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  1. Gorgeous photo Brindle I'll go out on a limb and say Elsa is the drama and slobber and Daisy comes up with the grace and dignity Don't care if I am wrong they are both beautiful. Thank you Stans Mum.... I love them :) I would believe that Coogie, a lot of attitude for a little package.
  2. People seem to have their favourite when we are out walking. If they want affection with a dose of drama and slober they are drawn to Elsa. Those who just wish to stroke and compliment with grace and dignity tend to admire Daisy. Guess who is who.....
  3. Well he is the complete package; beauty,brawn and brains.
  4. I love Comfortis for my greyhounds. A friend put me onto it last year and we have been flea free. I had huge issues with Advantix - my girl is allergic so I was very nervous about a new product. Vets Products Direct is 40% cheaper than my vet though.
  5. I do use the storm defender shirt for my greyhound. You need to put it on as soon as you hear thunder or know the storm is coming. As it is suppose to stop static charge affecting the dog. I think it works to a certain degree, but I thought the rescue remedy was good too (mind you I was having to take it with a shot of hard liquor for me as well as for my grey). It is horrible to see them get so worked up. I have tried closing the house up and turnng on all the lights, playing the radio loud, calmly walking around as if nothing is wrong. At the end of the day he will be shaking, panting and unable to even sit down or eat, and the other 2 or 4 greys (fosters too) will be ASLEEP. I have slept with one leg off the bed and on him just to get him to lie down. I do believe that I have had some success walking with him (when the storm passes) to show him it is business as usual. He does love his walks and all but walks with his head under my rear, but he keeps up (bravely). I usually open the closet and he climbs in there. But he must be with you and within reach. We had a GSD when I was a child that was a wonderful guard dog but in a thunder storm would want to be a lap dog and could come through a security screen to do it. Try everything and settle on whatever works for you and Stan. My neighbour has a key and comes in if there is a storm to put his coat on, if I am at work So I guess I am overprotective too.
  6. I have heard him called a lot worst than crazy He is such a beautiful, sweet natured, well adjusted boy....when that lure is not running.
  7. What a wonderful program, I look forward to purchasing the Dvd.
  8. "Whatever" yes that is my boy. My girl on the other hand is more of a "Talk to the paw" kinda girl. This is the reaction I get after telling her to move into the back of the van, with the boys. To be fair her cousin Gemma wasn't about to wait in the back with the boys either, so that might count for some of the attitude.
  9. Tilly didn't mention that it was in the middle of winter, when she suggested I come along and I was too dim to work it out. I have changed my mind and recind my offer of Daisy going in your tent, Tilly. I will put up with green lung for benefits of doggy body heat. I am still not sure how two greyhounds with long legs and a desire to really stretch out are going to fit in a six man tent (which let's face it fits two adults comfortably) with me. But I guess if I am uncomfortable or cold I can always 'mention it.' It is not like I am not a world class ranter or anything.
  10. Hello Pawfect I bath my greyhound boy once a month (in the bathtub of course) with johnsons baby soap and then rinse with a herbal flea and tick shampoo. Combined with a good diet, he gets many complements on his coat. I have found that a small amount of natural yogart sitting at the top of the tub in the direction I want him to stay in, keeps him upright and not sitting in the warm water. And as with all dogs; get that bath sheet ready before you open the door (he loves a good teeth jarring, house trembling shake) before prancing around. My fault for telling him how 'purty' he is. His ears get a clean with a tissue (with a little dab in oil). But his nails are done by a professional. He came to me with a broken toe and if you try to trim the nail he yelps, I scream and we both have to have a lie down. I am no expert on greyhounds and just like us they have different needs and types of challenges I'm sure, but this ritual works for us.
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