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Posts posted by Pollywaffle

  1. I don't think I would call anything a sacrifice - more of an adjustment, really.

    I would certainly have a lot more money and a much nicer lounge suite and lovely Persian rugs on the floor (so there goes any money saved :laugh: ).

    There has been a lot of heartache along the way since dogs came into my life. Their devotion, stoicism, live-for-the-moment attitude and acceptance make me feel totally inadequate and unworthy a lot of the time.

    I would certainly have lots more unbroken sleep, I would be able to hop in the car and go off on a quick holiday, I could fly up to Brisbane or down to Melbourne for visits at a moment's notice.

    And, like Mantis, I have put off an operation because I simply don't know how I would manage looking after myself, 5 dogs and one cat while in a sling 24/7 for six weeks and unable to drive for 6 weeks and very restricted for another six weeks.

    Anyone in the market for 5 dogs and one cat ? :laugh: :laugh:

    Unfortunately DD, I think our inns are all full!

  2. When I had Kenny, I had to rent dumps of houses yet still had to pay top dollar, because they were the only places that would allow dogs, it used up my small amount of super.

    Now I have Cougar & am lucky enough to live in a cheap unit. 3 months ago I broke 2 of my fingers in a fall, the Doctor said he would have to put pins in them so they healed straight, but that would have required a stay in hospital. There would have been no one to look after Cougar, so I refused. Now I have 2 crooked fingers on my left hand, with limited use because I can't bend them properly. My dogs ALWAYS come first. :laugh:

    that is certainly devotion!

  3. But don't go getting another dog, take this as a cautionary tale - your husband (and perhaps you) are unwilling to keep a dog who is operating entirely within the bounds of normal, acceptable dog behaviour. If you're not able to reconcile yourself to Isobel, who sounds like a perfectly nice little animal, it's unlikely any other dog will fit the bill either, don't get another one.

    I agree, I don't think the OP and husband should get another dog. Rehome these two and be done with dog ownership. Probably like many people these days, life is way too busy anyhow.

    I agree with this as well and with what Wobbly has said.

    So do I.

    Ditto, I'm afraid.

  4. Whilst I used the word 'sacrifice' in my original posting, I have never once regretted making the lifestyle decision I have made...my dogs are worth every penny and I wouldn't change having them for anything...but the big question is...do they appreciate it? :) So interesting to read of what others have foregone for their dogs...just shows our commitment and love for our dogs....I am delighted to be part of a community that feels that way..


  5. Without too much detail, OH and I currently have a lifestyle that we would not choose; many aspects of it don’t gel, but because of the dogs (and other less central issues), we have committed to remain in this lifestyle until they leave us. Without commenting further on our situation, I just wondered what sacrifices DOLers have made for their dogs – both insignificant and significant – whether the sacrifices were/are worth it?

  6. I always think of this (old) piece when I read about dogs greeting their owners...

    The Welcome

    Author unknown

    Read it fast to yourself, and picture the scene…

    I hear it! I hear the car! HER car! And she’s coming this way! Oh, oh, I must run in and grab a gift! I must greet her with a gift! Oh, ‘BONK’ missed the step. No matter, I must hurry. Move over, doggy door! She’s coming, she’s coming! Gift, gift, where, what, oh, oh, oh, ah! A plastic bottle she drinks from, right here on top of the container they call trash! Oh, perfect. She’s coming, she’s coming! Oh, oh, oh…the door! I hear the door sound that sounds right before she comes in! Oh, it’s OPENING! SHE’S HOME! Oh, oh, ‘wiggle, wiggle, wiggle’ I cannot be still! You’re home! And look, look, I have this nice bottle! Oh, oh, you’re home, YOU’RE HOME! I have missed you so much, you’ve been gone hours, weeks, days, years! And so much has happened! A dog ran by and I chewed a tree and Pluto slept under the house and it rained a little! Oh, oh, oh! You’re home, you’re home! And you’re touching me! I can’t stand it, it’s so marvellous! Oh, and you’re speaking! “Murble, murble, good boy, murble, murble.” YES! Your happy voice. Oh, I’m about to burst! I’m so happy, happy, happy! Yes! I want to jump! I’m not supposed to jump, but oh, oh, just a little jump! “Off.” Darn. Oh, I cannot be still. I’ll roll over and wiggle on my back! Oh, yes! She’s rubbing me – my tummy, my head, my sides! Oh, oh, oh! Now what? Now where’s she going? Oh, oh, yes! Back to the room where we sleep at night! Great! It has the big pad we sleep on and ‘L-E-A-P’ I can get up here close to her. And here she comes! Oh, oh, oh! I can stand on my legs and put my paws around her neck and – uh oh! Can’t lick with this bottle in my mouth. But it’s my present to her! Oh, oh, what to do? And she’s rubbing me! But I want to lick her, oh, oh, I think I’m about to burst! “Off.” Oh, darn. Drop the bottle. Oh, YES! She’s coming back! She took off the pieces she puts on her eyes and I can stand and ‘lick, lick’ I love you, I love you, I love you, I love ‘lick, lick, lick’ you taste so good, sweet, I love that stuff you smear on your face every day. I love to lick it off, oh, oh, and you’re rubbing me again! My back, my head, my ears, oh, oh ‘lick, lick, lick’. “Murble, murble, good boy, murble, murble.” “Off.” Darn. I will lay here and watch her. Watch her peel her fur – it’s not very warm fur, I don’t think. How does she do that? And I will get that look on my face that always makes her come and rub me. The look where I roll my eyes up, and keep my head flat here and she will come…and she’s putting on her play skin! YES! We will play – sometime. I cannot be still. I am SO happy, happy, happy. Now she’s going in the room with the wonderful water bowl! I LOVE that water bowl – always cool, clean water! She’ll be out in just a minute, just a minute, just a…..yes, she’s coming! She’s here again. Oh, oh, oh…..now back to the room with the box that has pictures and sounds. Ah, I know what happens now. Yep, she’s laying down on the big pad there. Now she’ll sleep. But that’s okay. She’s HOME! SHE’S home. She’s home. And she smells tired. So I will lay beside her here and guard her and wait while she sleeps. And when she wakes up she won’t smell so tired. And we’ll play and play. S-i-g-h. I’ll just rest with her now, and smell her while she sleeps. And wasit again. For, the next thing that happens, and then, oh, oh, zzzzzzzzz…..

    Love it... :thumbsup:

    that's my girl!

  7. I know how you feel...my girl absolutely adores me...not sure where the adoration comes from, but I can sometimes be sitting watching television and I'll look down the side of my chair and she's staring up at me with adoration written across her face...sometimes it's a little confronting and a little overpowering, but I never dissuade her as there's very few people in this world who view me as she does...guess I've got to enjoy it while I have it!

  8. primarily, just wanted to convey my sympathies to both you and your dog...and to add, our little boy is now 9 and is starting to demonstrate some very strange behaviours - some quite annoying including increased barking...so wondering if it's an age thing?

  9. I know someone involved in a legal capacity at the Ipswich RSPCA and you couldn't find a more dedicated to animal causes person anywhere..so I guess as an organisation it has its detractors, but at grass roots there are some people with hearts definitely in the right place.

    That is the case with so many organisations, Pollywaffle. Those at the grass roots are working their butts off, scrimping and saving and giving their hearts and minds, while those at the top are living the high life, squandering resources and, it would seem in the case of the RSPCA, spending millions on legal fees, directors' remuneration, high profile and often malicious prosecutions, etc etc.

    Very True, DD...I guess that's why it's not right to tarr all with the same brush...

  10. I know someone involved in a legal capacity at the Ipswich RSPCA and you couldn't find a more dedicated to animal causes person anywhere..so I guess as an organisation it has its detractors, but at grass roots there are some people with hearts definitely in the right place.

  11. time often does heal they say.but reading through the comments, I wonder if Lottie wasn't the only one grieving for Michael? Perhaps Lottie was also aware of your feelings on the matter? My dogs are often far more intuitive where my feelings are concerned than any of the humans I interact with....just a thought...

    Anyway, glad you have ALL moved on.

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