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Rileys mum

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Posts posted by Rileys mum

  1. It saddens me that you feel the advice given has done more harm than good. The advice has been given with yours and the puppies best interest involved and i do hope you take some of it on board...even if you do pick and choose which methods suit you best (which is absolutely fine).

    Please try to understand, many people on this forum may not give you the advice you seek but they only want whats best for your puppy and, as some have already said, they work in rescue directly related to your breed of choice so also have an emotional aspect to the matter.

    All the best with your pup

  2. Oooh i can finaly join in this post :) I paid my deposit for my new GSP pup yesterday and i cannot contain my excitement. My little girl is currently 4 weeks old and is going to be my first show pup. I cant wait.

    My 18 month old GSP Riley is going to be so excited too. He loves puppies and is so gentle with them. He wont believe i gots him his berry own puppy to play wiv. :)


  3. hehe..they sure are little escape artists. My best friends Staffy broke out of his crate and literally tore the front door off her house. He ate the door into pieces. She had only left him in his crate for about 30 mins while she popped to the shops too. I could not believe my eyes when she showed me what he had done and in such a short amount of time. I never would have believed it had i not seen it lol. Hes a beautiful dog but suffers bad separation anxiety despite her efforts to help him. :(

  4. ok..what im going to write here is not intended to be rude or upsetting to you so please dont take it that way.

    Firstly, if you want to crate train your pup (as you say you want to do) then you cannot let your pup soil its crate at night. It is going to cry in the night if it needs to go to the toilet...its what puppies do. How else is she meant to tell you she needs to toilet? Its not so much the fact of letting her out to toilet that will teach her that crying gets her out of her crate (as you seem to think it will) it is more how you deal with her once you put her back to bed. She may cry again when you put her back to bed but just repeat the advice that has been given to you in previous posts for when you put her to bed initially. By not letting her out in the middle of the night you will NEVER teach her to hold on. she will just learn to toilet when she feels the urge. Having a puppy hold on is something that is taught (very successfully through correct crate training) Also, puppies and dogs find it EXTREMELY distressing to toilet where they sleep. Please dont put her in the situation where she is forced to toilet in her crate... it will put your toilet training effors backwards more than i can explain.

    Now...it also appears to me by reading your posts that possibly you actually dont want to 'crate train' your dog but rather want advice on how to keep it quiet when you keep it in the crate as a cage/confinement space...Sorry but you will be VERY hard pressed to find anyone here who will support this. It is cruel and just not fair on your pup. This initial stage is where you bond and have fun with puppy. If the above is correct, can i suggest possibly investing in a portable dog run type set up. It will give your dog a secure area it can be in while you are out but also give it more room to move and you can have a clear seperate area for your dog to toilet if that is the method you wish to use.

    As i said initially, i dont want you to take what ive said as nastiness, i dont for a second think you are wanting to deliberately hurt your pup. Take the advice you have been given and really have a think about what you want to do. The advice given by others is very good and comes from very experienced people who have raised and dealt with puppies many many times. :) Good luck with your girl.

  5. Agree with the previous post. Your expecting too much too fast. There is more to crate training than putting a blanket in and expecting that to make it a positive place to be.

    Heres a quick link i found that you might find helpful in training your pup to find the crate a safe and positive place.

    DONT be in a rush to close the door while you are training the crate and treat treat treat for ANY interaction with the crate. You want pup to see the crate as a place of yumminess and positiveness. Feed pup in his crate too. As he gets comfortable in the crate you can begin closing the door etc.


    Pup will need to go out at the very least once in the middle of the night too. Its important you dont put your puppy in a situation where it is forced to soil its crate. It must be taken out in the night to go to the toilet which means you must get up and take him out.

    For me, i put my boys crate in my bedroom for the first few nights. I didnt interact with him at all but if his crying got too persistant i would just say 'quiet' in a slightly stern voice and that was enough for him to cease crying and settle. then slowly over a week or two i moved his crate from my room into the room he sleeps in. This may work for you.

    Dont be disheartend by the crying. its normal.

  6. I popped in today too to have a nosey...and as luck would have it i got there just in time to watch the GSP's too. Got to perve on my boys sire which was nice.

    Im super motivated now and cant wait for my pup to arrive :) I think ive got alot of learning to do though lol. The pace was so fast...dogs in, dogs round, dogs out lol.

  7. Hey guys. I posted a little while ago about starting out in the show ring. Sooo i have two lovely little bitches put on hold for me to pick from when they are a bit older and im super excited :) i currently have an 18 month old desexed male who is very well socialised and a lovely friendly boy. I thought i would just ask a bit of a nuff nuff question regarding having a bitch living with a desexed male dog.

    what issues (if any) should i anticipate. Will i need to seperate them when the female is in season even though my male is desexed? Ive never had two dogs of different sex's before so would love peoples experience with this. I wasnt sure where to post this but thought you guys in the show forum section may have some experience with this :)

    I have a feeling i will be popping in here asking lots of questions :) big learning curve is coming on lol.

  8. Another coke/plastic bottle fan in this house too. He LOVES them more than anything else ive ever purchased for him lol.

    He also likes fluffy toys he can pull the stuffing out of. I bought him a fluffy ball that has lots of smaller balls inside of it that he has to pull out to play with...he seems to enjoy that.

  9. ah i hadnt even thought of neuter classes for my boy. Might be a thought. Ill have a bit of a look into it.

    And what an awesome idea taking him to the classes to learn with. I am definately going to look into that. Your spot on....then when i at least get the new pup i will have a fairly solid idea on what i am doing...or trying to do lol.

    thanks again everyone. :)

  10. Thankyou so much for your info guys.

    My current boy is on limited register and is neutered (i got him as a pet/companion. No taking him strutting in the ring but hes my special man and he has made me fall even more in love with the breed than what i was when i first got him :)Ive wanted a second GSP for a while now and ive finally made the decision to take the plunge and get myself into the dog show world :) quite excited about it lol)

    Ill definately get in contact with the breeder and see if they would be willing to sell me a nice dog and teach me the ropes :) I feel a big learning curve coming along but im keen for it :)

    thanks again :)

  11. Hi everyone.

    Im absolutely certain this topic has probably been done before but i was hoping someone (or several people ) may be able to offer me some of their knowledge.

    I am very very interested in getting into showing. I am specifically looking at GSP'S (have an 18 month old and am smitten with the breed and everything that goes with them. I would be looking at getting a second, show quality pup to learn the roaps and have some fun)

    I have a breeder whom i really like (who i got my current boy from) and am hoping to get a nice pup from them. My question is, how does one go about getting a quality puppy. I will be honest in saying that i would not be able to pick a quality pup from a litter (i am familiar with the breed standard etc but i just dont have the knowledge to pick a pup that will develop into a well conformed adult dog). How do you approach a breeder and state that you are wanting a show quality pup? I dont want to come across like a complete fool when i take the plunge and start looking so would love to know what other breeders do when selling show quality puppies to beginners. What should i expect? Ive shown horses my whole life and know that i would never have sold any of my youngstock to a beginner who approached me saying they 'wanted to show'. How do i make it clear that i intend to take it seriously, am a responsible owner and want to do the kennel justice (i hope im making sense here lol).

    Once i have found a pup, how does one go about learning how to exhibit. Are there classes you can attend to learn these sorts of things. Ive tried google but cant seem to find anything to point me in the right direction.

    ANY information would be really appreciated. This is something ive wanted to do for quite some time and im now in a position to really start looking and having some fun :)Ive attended a few shows and think ive got the bug before ive even stepped into the ring lol.

    Thanks guys.

  12. Quick question. I have a dog with a fetish for pulling the stuffing out of any stuffing filled object.....including his bed.

    Now..... up until about a week ago he has been sleeping inside in his crate (wont destroy his bed inside his crate) but due to a change in my roster there will be times when i will have to leave my boy outside after dark and in the cold over night and i wont get back home until late afternoon (which means i cant crate him inside while im gone as it will be over 14 hrs until i get back to him).

    The last two days i have come home to his beds completely destroyed. As its so cold i want to make sure he has nice warm bedding so im after ideas on what people might use that is nice and warm but has no stuffing. Are there any products on the market like this? I have left him with two polar fleece rug type things but i know they probably wont keep him warm at night. Im thinking i may need to just give him 5 or so seperate rugs to give him a deep warm bed that he cant destroy but just wondered if anyone had a particularly warm and strong product they could recommend. He also likes draggin his bedding around so i have to work out a way to secure it inside his kennel....but thats a seperate issue lol

    Unfortunately he destroys any dog rug i leave on him whilst hes unattended too.........grrrrrrrr.

    He also gets a big long run/walk before i leave so his distructiveness isnt really due to boredom. I think he sleeps for a while then gets a second wind early in the morning and this is the time the destruction happens lol.

    lucky i love him :)

    anyway after that ramble....any ideas on products greatly appreciated.

    :) cheers.

  13. Thanks guys. I actually hadn't thought of swimming him. I'm not sure if there's pools around but I'll definately look into that. He would love it :)

    Along side a bike is an idea too. Although I don't own a bike lol. Might have to embrace my inner child and purchase one :)

    I think I'll start doing short bursts of jogging with him and see how I go. Getting fitter has to be a good thing too right.!!!

  14. hi all.

    Just after some advice from others who have high energy dogs.

    Recently I have taken to using the local dog park as a way of burning off energy in my dog ( I know I know. I hate them too) He literally runs around non stop for around 20 mins, sometimes longer while he's there and is a happy relaxed boy when he gets home. The issue is, lately I have seen a trend in dogs at this park being aggressive, dominant and playing in a dangerously rough way (It's almost beyond playing and into what I'd describe as aggression but without biting etc.....I don't like it.) Most of the owners are generally very responsible there but it's just become a place I don't like going to and feel it's too risky to go to. ( and it's very clicky too which makes it uncomfortable)

    So I guess I'm wondering what others do to burn off energy in their dog. I do obedience and foundation agility training every day to keep his brain tired but he still needs his physical needs met ( simple long walks on leash come nowhere close to meeting his energy requirements) although his recall is getting there it's not good enough for any off leash work as yet.

    I'm really not wanting to use the dog park anymore.

    Sorry for the rant.


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